Saturday, 4 January 2025

Aragorn, You Need More Men (Backlog Clearing: Sept-Dec '24)

 It's been a while, as my last update was early September and I ended up being too busy to get this done when I hoped in late Oct/early Nov. So here we go.


With nothing on the horizon (that I was yet aware of) to paint for, I decided to clear my three Vault Warden teams from the pile. Doing these in the same style as the team that I did previously, but I did the original one as a Scottish flag. Looking at the old Shadow and Flame book, I wondered if I could do some hidden meaning with it. Seeing that the X looked the same as their symbol for '4', I decided to make them all have the symbols for 1-4.

It was then as I was checking over my army for the Warhammer World Teams event I realised that I was short 4 elven spears, so I hurriedly bought some out of CJ's for sale pile and got them done up to match the others (essentially traditional colours with Incubi Darkness cloaks).

Finally in September, for the one day event on the Friday before Teams, I wanted to take Arathorn's Stand LL. This would require me painting up the last six Rangers of the North in my pile. In the rush to do them, I forgot to take a photo, but I did them the same as the others (typical Ranger colours with grey cloaks).


I began October by finally doing the new mounted Elrond, using the same approach as I did for his foot version last year. This was similar to the elven warriors but mixing gradually more Caledor Sky into the Kantor Blue to give stronger highlights and doing the same with the Lupercal Green adding Waaaagh Flesh and then Deathworld Forest.

After doing him, and looking ahead to my Throne of Skulls army (Leaders of the Fourth Age), I realised that there was a handful of other models that I would need to paint up. So I grabbed my mounted Arwen when the BSIME stream for Fellowship week came up. I painted her up similar to my foot version from several years ago. I also tried a tip mentioned by our local, Will, 'Never go for pure white, always do an off-white, even if it's very slightly tinted'. So I made Asfaloth a very pale grey, and tbh it was great advice.

The next BSIME stream was Merry and Pippin week, and I had got the new Gandalf box a few months prior. I was happy with most of the model, but don't think I quite got the face right.

Next up, I started doing some of the new Arnor/Angmar releases for a large scale scenario we were going to play in early December. I needed to paint Aranarth, Aldrac, Fraecht and a warband of Carn Dum warriors. 

I kicked off with Aranarth, figuring he'd be the most straightforward and had a nice striking pose. I changed the scheme from the official one and made it more green/brown to be more Ranger-esque.

Next up, I went for the two heroes that I was most keen to get stuck into, Aldrac and Fraecht. I scrapped the red from the Carn Dum colour scheme as I wanted a more rugged and nomadic look to them, so opted for a dirty brown look.


Off the back of those two heroes, I did the warband. And I knew they were going to be a very long winded effort with all the bones and details across their models. They took me a little over three weeks in the end, but I was happy with them.

It was as I got to the end of the Carn Dum job, that I realised that I needed Eomer foot and mounted done for Throne of Skulls still, so he was quickly dragged through the queue. I made a cock up as I put the heads on the wrong way round (foot on mounted and vice versa) and it left a bit of an awkward fit with his plume against his spear. But a little knife work and green stuff fixed that.

It was a gorgeous model to paint and one that I've put off until I could give it the time it deserved.

With a week to go until Throne of Skulls, I finally got a ticket, but also realised to my horror that I wasn't done... My mounted Elessar was painted, but in an old scheme that I had tried but was a little off put by now. So I hurriedly resprayed and got him done with a couple of days to spare.


With Throne of Skulls done and no more events to paint for this side of New Years Eve, I was free to pick as I pleased. Another BSIME stream came up and the theme was legacy-ed models and profiles. I had claimed a couple of the named Ringwraiths that I had always admired yet never bought, the Dwimmerlaik and the Tainted. So I put them together that night and in early December, decided to polish them off and remove them from the pile of shame.

I decided against the coloured robes in the official paintjobs and kept them as the wraiths are in the films, as I've seen others do it before and appreciate the darker look to them for it.

The end of the year was now looming so I chose something that had been neglected and just needed finishing, a few leftover and forgotten Morannon Orcs from my Battle of the Pelennor box back in 2018, finally done and ready to fight.

With a handful of days left in the year, I wanted to finish with something cool, ideally retro and that I have a particular fondness for. 

Digging into my pile of shame, I found something that I grabbed last year at the 7th City Grand Prix, a model I had great memories of from 20yrs ago, but sadly lost to time. Now I could redo him, and although I usually paint his kin in blue, black and white, I decided to do him in his traditional look.

Old 'Old Dain', I figured that I could use him as a Dwarf King in my Army of Thror next edition to represent Nain, Dain's father'.

I did his red with a base of Khorne red, highlighted with a mix of Khorne Red/Skrag Brown and his green based in Waaaagh Flesh then highlighted with a mix of Waaaagh Flesh/Deathworld Forest.

