Today we have a battle report write up for you all. We are starting with a nice themey one as the Riders of Theoden Legendary Legion clashes with their mortal enemies in the Army of Dunland Legendary Legion. I was delighted to welcome fellow EAHC player Sam Huddy over with his lovely Dunland models, including a great scratch-built crebain model and a warband of Dunlending warriors converted to have scavenged Rohan wargear to further fuel the fire between the two forces. I know Sam had been itching to get his hands on my Riders of Theoden forces after missing out in the last couple of tournaments before lockdown hit so we took the opportunity to see who would be victorious.
Army Lists
Riders of Theoden
Theoden with armoured horse, heavy armour and shield
2 Rohan Royal Guard (RRG) with horse and throwing spears
Eomer with armoured horse and shield
2 RRG with horse and throwing spears
Deorwine with horse
2 RRG with horse and throwing spears
Gamling with horse and Royal Standard of Rohan
2 RRG on horse
Elfhelm on horse
1 RRG with throwing spears
Captain of Rohan with horse, heavy armour and shield.
1 RRG on horse
With 6 warbands, 8 heroes (thanks to Eowyn and Merry in the Dernhelm profile) and only 18 models, I went with an elite, hard-hitting force. The aim was to maximise Theoden's Death! rule and burn through the 20 Might I started with to wipe out the Dunland army in 1 or 2 key charges. I thought the best way to avoid the +1 to wound from the Hatred Rohan rule, as well as the Dunlending War Cry from Thrydan for an extra +1 to wound for 1 turn, was to kill enough to avoid a war of attrition. With Gamling's banner supplementing my Might and free Heroic Combats from Deorwine, I was hoping to use around 35 Might points throughout the game.
Army of Dunland
Thrydan Wolfsbane with horse
6 Huscarls
1 Crebain
Gorulf Ironskin
4 Dunlendings with shield
3 Dunlendings with bow
1 Dunlending with shield and banner
Frida Tallspear
4 Dunlending horsemen
4 Dunlendings with 2 handed axe
2 Dunlendings with bow
Wildman Oathmaker
6 Wild men
6 Wild men with 2 handed axe
Dunland Chieftain with axe and shield
4 Dunlendings with 2 handed axe
4 Dunlendings with bow
3 Dunlendings with shield
1 Dunlending with shield and banner (Sam had converted this banner as a tattered and defiled Rohirrim banner which was a nice touch)
Sam's army still had a strong amount of Might with 14 points available but he definitely had the edge when it came to numbers. With a massive 54 model force, his force was 3 times to size of the Rohirrim army! With an army wide +1 to wound (+2 to wound with the War Cry added for one turn) and the potential for 2-handed piercing strikes across the army, it had the potential to slice through the Rohirrim. With 2 banners which provide 6" re-roll auras each, Sam was hoping to use numbers to give him the advantage in winning fights to cut down the Forgoil. However, with FV3 across most of the army and a lack of any significant number models that can spear support, winning fights against the FV4 or higher Rohirrim may be the challenge.
Divide and Conquer
We rolled for scenario and found out we would be playing Divide and Conquer, a new scenario from the Matched Play Guide. Neither of us had played the scenario before so we were excited to get going. VPs were available for controlling objectives, with up to 5VPs for controlling the objective in the centre of the table and up to 2VPs eah for the objectives 12" either side of the middle one. The final few VPs up for grabs could be earnt through breaking the enemy (1VP) or by wounding or killing the enemy leader (1VP or 2VPs respectively). It became clear that Sam's Dunland would have the numbers to hold the objectives early on but, with a random game end on a roll of 1 or 2 after one army is broken, I hoped to wipe him out quickly enough to swing the battle in my favour.
The deployment roll-off went to Sam and he deployed his first warband. The deployment for Divide and Conquer is unique in that each player is allocated 2 table corners diagonally opposite to each other and deploys 1 warband at a time in alternating corners. This effectively splits you army in 2, within 12" of each corner. After deployment, Sam had Thrydan, Gorulf and the Rohan-hating Chieftain in one corner, whilst Frida and the Oathmaker teamed up in the opposite corner.
My Rohan had deployed with King Theoden leading a scary strike force with Eomer and Deorwine. Opposite them in the other corner, Gamling, Elfhelm, Eowyn and Merry in their Dernhelm disguise and a Rohan Captain were ready for battle.
