Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Clearing the Backlog (Oct '22)

 Hey all 

This post will be a relatively short one, as I suspect that I will have to bundle Nov/Dec together, so wanted to get this month sorted now.

This month, I only managed to get 6 models painted, but they were all bigger models.

The first things that I painted were some Rhunish War Drakes, printed by Medbury minatures as I am told. I really enjoyed these and didn't want to go for a pure black skin approach. So I gave their skin a red tinge from washes (Carroburg Crimson) and painted the thin membranes on the ears and the spines down the back to be red (washed Carroburg Crimson x2 followed by Agrax Earthshade x1). I did their breastplates in Leadbelcher and washed them with Agrax Earthshade and for the eyes, added a little bit of Gehenna's Gold to give them a shine. The spines and claws were simple Rakarth flesh. 

They seem to help them mix into the Easterling hordes nicely and I tried two of them out at the Strider cup, where they didn't perform often (besides wounding the King of the Dead and lowering him to F4 A1 and then in another killing him outright.) However, they did look awesome on the table!

The other two models I did this month gone, was going to be my last two Mirkwood Elves. But then on the last Friday of the month, I saw that Battle Streams (or in this case Screams) of Middle Earth was doing a Halloween special. The theme being anything scary/spooky that you can make work for Halloween. 

So I had a quick browse of my 'To Do' list and saw a few options (mostly various forms of bat) and then saw something I knew that I'd love to get done.

My theme for the Stream was 'Monsters under the Bed' as I got out two Cave Trolls that had sat in the cupboard for a year or more each. One I had got in an MTO when the chance arose and the other I had won in a raffle at Strider Cup, I believe.

These guys were quite straightforward as I did their thick hide in Mechanicus Standard grey and their bellies in Ratskin flesh topped by Kislev flesh. Their loin cloths and nails were done in Steel Legion Drab and all metal was Leadbelcher over Warplock Bronze. In their mouths, I did Khorne Red for the tongue and gums and Rakarth Flesh for the teeth. The final touches being Corvus Black in the eyes with a small dot of Ironbreaker to give them a shine and Rhinox hide on the leather belt. All of this was washed over with (hold your breath...) more Agrax Earthshade. I honestly don't know how I would cope painting without the stuff, it's like Ketchup and just makes most things work.

It wasn't meant to be the best paintjob ever but I was happy that they look the part amongst a Moria army (something I'm hoping to chip away at next year, maybe alongside Galadhrim).

You may also note that the Hammer troll has a weird lump in his chain need his hand, it snapped not long after I started building and glue wouldn't fix it, so I had to attempt a (very poor) bridge of green stuff to hold it together.

As I say, there wasn't much achieved this month but I feel I got a fair amount done in size if not numbers. As we slowly approach the end of the year, and after trading the Khanish guys, that were going nowhere for some Vault Warden teams and buying the Breaking of the Fellowship box during the MTO (project for new year?) my paint queue, for now is: 380. I'm hoping that by the end of the year, I can trim this down to 365. That'd mean a model a day next year and I clear the lot! ...yeah I know

'There never was much hope, only a fools hope.'

Clearing the Backlog, Part 19 – Well, I'm back.

First and foremost, I need to apologise for barely posting any blogs last year. To cut a long story short, I found myself struggling to find...