End of year round up

In the end, this year I had painted far less than last years, but I'm not unhappy with that as 2023 was an insane push and I spent a lot of the early year sorting out the Seven Stones project for May. Compared to 2023's total of 217, this year I managed 124. This reduced my pile of shame from 316 to 229 (due to new models bought), which isn't a terrible effort. Although the new War of the Rohirrim starter box and my b'day/Xmas has undone all of that progress (back to exactly 316), but never mind, it's cool stuff!

The effort for Seven Stones did deliver as James and I managed to win the coveted Palantir for best theme as one of our two big achievements for the year. The other being our team (Tom and the Mellon with Tom and Vince) winning the Most Sporting trophies for the Warhammer World teams event in September. With those two big awards won, the year was automatically considered a big success to me.


I kept track of my game results in tournaments for the year too and in total, from a pool of 80 games, I had won 34, drawn 6 and lost 40, so also not a bad mix. I also tracked the heroes that I had slain, and my biggest victim ended up being Mauhur, who I killed a total of six times!

Finally, we look at hobby Bingo, I managed to fulfil it last year. But this time, I didn't quite manage it, simply because time wasn't on my side, but I gave it a good bash.

Shockingly, I didn't get around to watching LOTR nor the Hobbit all year, we were expecting to move from April onwards and it never happened. I had been holding them up my sleeve as entertainment whilst we sorted out internet service after the move. For a display board, I had ideas of doing one for my Kings army in November, but simply couldn't make the time. I almost achieved the man/dwarf/elf one, but never got a third elf nor two more dwarves sorted (I realise as I'm posting that I hadn't added Old Old Dain to the list). Finally, I intended to paint mounted Dwalin on goat for my favourite character, but again never got the time.

All in all, I left behind 2024, feeling like I had achieved a lot and could look back fondly. Now let's see what 2025 offers.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Sam’s Top 10 ‘What the hell just happened?’ moments 2024

 I started doing this annual post two years ago. (First post for 2022 here: ) When I thought it would be a fun way to end the year by recounting some of the silliest, most shocking or spectacular bad luck gaming moments of my year. Last year, I added in special mentions for things that I had seen, but not been a part of, as there was one in particular that blew me away. (2023 post here: )

This year, I took on the recommendation made by one of our locals, James, and included my moments of incredibly good luck! So lets start going through them, note that these are, as usual, not necessarily by odds, but by spectacle.


Good- A Time of Valour (Kieran (Sept))

I am Azog’s Legion/Dol Guldor, Kieran has Boromir, Captain of the White Tower in combat beside Bolg and the Keeper of the Dungeons. I call a Heroic Combat with the latter. Kieran thinks and decides not to call a Heroic Strike or Defence, so as not to let Bolg ‘Master of Battle’ it. 

The combat goes off and Bolg rushes Boromir as expected, Boromir contests Bolg’s 6 in combat with a 3 high, including banner reroll. Knowing the danger he’s in, Boromir spends three might to match it. 

He then loses the roll off, his horse and three wounds (trapped). He rolls all three fate and has to spend another might to survive. Meaning that he has dropped from full stats to 1 wound, 0 fate and 2 might in one turn. 

The next turn, he got another 3 high to Bolg’s 6 and was slain. Denethor blamed Faramir.

Bad- Weekday Warhammer World event (Chris (Sept))

I am using Arathorn’s Stand LL, he has managed to preserve all his might, when my army breaks. He rolls his first courage test and rolls Snake Eyes. He burns all three might, but saves one with the Isildur’s Heir bonus. 

He charges the Mouth of Sauron, calls a Heroic Strike (getting it free again), building up to great heroics here…more encouragingly he gets to F10, and so can feint!

He then promptly rolls triple 1, takes two wounds and fluffs his fate. #Anticlimax


Good- Ardacon Doubles w/ James (Ali/Ryan (August))

We were playing as Defenders of Erebor LL. Old Dain is charged by young Dain on his pig. My Dain wins the fight after neither call Strikes and slays Oinky. The following turn, now pigless Dain tries again, but loses for a second time and takes two wounds. He retreats and Thrain comes rushing in to attack my now mightless Dain (Heroic Moves). 

Thrain calls a Heroic Strike, with no counter, but Dain wins this too and smashes him with Barazanthual and causes three wounds! Thrain survives on 1 wound and 1 fate, but is understandably shaken.

Dain is then surrounded by Thrain and others and takes just one wound. Before facing a goat rider, who knocks him down on the charge, an Iron Hills warrior and Thrain again. 

Showing just how formidable he is, Dain wins the combat, despite the odds, and ends the game on his feet!

There is one that I can call ‘King’!

Bad- Throne of Skulls (Chris (Nov))

My leaders of a New Age army was facing Chris’ White Council. 

In the midst of this, Bard II was showing himself to be the weak link, failing two consecutive courage tests (1/2 both times) to help his allies. 

