Thursday, 31 October 2024

More Will Come Legions: Theoden Rid- GROND! GROND! GROND! GROND! GROND!


The Breach of Minas Tirith



Grond, The Hammer of the Underworld

Great Beasts of Gorgoroth

Mordor Troll

Easterling Captain

Easterling Warrior

Orc Captain

Orc Warrior

Warg Rider

Additional Rules:

Grond may be included at no Points Cost.

Orc Commanders who drive GBOGs may include up to three additional warrior models as part of their warband who deploy outside of the Howdah.

Special Rules:

The Line Breakers

On a Turn in which a Monster or War Beast charges into Combat, enemy models in that Combat at the start of the Fight Phase cannot declare a Heroic Strike.

Rivalry of the Howdah crews

GBOGs in your Force may select up to one of the following upgrades apiece:

The Crew of Barad-Dur: The Commander of this GBOG always counts as your Leader. Your Force will not count as Broken unless this GBOG (including all crew) are slain. (25pts)

The Morannon Crew: All models within the Howdah increase their Defence by 1. (15pts)

The Tracker Crew from Gorgoroth: The archers within the Howdah increase their Shoot Value by 1 (10pts)

The Spiderkin Crew from Cirith Ungol: Bowshots which Hit AND Wound on a Natural 6 (or 6/6 as appropriate) will apply the Paralyse special rule. Heroes may spend a fate to negate this. (25pts)

The Hammer of the Underworld

Grond has all of the following effects, subject to how many Wounds it has remaining:

15: The Witch-King’s Malice: Grond gains the Harbinger of Evil Special Rule.

10+: Totem of Barad-Dur: Friendly models within 6” gain +1 to their Courage Values.

5+: Inspiring presence: Friendly models within 6” may reroll To Wound rolls of 1.


Grond, The Hammer of the Underworld

S10 D10 W15

(Siege Target)

Wargear: Flaming Master-Forged Hammer (+1 to Wound, Re-roll 1s to Wound)

Bring up the Wolf’s Head:

Grond may be deployed in the usual way, or in the same way as a siege engine. Due to its size and low speed, Grond will never arrive as a Reinforcement. You may deploy Grond with as many of your Monsters/War Beasts already attached as you wish counting as one warband.

Grond is moved using the same rules as a Seige Tower with the following exceptions. Only Monsters and War Beasts may count towards moving Grond. For every Monster or War Beast moving Grond, it gains an inch of movement. Grond may be pivoted up to 30 degrees about its centre before making a full move forward in a straight line, with all attached models moving around with it. GBOGs may pull Grond by being in base contact with the front or sides.

Unstoppable Momentum:

Any enemy model moved into by Grond, or by a model moving Grond, will immediately suffer the Barge Brutal Power Attack after resolving any Trample rolls from GBOGs where applicable. The only exception to this are the Unmovable! models (Smaug and the Mumak).

Grond will only be prevented from moving if every Monster/War Beast moving it is Charged. In cases where some are and some aren’t, Grond and all attached models will still move the number of inches corresponding to the number of unengaged Monsters/War Beasts, applying Barge to the enemy models engaged with the attached models at the start of Grond’s Move.

Grond will breach it:

If Grond, or any model moving Grond, makes contact with a Terrain Piece with a diameter or length of 2” or less (or height of 1” or less), remove it from the board- it’s flattened now! This can include removable trees, free standing statues, scatter terrain, and Supplies, as well as Heavy and Light Objects.

If Grond, or any model moving Grond, makes contact with a Terrain Piece exceeding the description above, any Trolls in base contact with Grond (and otherwise unengaged) may pull back the Hammer to Strike the Terrain Piece. Roll 1D6 using Grond’s Strength against the Defence of the Terrain Piece from the table below. Where Grond’s Stike is successful in causing a wound, multiply that by the number of Trolls who participated in the Strike.

Where a Terrain Piece is reduced to 0 Wounds, remove it in full from the board. If Grond is reduced to 0 Wounds, remove it from the board as normal.




Fortress/Castle Gate



Fortress/Castle Wall



Stone Building/Ruin/Bridge/Tower



Wooden Building/Ruin/Bridge/Tower



Large Tree



Feel free to add your own!

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