Turn 1
With Dunland winning priority, Heroic Marches were called by the Dunland Chieftain, as well Theoden and Gamling. The Dunland force lead by Thrydan moved toward the centre of the battlefield as fast as they could, whilst Frida and the Oathmaker pressed towards their nearest objective. In response, the Rohirrim identified the weaker half of the Dunland army and both halves Marched towards the force lead by Frida and the Oathmaker. By the end of the first turn, Rohan was already enclosing on its hated foes.
Turn 2
With Rohan winning priority, the Oathmaker sensed the impending danger and called a Heroic Move with his first Might point. Realising the enemy were mobilising, Gamling countered with a Move of his own for his 2nd Might point. The Oathmaker was a little too quick for Gamling and got to organise his warriors first. Spotting the flanking force lead by Theoden, the Oathmaker reassembled the Dunland shield wall in front of Gamling, Elfhelm, Dernhelm and the Captain, leaving Theoden and his forces too far away to affect the battle this turn. With a wall of Dunland bodies lined up before them, and a small contingent of Dunland cavalry flanking around the side, the Rohirrim took the opportunity to charge. Gamling, not calling With Me!, used his Heroic Move to charge a lone wild man. Following the Royal Standard into the fray, Elfhelm bore down upon 2 Dunlending warriors, launching his throwing spear as he charged. Unsurprisingly for one so skilled with the spear, Elfhelm claimed first blood as he felled the first Dunlending and charged past his fallen body as he slammed into a warrior and wrapped around into the archer behind. The rest of that half of the Rohirrim force charges, with Dernhelm avoiding Frida Tallspear in favour of 2 wild men whilst the captain and a few RRG charged into the Dunland cavalry in an attempt the rob them of some mobility by cutting down the riders.

Theoden, Eomer and Deorwine repositioned behind the Oathmaker and his force, ready to join the fighting next turn, whilst Thrydan and his half of the Dunland army rushed to the centre objective.
Shooting resulted in a hail of throwing spears felling 2 wild men as Theoden's force made his presence felt. However, it was the combat phase where things got really bloody. Following their charge, Elfhelm, Dernhelm (Merry) and the Captain all called Heroic Combats, hoping to strike a decisive blow. With no Dunland heroes in combat to help, the Rohan commanders unleashed their fury. All three were successful with their combats, felling 4 wild men, 2 Dunlending warriors and 2 Dunlending horsemen between them. The accompanying RRG also managed to take down some more enemies with no casualties suffered in return. A huge blow had been strike and half of the Dunland force was wavering.
Turn 3
As the battle reached turn 3, the number of Dunland dead reached well above double figures and Rohan were as of yet unscathed. Priority once again went to Rohan. Realising that another charge would decimate her forces, Frida called a Heroic Move which was promptly countered by Gamling. The roll off would be key as most of the Rohan forces would be denied their charge bonuses and the beleaguered Dunland forces may also be able to escape the follow up charge from Theoden and his force. As the die was rolled, it settled on a 1 and gave Frida the opportunity to grant the Army of Dunland a slight reprieve. Taking the initiative, Frida charged straight into Dernhelm and a RRG as her warriors followed her into battle. The Oathmaker pounced on Gamling with 2 wild men as a third wild man tied down Elfhelm. Whilst the rest of the Rohan models were tied down into combat, a couple of Dunland warriors repositioned to cut off Gamling from any Heroic Combat support. With no Might remaining, the Royal Standard was in danger. Following the heroic move, the RRG with throwing spears lined up to unleash as second volley, aiming to remove the 1 model blocking a path to Frida and the Oathmaker so that Elfhelm, who had been joined by Eomer against a single wild man, could use a Heroic Combat to save his comrades. Whilst chaos ensued, Thrydan and the larger Dunland force bunkerd down in the ruins surrounding the central objective whilst a small force of three archers secured the side objective furthest away from the Rohirrim.