Once in combat, he faces Elrond and both call Heroic Strikes. Elrond goes up by one, so Bard excitedly rolls his own..and also goes up by one…

Elrond, who is now out of might, compared to Bard’s two, rolls a 4 high. Bard prepares for an easy win, and spectacularly rolls triple 1, rerolling his banner to be his fifth 1 in a row.


Good- Seven Stones w/ James (Billy/James (May))

The Knight of Umbar sits atop his fellbeast before us, so terrible a foe is he, that he has ripped apart one of our Hasharin, and terrified the other to the point that he accept execution for cowardice, over facing him. (We had a special rule in play for our leader Castamir, that we could reroll courage tests for terror within range of him, but if failed, accept death instead).

So we come to our lesser assassins, a couple of Watchers of Karna. One is killed in combat, and the other is stood before the Ringwraith. I suggest to James, how thematic and cool it would be to have our last assassin kill such a prize. 

I roll his courage, and even with the +2 for charging a ‘Terror’ opponent, he gets a whopping double 6! He then defeats the Nazgul in combat and rolls a double 5 to wound, which adding his Hatred of Spirits, scores two! One gets through the fate and he pulls off a moment of true heroism!

Bad- Seven Stones w/ James (Billy/James (May))

In the exact same game, we had a simple but hilarious moment of misfortune. Across the centre of the board was a small stream that we all agreed to play as deep water.

Our entire army was forced to swim across the river (it was Recon), and somehow every single one of them made it, thanks to the lack of heavy armour and shields (playing Harad and corsairs).

Well there was one who drowned…the banner bearer…hmm…


Good- War of the Ninepenny Kings (Ed (Feb))

The scenario in play was Assassination, and having only two heroes, my leader and Bifur, it was obvious who would be Ed’s target. 

Unfortunately for me, Ed had Isildur with the Ring. He put it on and savagely attacked Bifur, who obviously lost the combat. But to be fair to him, he did make Isildur spend his final two might to do so. Bifur was in trouble, as there was now six strikes coming at him, with Enchanted Blades active, he was likely to take two wounds and possibly die. But Isildur managed to fluff all twelve blows. And then proceeded to fail every Ring roll for the rest of the game, running in the opposite direction, allowing Bifur to make a hasty retreat!

Bad- Practice Game (Tom (Jan))

My Old Dain was having his first game of the year, and was having a rough one. He fought a Khandish King alongside three Iron Hills warriors for two consecutive turns, losing both times and ending up on 2 might and 1 wound.

He then calls a Heroic Move, which was contested and won by the King, who rode his chariot straight into Dain and flattened him. 

Later that game, the same chariot also ran over his son, Thorin III.


Good- Eastern Expansion (Sol/Oliver (April))

I was playing as the Iron Hills, when I got Dain to charge an Isengard Troll while atop his pig. He used his last might point to Heroic Strike, with me hoping to do a little damage and make Sol and Oliver a little more hesitant to throw the troll at me.

Instead Dain won the combat and then rolled four 6s to kill the beast outright! 

In the next game, he launches himself into the Troll Chieftain, who is on two wounds. Dain wins this fight too and rolls his first two strikes, scoring another two 6s, not rolling anything less to wound a troll all day!

Bad- Local League Doubles w/ Jim (Jason/Dan (May))

Our Gandalf the White, Denethor and two warriors of Minas Tirith charge the now mightless Cave Drake, with the intention of slaying it and being able to win the game from the momentum that brings.

Gandalf calls Heroic Strike, getting to F9. And all the dice are rolled. To our horror, we get a 3 high, including with our banner reroll. The Cave Drake rolls a 5, and puts itself out of reach of Gandalf’s only might point.

It then immediately swallows Denethor and wins the game.


Good- Eastern Expansion (Chris (April))

It was rough start to Destroy the Supplies, including the Spider Queen and many orcs being shot dead against the Rangers of Mirkwood with my Fell Beings army.

But once combat started, I returned the favour and quickly the ground was levelled. In the last few turns, an incredible series of events occurred; first, Razgush, slays Tauriel, causing a total of 11 wounds! Second, he pushes on to kill another 7 elves personally. At the end of that killstreak, they are quartered. Third, Legolas fluffs five direct hit attempts to kill my Shaman on his final wound, who is keeping my army in line with Fury. Fourth, one spider destroys a second supply, while a Batswarm passes two courage tests to reach my own supply, which is threatened. Before killing the Ranger Captain and a ranger, who were trying to destroy it. And finally, two spiders defeat Legolas and cause 3 wounds to slay him and narrowly win the game!

Bad- Scaring of the Shire 3 (Stephen (Oct))

I’m up against Stephen’s all magic army with my Rivendell army and was taking a magical bombardment from the likes of the Witch King, the Tainted, the Dwimmerlaik, the Shadow of Rhudaur, Barrow Wights and spectres. 

