Thursday, 22 April 2021

Battle Companies Part III

 Scenario 5- Tame the Beast (vs. Moria Expedition (Jason))

After the loss of Cimberius, the company continues on their trek, searching for the raiding party led by Pippin. After a few days, they have set up camp for the night when they are alerted by a commotion nearby. Arvia scouts ahead and reports that he has seen a Troll fighting some dwarves. This could be a good opportunity to slay the beast and search it's den for useful items. Tiber gives the order and they prepare for a fight.

As they close in, they realise that this is the same band of Dwarves whose supplies they had taken in the past but they have now commited and prepare to engage. The Troll lumbers towards the dwarves and charges into Rollof, taking a throwing axe to the chest from Jark. Tiber and the Ungrateful Grandchild both narrowly dodge the arrows of the dwarves, who have spotted them. Strall fails his courage and freezes as the rest of the dwarves charge. Arvia calls a heroic shoot, hoping to snipe a dwarf and allow Tiber and UGG a chance. His bowstring snaps (rolled a 1.)

The Troll, slams its hammer down, just missing Rollof. The dwarves quickly begin hacking at the enraged creature, and before long it is on its knees. Gorm lunges and finishes the beast.

The men of the Fiefs quietly slip away.


Pippin's crew races Prince Bangizwe's men to slay the troll, despite taking an early kicking, the Hobbit slays the beast with his dagger.

Scenario 6- The Wolves Attack (vs. Denizens of Mirkwood (CJ))

The company wanders for a few days and sets up camp one evening for the night. Arvia is keeping watch in the morning, when he wakes them up as he sees a familiar band of spiders, bats and wargs emerge from the trees. They prepare to fight, until they realise that a larger pack of wargs is pursuing them. The men and beasts form a bizarre alliance against the pack. 

The alliance all charge at once and Incy webs a warg. Tiber calls a heroic combat. Spot is bitten by another warg and falls howling. The beasts react in kind and kill many of the wargs that they face. Mr Balaur falls in the fighting with many scratches over him. Tiber slays his warg and rushes in to assist Fregar, who faces two. But he's too late as the clansman is bitten on the neck and mauled to death. 

Arvia and Gromm both manage to kill wargs, calling a heroic combat to help their allies. Mr Farley is bitten on the leg and falls but not fatally so. Meanwhile, the beasts kill the last of the wargs on their side and steal a warg from the Fiefs. Arvia slays the final warg, his third one.

As the beasts feast on the dead animals, the men slip away. As they do so they see a hunter hiding in the bushes, thinking that he was about to be cornered and killed. They beckon him over and Largo joins the company.

Fiefs 11-14 Denizens


Pippin's crew fights alongside the Saga of Erik Blunt Axe, the kills are tied by the final combat. In which, Luthien (a wood elf sentinel hero) faces a warg alongside Erik's raven. They win the fight and Luthien fails to wound with any of her three strikes. The raven, however, manages to slay the beast and win the battle for the dwarves.

Aedin's Reavers and Uthan's Scouts unite to face the warg pack and absolutely slaughter the animals.

Narrative 4- The Icebay of Forochel

The company is wandering through the wilderness as the weather turns against them and before long, a full on blizzard engulfs them. They can barely stay together, nevermind navigate. 

Suddenly, it dawns on them as the ground becomes incredibly slipperly, that they are in fact on a lake and must get off of it quickly. At that moment, a loud warhorn pierces the wind and a band of raiders comes rushing towards them through the snow.

Tiber and UGG both rush forward on their horses but the former almost slips on the ice, just about keeping steady. A loud splash is heard as a raider falls through the ice and sinks. Tiber rushes one of the two leaders, but this time his luck runs out and his horse slips and throws him from the saddle. He uses his shield to defend himself from the axe blows and stands. UGG manages to slay a raider. 

The rest of the company is moving up as quickly as they can but come under bowfire. Brettan takes an arrow and falls to the ground roaring in pain and frustration. He is quickly followed by Largo, who is also struck. Terrens narrowly dodges another, as it flies through the hair over his shoulder. Tiber is beaten as he tries to shield off the chief again but is knocked down and injured. UGG takes the lead and runs down two as well as injuring the other leader over several fights. Finally, he slays the first bandit leader as Arvia leads the foot troops in. Chuck Norris is fended off and cut by the chief. Arvia and Terrens work together to kill the other bandits as Gromm assists UGG, whose horse skids and sends him from the saddle.

As Arvia, engages the chief, Terrens rushes from behind and hacks down the brawny opponent. With him dead, the men manage to kill the remaining bandits and make their way to the shore. It turns out that the bandits were holding a tribe hostage and using their home as their own. Forcing the locals to surrender their food and homes. In gratitude, the tribe leader allows the men to rest and recover in their village as well as tell them about the hobbit's warband, that they pursue.


Despite, early misfortune as Youareamir fell through the ice. Pippin's Crew clawed their way forward and destroyed the tribesmen in their path. Youareamir survived and even found treasure!

The Cair Andros Garrison is peppered with arrows as they cross the lake and is unfortunate in taking several casualties to the arrows and ice. They hit the enemy's lines and fight bravely, but can't break through.

Uthan's Scouts take some early losses to the blowpipes of the Woses and many horses are shot from the trees, but they approach cautiously and uproot the natives a few at a time. Ghan manages to kill Uthan's horse but is then slain himself.

The Denizens are hunting in their perfect habitat, they pick apart the Woses with sneak attacks and eventually find Ghan. He is tangled up in webbing and dragged away, never to be seen again. The spider broodlings then mysteriously have spears afterwards.

Companies as they stand


The 2nd Battalion of the Fancy part of the Fiefdoms of the South of Gondor, of course

Rating: 336

Cair Andros Garrison

Rating: 249

Pippin's Crew

Rating: 480!!?!

The Survivors of the Black Gate

Rating: 353


Uthan's Scouts

Rating: 312

Prince Bangizwe's Host

Rating: 383

Fangs for the Memories

Rating: 376

The Black Sons

Rating: 426

Clearing the Backlog, Part 19 – Well, I'm back.

First and foremost, I need to apologise for barely posting any blogs last year. To cut a long story short, I found myself struggling to find...