The shooting phase was pivotal for Rohan this turn. Unloading 6 throwing spears into a single wild man, a single spear found its mark and buried itself into the unfortunate foe. The space was opened up to save Gamling. In the following combat phase, Elfhelm called a Heroic Combat with his 2nd Might point and Eomer used his 1st Might point to call a Heroic Strike. Recognising the need to get their strikes in before they found themselves surrounded, Frida and the Oathmaker both spent the 2nd of their Might points on Combats of their own. In the crucial roll off, it went to Rohan. Promptly striking up to FV10, Eomer cut down his foe and charge into Frida to support Dernhelm, as of yet oblivious to the fact he was saving his sister! Elfhelm used his movement to ride in support of the Royal Standard and peel off the Oathmaker from Gamling.

Unfortunately for Dunland, the Rohirrim proceeded to put on a combat masterclass. Losing no casualties in return, Elfhelm cut down the Oathmaker, Eomer and Dernhelm made light work of Frida who (despite cancelling Eomer's cavalry bonuses) found herself trapped against 7 attacks and Gamling even managed to remove his two assailants with some effective dice rolling. The Captain and RRG followed their leaders' examples as cut down their enemies. By the end of the turn, 2 of the 24 Dunland models in this half of the force remained as the Rohirrim continued unscathed. Dunland's only hope was to hold the objectives with still superior numbers and deny Rohan VPs whilst hoping for the game to end early when broken.
Turn 4
As turn 4 arrived, the battlefield was littered with the dead of Dunland but no quarter would be given against their most hated enemy. Rohan once again won priority and, having spotted Thrydan had over-extended himself in the centre, Dernhelm and 2 RRG pounced. The rest of the Rohan force lined up to assault the central objective as a lone royal guard secured the nearest side objective. Gamling and Elfhelm - both with 1 Might restored thanks to the Royal Standard - took 5 RRG with them to finish of the last 2 wild men.
Spotting their leader in danger, the Dunland force surged forward through the ruins, fuelled by resentment, but were too far to intervene. As a result, they positioned themselves ready for the inevitable Rohan charge the turn after. The crebain were able to rush to defend Thrydan however, pecking at the eyes of a RRG and drawing him off of Thrydan.

The Dunland bow fire, ineffective so far, this time managed to hit both Theoden and Deorwine. Hoping to unhorse the Horse Lords, both arrows missed the mounts and struck the riders themselves. Luckily for the Rohirrim, their armour held and both heroes were left unscathed. In the combat phase, Gamling called a Heroic Combat, knowing the Royal Standard would inspire him to further acts of Might next turn and promptly butchered the last two wild men. He moved to support the front line with his RRG and Elfhelm. More importantly, both Dernhelm and Thrydan called Heroic Strikes. As the dice settled, Thrydan had struck up to FV7 but Dernhelm, clearly inspired to prove her value, reached FV10. With a RRG in support, things looked positive for the disguised shieldmaiden of Rohan. Duel rolls commenced and Derhelm only managed a high of 4. However, Thrydan only rolled a 4 high too! With 1 might left on Dernhelm, Thrydan spends 1 of his remaining 2 to win the fight. Dernhelm, knowing Thrydan will spend his last Might, spends her last point to force out Thrydan's final Might point. Having used all of his Might to win the fight, Thrydan was really hoping to score a wound on Eowyn, particularly given his Mighty Blow rule means it inflicts two wounds. Striking Eowyn, he finds his mark and the shieldmaiden falls lifeless to the ground as she fails both fate rolls with a double 1. As Merry tumbles to the ground, Thrydan is surprised by the extra body in front of him and fails to land a blow on the hobbit. From across the battlefield, Eomer's world stops as he spots the lifeless body of his sister on the floor. He is filled with rage and something within him snaps. He will now charge every opportunity he gets but also receives as nasty +1 to wound.
Turn 5
As turn 5 arrives, only 1 Rohan model has fallen but it is an important one. Rohan wins priority and Eomer, in a red rage, charges the Dunland Chieftain, who has the gall to be wearing a RRG cloak and helmet whilst wielding a Rohan shield. Merry stands ominously in front of Thrydan, hardly filling the gap left by Eowyn.

Filled with sudden bravery, he charges headlong into the centre of the Dunland force, ending in base contact with the muscled form of Gorulf Ironskin! The main Rohan force ploughs into the Dunland lines as Elfhelm leads the way with a charge into Thrydan, once again using his expertise with the throwing spear to unhorse the Dunland leader. With Thrydan vulnerable without his horse, Theoden charges his Dunland counterpart as Deorwine moves round the flank and into more Dunlending warriors. With the RRG tagging as many foes as possible, the Captain and a royal guardsmen head toward to furthest objective in an attempt to remove the small Dunland archer force encamped there. Gamling moves to support his king by providing his banner effect to his fight as well as Eomer's.