In the most disasterous turn, my banner was paralysed, Glorfindel rolled triple 1 to resist an immobilise, Erestor rolled a double 1 to resist a black dart, before rolling a 1 and a 2 for his fate and dying. 


Good- Practice Game (Jason (Jan))

Jason’s Dalamyr charges my Thorin III in the late game, he throws a smoke bomb in his face as he approaches and then, with Thorin now in deep, the mounted Knight of Umbar joins in alongside 3 Corsair warriors. Meaning that he was being hit by 16 strikes, if he lost, and, having no fate left, was almost certainly dead.

Jason rolled all his dice and scored a 5 high, while Thorin managed a 6! Not only did he escape the jaws of death, but the Knight of Umbar had spent his last will point on the combat and poofed away!

Bad- Even the Smallest Person (Tom (Jan))

Tom…my nemesis…

5yrs ago, I had played Tom in a fateful game of Heirlooms, where I took it off him with Elfhelm, then fought a hard game to keep ahold of it for the next hour. As we rolled our final priority, I won it on a 2 and triumphantly went to move. I rolled my courage tests and EVERYTHING fled the field…dropping the Heirloom neatly at Tom’s Mahud King’s feet. Well everything fled, except one lone Royal guard in a far corner, allowing Tom’s King to step forward and claim it. Turning my 8-4 victory into a 10-0 defeat immediately. Since then, he has been my white whale.

Allow that to set the scene for when I drew Tom in the opening game of the year, and at last, a chance of revenge! It was Fog of War, and we only had one spare hero each, making defended heroes/targets obvious to each other. I managed to pile many models onto his Khandish Chief (the target/defended hero) in his chariot, and slew him. Upon then breaking Tom’s army, I then just needed the game to end to claim it.

After two rolls that continued the game, my Knight of the White Tower (my defended guy/Tom’s target) rolls his courage test, as I broke, and gets double 2. I use his will and the army bonus to keep him in the battle.

Two turns later, after me begging the game to end, and calling that the roll will be a 3 to torment me, he does it again and flees, causing a 6VP swing. Then having the guy holding my objective for me also flee. The game naturally ends immediately after this and instead of winning 10-1, I draw 4-4. Against Tom, that stung. 😆


Good- Practice Game (Tom (March))

Playing Destroy the Supplies with Rangers of Ithilien against Tom's Host of the Dragon Emperor. I     was concerned, not having much to deal with the Easterlings in combat when it came to it. I had brought only 1/3 bows too, so didn't have a lot of ranged threat.

Despite this, on the approach, I managed to get a wound on the Emperor, even with fortification in the way. It goes through all three fate and sticks! 

Once the Emperor arrives in combat, he fights Sam, Smeagol, Damrod and a warrior. We both call Heroic Strike and Sam goes to F8, while the Emperor gets to F7. The crowd of unlikely heroes win the fight and only Damrod scores a wound, until Smeagol steps up. He rolls a double 5 to wound, and spending his only might, leaps up onto the palanquin and throttles the Emperor of Rhun!

Bad- Send Forth All Legions (Chris (July))

This was somehow the first time that Chris and I had ever played, despite attending regular events together for 7~yrs. He had an army with three trolls in it (not those ones, these were Troll Chiefs) so I set up a strong frontline to face them in Breakthrough.

I decided that I was going to try to kill a couple of trolls early to cause heavy damage to his army early on. So I threw Glorfindel and Arathorn at one each. Both Strike up well, but over the next two turns, neither, with all their allies involved managed to get a duel roll above a 4, with a total of 24 dice! By the end of that second turn both were dead. The elven warriors managed to put up a good fight afterwards, but couldn't save it.


Good- The Wolfs Lair Returns (Jakub (June))

It was the last turn and a game that I felt I had been certain to lose, with Jakub being a very accomplished player. I was using a mixed list of Azog's Legion/Hunters against his Rohan force.

Jakub won a Heroic Move off and pulled Grimbold back, hiding him on a ruin (my terrain objective). So needing to claim that terrain to stand a chance of victory and presuming that Grimbold must be his defended hero, I charged and surrounded him with a hunter orc and two Gundabad orcs, one being a spear support. 

Jakub responded in his own move phase, by dismounting Merry from Eowyn and running him onto what I assumed must be his own terrain piece. Eowyn then ran her horse over and charged, with full wounds and fate, into the hunter orc and Gundabad spear. In the combat phase that followed, they managed to not only beat Eowyn, but also cause three wounds! She then failed a fate and was slain! Grimbold then also lost his fight and failed to push me off my objective.

By the end of the turn, I had kept my defended hero unharmed, taken my terrain piece albeit contested and had broken Jakub. He had failed to kill his target (Fimbul), as when he tried, Fimbul instead one shotted Erkenbrand. He had captured his terrain piece, kept Grimbold unharmed and broken me. So with those objectives, despite the catalogue of misfortune, Jakub would have won 7-5...except I had claimed one last objective, when Eowyn charged me and fell to those two orcs, instead making it a completely undeserved 8-7 victory for me! Jakub was very gracious despite the fact that nothing was landing in his favour throughout, and had still made it a real challenge for me anyway.

Bad- Practice Game (Jason (Feb))

In another game with King Dain, who's becoming a regular in this list, for good and bad reasons. I had him rushing with his Iron Hills dwarves towards Jason's corsairs. He levelled fifteen crossbows and I wasn't too concerned as they would need 4+ to hit and then 6 to wound, so they might cause two wounds if I'm unlucky...

Seven of them hit and five of those wounded Dain...I awoke in the fetal position to Jason's cheers.

Special Mentions

3. (Tom (Battle of Fornost))

Tom hates elves…

So when we were doing the large Battle of Fornost scenario, he commanded some orcs and threw himself at the Rivendell contingent with reckless abandon. 

Early on, I spotted that Nazthak was one Heroic Combat away from their banner. I heavily pushed on this idea and at first Tom was unsure, until I asked him if he was going to let an elf tell him he couldn’t have it? The red mist descended and the might was spent! Nazthak did what we expected, cutting down the elf he fought, claiming their shield. But then also beat and killed the banner bearer too, leading to Tom ululating in victory!

Nazthak then held that banner behind enemy lines for several turns, each turn survived a personal victory to Tom! He did eventually fall, but he had earned a hero’s honours.

2. (James (Ardacon Doubles))

My ever-suffering doubles partner, James, has been known to have his own moments of miserable luck. 

In this circumstance, we had broken and King Brand was poised to put up a Stand Fast and keep the men in line. But instead James rolled 1/2…muttering and burning 2 will to keep him in line. 

The next turn, again depending on the Stand Fast, James uses his last might point to call a Heroic Move…Brand promptly rolls another 1/2 and is off the field before you can ask if he’d do it for a scooby snack?

1. (??? I wish I knew who it was, but alas (Seven Stones))

Tauriel had successfully overcome all foes in the first round of the arena of champions, and had done it in style! Coming out with three might and all four fate, but only one wound still available (the arena awards heroes costing less than 100pts with bonus M/W/F). James and I had been thoroughly spanked out of our own arena relatively early.

She goes into the second round and outlasts a handful of others, looking a clear favourite to win! Damian was watching and beaming!

Then, up steps Gimli, he throws an axe at her and strikes true, causing a wound. Tauriel rolls her fate and gets a 1, the crowd cheers. She rolls another fate, and gets another 1, the crowd gasps… she rolls again, sweat starting to trickle down her forehead…and gets yet another 1! The crowd gasps excitedly! She rolls her last fate…and gets, can you believe it, a fourth 1!! The room erupts! Damian shakes his head mournfully…she spent all three might to save it, only to be cut down by the dwarves a handful of minutes later.

You can hear the glorious moment here on Entmoot’s episode (between rounds 3/4).


Good- Weekday Warhammer World event (Marcus (Sept))

The final game of the day, I got a Depths of Moria opponent, in Contest of Champions with my Arathorn's Stand LL. Probably one of the toughest matchups that I could have anticipated!

Nonetheless, Arathorn decided to lead with heroism. He deployed front and centre and rushed as many brave men as would follow him into this foe. Before he dies, they get the Balrog down to six wounds, then Halbarad takes up the baton. As he falls, the Balrog is down to two wounds. The remaining rangers get him down to his last.

At this point, I have two Rangers of the North left. One faces a goblin and the other, the Balrog, a Captain and three goblin warriors. The Balrog calls his free Heroic Combat and rips apart the first Ranger, leading the Captain to join the goblin against the remaining Ranger, his two dice against their seven. I throw my dice out and get a 4...they roll and get a 2 high!

With shaking hands, I roll my dice to wound, getting a single 6...I pick up that dice, needing a 5 to pull this off...and he only goes and does it! A lone outnumbered Ranger of the North slew the Balrog of Morgoth!

It is in men that we must place our hope!

Bad- Ardacon Doubles w/ James (Wyn/Gethin (Aug))

Up against Wyn and Gethin's Assault Upon Helm's Deep, we finally got the moment we utterly dreaded, as the bomb was detonated before our frontline, it rolled a 2 for wounds cause and killed heroes and troops alike. Well except the berserker, who had detonated, who rolled triple 6 for his 'You will know no pain' rule and survived, covered in soot!

That was impressive enough, but towards the end of the game... We needed to capture the centre, so I insisted, with an unknown amount of time left, that James calls a Heroic March with his Dale Captain and gets there ASAP. He obliges and immediately takes a ballista to the face killing him. The final punchline being that he flies into the same berserker, wounds him and once again the stubborn bugger just rolls a 6 and refuses to die! He survived the game.