Shooting is once again ineffective as a couple of arrows bounce off of the Rohan Captain's armour. As combat begins, both leaders use the opportunity to call their special rules. Death! and the Dunlending War Cry are unleashed. As all Dunland models within 12" of Thrydan receive a further +1 to wound for the turn, Eomer, Deorwine and Elfhelm are all inspired by their King and call free Heroic Combats as the king himself calls a free Heroic Strike to ensure the FV advantage over Thrydan. Gorulf uses his first Might point to call a Heroic Combat against Merry who is now surrounded by the hulking Gorulf and 5 Dunlendings! The roll off goes to Rohan and the furious Eomer proceeds to slice up the Chieftain and another warrior as he crashes into another Dunlending. Gorulf's Heroic Combat is next and Merry proceeds to shield with his 1 attack as he suddenly regrets the previous rush of blood to the head. He manages to roll a 6. Gorulf's attacks only achieves a 4 high but he isn't worried as he has 5 attacks from his allies and a banner reroll ahead. Amazingly (although any of you who know Sam and his horrible track record with dice rolling will be less surprised), despite having 6 more dice to roll, the 6 evades Dunland and Merry wins, until Gorulf spends his last 2 Might points to avoid being embarrassed by the small hobbit! Inevitably, Merry is hacked down and joins Eowyn on the casualty list. Using his Heroic Combat move, it is realised that a small path has opened up to Gamling and Gorulf takes the chance to pounce on the Royal Standard bearer. Spotting the danger, Theoden Strikes up to 10 and helps Elfhelm win his Heroic Combat against Thrydan, who Elfhelm promptly dispatches. With their leader dead, no Might on the table and having been robbed of their extra +1 to wound due to Thrydan's death, things get worse for Dunland as Theoden and Elfhelm spot the opportunity to jump to Gamling's side against Gorulf. Deorwine continues the trend with a successful Combat and slices up 2 Dunlendings before charging another 2 who meet the same fate. Gorulf is cut down by the combined might of Theoden, Elfhelm and Gamling whilst the only positive for Dunland arrives as 2 RRG are cut down, one having had his eyes pecked out by the vicious crebain. As the battlefield is surveyed, the Dunland forced are clearly broken and find themselves leaderless going into turn 6.
Turn 6
With no heroes on the board, Dunland win priority but Rohan call a Heroic Move with Gamling, who is also giving Elfhelm a Might point thanks to the banner this turn. With charges guaranteed, the Eorlingas start to clean shop. After a number of Dunlendings flee the battlefield, a host of Heroic Combats cut down 8 further warriors of Dunland. Victory is assured for the Riders of Theoden as only 3 Dunlendings and the crebain remain on the battlefield for the Army of Dunland. Unfortunately for Sam, the dice gods are cruel and the game continues (one of the few times he hasn't rolled a 1 or 2 this game!).
Turn 7
With priority once again going to Rohan, the final few charges are made as Eomer joins the captain against the 2 archers on the objective.
As the final Dunlendings are cut down, the battlefield is covered in Dunland dead. Having wiped the enemy from the board, protected their leader and secured all of the objectives, the Rohirrim scored a heroic 12-0 victory. Surely a song will be sung in the Golden Hall of Meduseld of this victory, although the loss of Eowyn and the brave Merry means that Theoden will be adding another funeral mound outside the wall of Edoras.
A swift and brutal battle, the game was decided early through a combination of effective Heroic Combats to wipe out half the Dunland force without casualty and Sam's trademark awful dice rolling. The turn where Eomer and Elfhelm were able to Combat through to the Oathmaker and Frida was key and allowed the Rohirrim to build unstoppable momentum.
Rohan casualties:
Dunland casualties:
A fun, albeit rather one-sided, battle. Despite fears over the +1 to wound, the Rohirrim prevailed and, once again, the Riders of Theoden proved to be a very strong Legendary Legion. I want to thank Sam for the game and bringing along his lovely Dunland force. I am sure they will get their revenge in the future!