I hope this list of fortune and misfortune has entertained you, and I will work on another list for 2025 and the next edition!

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Battle Report- The Battle of Fornost (Dec '24)

Last year, we decided to end the year with a big blowout battle with multiple players, when we did the Siege of Edoras. Annoyingly, with the coming release of War of the Rohirrim, that could have been a great theme for this year. Instead, we discussed and decided that it would be a lot of fun an dramatic to search for the largest battle in 'Rise of Angmar', settling on the Battle of Fornost.

We then decided that to make it larger and better, we should scale it up. So we added extra points to both sides to keep it even, including some additional heroes, that could have been there, and eventually had our participants looking like this.


Minas Tirith Captain





Knights of Minas Tirith x9

Warriors of Minas Tirith x43 (1 Banner, 14 Shield, 14 Spear/Shield, 14 Bow)

High Elf Warriors x43 (1 Banner, 14 Spear/Shield, 14 Elf Bow)

Rangers of the North x11 (2 Spears? I have lost track of how many we used in the end)

Dunedain x3 (1 Spear)

Rangers of Arnor x12 (4 Spear)

Hobbit Archers x8

The Witch King

The Tainted

The Dwimmerlaik

The Shadow of Rhudaur





Barrow Wight

Wild Warg Chief

Angmar Orc Captain (Shield)

Angmar Orc Warriors x84 (2 Banner, 26 Shield, 28 Spear, 14 2h, 14 Bow) (Some bows proxied by Orc Trackers)

Carn Dum Warriors x12

Wild Wargs x12

Dead Marsh Spectres x6

Werewolves x2 (Proxied by Mounted Azog and White Warg)

Hill Trolls x2

Over 260 models in play!

We split the forces amongst our 6 players; Minas Tirith (Josh), Rivendell (Will), the Rangers (James), the Orcs (Tom/Vince) and the Men of Carn Dum/Wargs (Myself).

The one and only objective in this game is to completely destroy your foes! Please note that tactics and efficiency was taking a backseat to the rule of cool and creating a spectacle, so there may be some questionable tactical choices made.

The Battle

Turn 1- Evil Priority

The Rangers and their Halfling allies under Aranarth

The High Elves led by Glorfindel and Cirdan

Earnur with his Gondorian army

The Host of the Witch King garrisoning the Fortress

The layout of the battlefield

The horns are blown signalling the evil army to attack. The Orcs pour forward en masse towards the elves, while the men of Carn Dum, with the Dwimmerlaik and Orc bows, hurry towards the Rangers, under a Heroic March from Fraecht.

In the shoot phase, both sides fire their bows. The elves are unaffected but kill 4 orcs in return, while on the other flank, a Ranger of the North loses his fate as a man of Carn Dum is struck and killed.

Aranarth gives the order to fire

Turn 2- Evil Priority

Evil rushes forward as an elf is fell lighted into their malicious jaws. Erestor, not happy to leave a fellow elf to die, leaps in to fight beside them. The first wargs manage to get at the rangers and reduce the bowfire on their allies marginally.

The evil hordes swarm towards the elves

The smaller force rushes towards the remnants of Arnor

In the shoot phase, evil hits back. Tom, who is renowned for having 'a bit of a thing against elves' cackles maniacally as he shoots dead an elf! Although he is less pleased when a hill troll takes a wound from a Gondorian bow. Meanwhile, the Hobbit archers, who I have vowed to exterminate, show their valour and roll triple 6, killing three wargs!

James proudly shows off his three 6s *Cough* Markofthedevil! #Arewethebaddies?

In the combats, the wargs are easily slain by the superior Rangers. While Tom manages to kill his first elf in combat, and while dizzy with the excitement, beat Erestor too! Although he failed to wound him.

Tom's dream of violence against elves is granted.

Turn 3- Evil Priority

Winning yet another priority, evil puts as much force as they can into an all out attack. The Shade throws up Swirling Mists to protect against Gondorian bowfire. Tom sends his orcs screaming into the elves as Vince starts to get into a position to help. The Tainted casts Black Dart at Earnur and lands a wound that he tanks.

Meanwhile, the Carn Dum men finally get to fight on their terms! They rush into the Rangers screaming bloody murder. In the thick of it, Aldrac gets ahold of Aranarth!

The dishonourable evil Ringwraith wounds the King of Gondor

The vengeful men of Carn Dum attack the Rangers

This turn, the combat kicks off. Glorfindel kills two orcs, while Erestor spends might to kill another two. Earnur, not wanting to let his allies fight alone, calls a Heroic Combat and uses it to charge a Hill Troll alone. Using another might, he drives the tip of his lance through the beast and takes it down! The other Hill Troll, clearly enraged by the loss of his kin, picks up an elf and throws him, killing 3! Vince and Tom are squealing with delight at causing such misery for elf-kind. 

Finally, the Warg Chief hits combat and rips apart a Rangers of the North and Ranger of Arnor. While Aldrac and Aranarth both thrown down, both called Heroic Strike and reach F10. Aranarth triumphs, but fails to land a telling blow! Around them, the Rangers brace and absorb the charge, killing several men, but a Hobbit is brought down by a warg.

The Elf/Orc front becomes chaos...

...with the Witch King attempting to manage it from the back.

King Earnur brings the first big spectacle of the game, slaying a Hill Troll, single handedly!

The surviving Hill Troll makes his displeasure known with a devastating hurl

Turn 4Good Priority

Good finally claims a priority! Fraecht calls a Heroic Move for Carn Dum and casts his Endurance ability. The men slam into the Rangers again and Aranarth is assaulted by Aldrac a second time. The Dwimmerlaik transfixes the spear support behind Aranarth.

Glorfindel leads the counter attack against the orcs on the opposite side, but evil sees a chance and throws Nazthak forward. The Barrow Wight then Paralyses the elven banner bearer. Nazthak calls a Heroic Combat and slays the elf he faces, taking his shield. Then rushes forward and attacks the elven banner, which he also kills and steals! Tom is dancing with joy at this point, and not even Glorfindel also calling a Heroic Combat and slaying five orcs with it, can bring him down. Warriors fall on both sides in the fights around them and Earnur runs down two orcs, while the Troll hurls another elf to his death.

In the other fight, yet more men of Carn Dum are killed by the more experienced Rangers, but the Warg Chief (now affectionately known as 'King Dog'), kills another two Rangers. Things take a sudden turn when Aldrac lets out a bone chilling battlecry and splits Aranarth's head in two, causing two wounds with a might point, getting through one fate and Mighty Blow doing the rest.

Nazthak's greedy piggy eyes spot an opportunity...

...and he snatches it, figuratively and literally

The Gondorian cavalry hits, but is largely ineffective and several are killed

Aldrac ends the Royal line of Arnor

Turn 5Evil Priority

A Ranger of the North, Glorfindel and the Shadow of Rhudaur call Heroic Moves, and the Shadow claims it. Tom and Vince hurl their orcs forward, encouraged by Nazthak's success. The surviving Gondorian cavalry are encircled and the Tainted spitefully Black Darts Earnur's horse. The army of Minas Tirith joins the battle on evil's flank.

The Rangers, now with a burning desire for revenge, bodily slam into Carn Dum and the wargs, with the latter being surrounded by Hobbits.

In the combat phase, multiple Heroic Combats are called; by Glorfindel, Aldrac (Free due to previous kill) and the Orc Captain. Glorfindel slays his two orcs and then another two afterwards. The Captain loses to the elf and has Tom spitting feathers. Aldrac swings his mace wildly, the bloodlust from his vital kill inspiring him, but misses (rolling 3 high) and finds the Ranger spears embedded in his chest. He falls, confused over what had just happened. Beside him, the shockwaves take effect as more men fall and both Fraecht and the Dog King are wounded.

Nazthak clinging onto his prizes, shields for dear life as the elves close around him and survives the onslaught.

The Rangers launch a savage counter attack

In which, Aldrac is slain

Erestor ends up deeper behind enemy lines as the orcs push forward

The Troll and Glorfindel continue to maul one anothers lines

Turn 6Good Priority

With the fall of Aldrac, the men of Carn Dum are...well...doomed. The Rangers overwhelm their survivors and while King Dog is able to repel his attackers and rip apart another, Fraecht is cut down by their swords, along with many others.

A Heroic Move for evil on the other side allows the Shadow of Rhudaur to cast Curse upon Erestor, and rolling a 6, it becomes channelled. Erestor is left fateless, and is then transfixed by the Witch King and charged. In the combat phase, Erestor manages to repel the assault, to Tom's dismay and to compound his upset, his Orc Captain falls to the blades of the elves.

The writing is on the wall for the men of Carn Dum and their canine allies

Erestor shrugs off the magical bombardment and fights off the enemy General

Turn 7Evil Priority

Things heat up in the middle as Vince and Josh's lines truly clash. With Earnur off to one side, holding his own on foot. The Witch King again engages Erestor, who is now out of Might, Will and Fate. Nazthak is still behind enemy lines desperately holding his own with the elven banner and shield. While the few survivors of Carn Dum throw themselves back at the Rangers.

As the fighting breaks out, several are slain on either side, including almost all the remaining Gondorian cavalry. King Dog is finally overrun and speared to death by the Rangers. But the Witch King makes up for this as he finally runs down Erestor, much to Tom's delight.

Earnur's army locks horns with the central orcs

The King refuses to back down

King Dog, the last hope for evil's right flank, falls

The bloodshed between Will and Tom shows no signs of abating

When Tom lands a telling blow, slaying Erestor

Glorfindel and the Troll have almost cleared out their area of troops

Turn 8Good Priority

The Witch King and Tainted both call Heroic Moves to push the advantage. The Tainted rushes at Glorfindel to try and score a wound via Miasmatic Presence. The troll rushes some of the few remaining elves and the Witch King barrels into elves. The Shadow of Rhudaur Curses Glorfindel removing a fate. A werewolf charges the Captain of Minas Tirith and the surviving Rangers and Hobbits start to spill past the remaining evil to assist their allies.

A slew of chaos ensues as the Witch King slays two elves, the Minas Tirith Captain is dragged down and killed by a werewolf, the Troll barges into Glorfindel as Vince gets grand ideas of heroism and instead is one shotted by him, and the turn ends with Nazthak finally being cut to ribbons by the elves. Tom is dismayed.

The Rangers declare victory and move on

The Witch King, high on his victory leads the charge and slays two more elves

The brave Captain of Minas Tirith is brutally killed by the werewolf

The Troll makes an ill advised attempt of Glorfindel's life

The battlefield in Turn 8

Turn 9Evil Priority

Claiming yet another priority, evil goes all out. The Tainted goes for another attempt at Miasmatic Presence on Glorfindel, casting a Black Dart at Asfaloth as he went in, and sacrificing the Shade to cast it. He then rolls a 2 to wound and fluffs it, he then poofs away as the combat ends, having run his will dry. The Barrow Wight uses his remaining will to try paralysing Glorfindel, but is thwarted by the Fortify Spirit. The Witch King continues his furious charge running over another two elves.

By the Rangers, I use the Dwimmerlaik for pure spite, casting a Black Dart and killing a Hobbit with it. He then manages to withstand the attacks of the Rangers and surviving Gondorian cavalryman.

Glorfindel endures a blitz of Ringwraith attacks by magic and combat

The Rangers, appalled at such a petty attack on a halfling, vow to bring down the Dwimmerlaik

As the rest continue their push to their allies. A werewolf arriving and chomping another Hobbit

Turn 10Evil Priority

Desperate to bring down the elf Lord, Tom and Vince redouble their attack upon him, launching the Shadow of Rhudaur into him. Tom throws a Black Dart at Asfaloth but fails to cast it with the Witch King. He then starts working his way towards him.

In combat, Earnur leads his men by slaying a werewolf, the one that killed his Captain. The second is slain by Rangers and Hobbits. Glorfindel lands a wound upon the Shadow and the Dwimmerlaik is finally pushed too far, runs out of will and poofs.

The elves, having held firm against the almost entire orc army, are showing cracks

Earnur leads as a true King, bringing down a monstrous beast

Turn 11Evil Priority

The Witch King is now hellbent on taking down Glorfindel, he throws another Black Dart as Asfaloth, scoring a 6. But the elf then gets a 6 with Fortify Spirit, as Tom bites his shirt in fury! As the combats begin, Tom opts to start with two elves v two orcs and says 'Let's let this set the tone!' He promptly lost and his front orc was skewered. The Witch King disregarded that tone and killed another two elves. However, Glorfindel brought it back as he cut down the Barrow Wight.

'Let's let this set the tone...'

The Witch King spots his target

Turn 12Evil Priority

The Witch King throws another final attempt at a Black Dart on Asfaloth, going down to his last will and Tom is screaming when Fortify Spirit foils him again! Having had enough, he charges the elven Lord wailing like a banshee and calling a Heroic Strike. Earnur calls a Heroic Combat nearby and charges some more orcs afterwards, killing 3+. 

The Shadow of Rhudaur slays an elf, and being encouraged by this, the Witch King defeats Glorfindel. Tom takes a deep breathe and...fails to wound. The Witch King fades from the world screaming obscenities at Glorfindel as his will is spent.

Tom's last attack falls flat

Turn 13Good Priority

Evils hope is all but extinguished, Glorfindel rushes the Shadow of Rhudaur and without much effort, brings down Evils last big hero. Earnur fights and slays two more orcs.

The Shadow of Rhudaur falls to the might of the West

Turn 14Evil Priority

With the game pretty much decided and time almost up, we called the final turn. And in it, Evil almost left with a final slap across the face of Good as Glorfindel finally lost a fight and Tom almost collapsed to the floor in misery as he again failed to wound Asfaloth.

With that the game ends, it’s a resounding victory for Good as they claim the Fortress of Fornost. Evil had got them three away from breaking by the games end.

Cheers to the guys for a great game to end the year and edition on. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and I hope we can do another big game next year. Onto 2025 and the next edition!

Aragorn, You Need More Men (Backlog Clearing: Sept-Dec '24)

 It's been a while, as my last update was early September and I ended up being too busy to get this done when I hoped in late Oct/early ...