Thursday, 6 April 2023

Clearing the Backlog, Part 11 – Backlog Admin

After two busy (but not at all hectic) months of painting, March was a much more relaxed month in terms of getting through my backlog. This time last year, I was battling with burn-out after I'd painted 70-odd models in the space of just a few weeks. This time however, it was more a case of real life getting in the way of hobby time, something which happens to all of us. Sometimes you're just too busy to sit down and pick up a paintbrush, or any painting time you do get isn’t quite enough to achieve what you want to. 

Whilst I made a start on some models in March, I just couldn’t find the time to get them finished, with the exception of one model – Khamul the Easterling. This is probably one of my favourite Ringwraith models, and I found painting him to be quite fun. His robes consist of multiple layers of cloth, so for each layer I added an extra highlight to try and give a sense of volume – the end result turned out great!

Whilst my hobby time may have been limited, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t productive – I managed to find some time to organise my hobby storage space and put together a host of models that were otherwise cluttering up said storage space with their boxes and blister packs. Which leads me onto the main theme of this post – how exactly does someone manage and keep track of their backlog? Keeping track of what you've painted is easy enough, but when your backlog is as big as mine (and that is really not meant to be a boast!), some extra admin is needed. Models in my collection tend to fall into five separate categories. Or rather, I've mentally put them into five separate categories…

Category 1: Still in the damn box…

Fortunately there's not too many of my models in this particular category, but there are a few. Models like these tend to be either miniatures I've bought purely for the sake of painting, or models for future army projects – one of the main reasons for models ending up in this category was an urge to buy new models when they go on pre-order – the fear of missing out on new models can be a serious problem for a hobbyist! Thankfully (from my wallet's perspective at least!), I've managed to teach myself some self-restraint over the last year, telling myself that I don’t need to buy the models immediately – they'll still be on sale when the time comes to start that new army project. 

Category 2: Assembled. Just assembled.

You wouldn’t think this would be a category, but it is. One thing I've tended to do in recent years is take a model out of its box or blister, assemble it, and then just put it back in storage. Because boxes take up a lot of space, I end up assembling a whole bunch of models just so I haven’t got loads of boxes lying around. Unfortunately, this means that in my head I'm reducing my backlog because there aren’t loads of boxes lying around, whereas in reality I'm just moving them from one category to another. There is however some satisfaction about putting models together – you get to see all of the details a model has, and you're already working on how to make them stand out when you paint it. 

Category 3: Undercoated

Finally, we’ve got some paint on the model! Well, we've undercoated it at least. Models that end up in this category tend to be for a single reason, and that's because I tend to prime my models in batches, depending on what colour spray primer I'm using. For example, if I have a model that's predominantly going to be painted with light colours, I'll use a white primer. On the other hand, if it's got a dark colour palette, I'll use a black primer. Sometimes however, you'll have a model that you're not intending to paint immediately, but you'll undercoat it anyway as you're using the same colour to undercoat a load of other models. Those models will then get painted, whilst the other model (or models) goes back in the box for another day…

Category 4: There's some paint on it…

Now we come to the largest category in my backlog – half-painted models. I've mentioned in previous posts about painting projects that get started, and then halfway through get abandoned for a multitude of reasons, including other models taking priority, a lack of time or the boredom of painting the same models over and over. Sometimes as a hobbyist, this is where perseverance pays off – I'm determined this year to try and get through the various half-painted models that have been cluttering up my desk for ages. Even if I'm only painting single models, I'm still happy to get it finished as I no longer have to feel guilty looking at it every time I'm painting other models…

Category 5: Finished!

My favourite category – it means the model is no longer in my backlog! This is probably the easiest category to track as I've been keeping a close count of models I've finished over the course of this series – I painted over 250 models over the course of 2022, and have managed nearly 50 so far this year. As to the total number of models in this category, that's probably a little harder to track – I've built up a large collection of models from most of the Middle Earth factions over the years. I'm not exactly sure, but I think I own at least one model from every army list in both Armies of The Lord of the Rings and Armies of the Hobbit. 

Repainted Models

I don’t technically count this as a category, but I probably could – one thing I tend to find as I pick up new skills and techniques over the years of painting models is that you become dissatisfied with a previous paint job when you compare it to your most recent work. This then results in me stripping the old paint job off the model and giving it a fresh new look – one such example is Khamul the Easterling – I repainted him after having improved my technique of painting cloth over the years. 

So that about wraps it up for this month's blog – not a lot of painting content, but hopefully you've picked up some useful tips that might help you manage your backlogs! 

Monday, 3 April 2023

Tournament Report- Fool of a Took (1st April)

 The Tournament

This was an four games escalation event increasing from 250pt to 400pt to 600pt to 800pt. You had to choose a 'Fool' who would attempt to achieve bonus points by performing certain feats i.e. Slaying a hero of an equal/higher tier, calling heroic move within range of allied heroes, contesting and beating an enemy heroic.

My armies

Those who have seen my paint blogs this year, will know that I've been working my way through my Moria pile. I decided that this would be the army's inaugural event. I chose Groblog to be my Fool for the day.

I will list the armies used at each round.

Game 1- Hold Ground (Vs. Army of the Dead (George))


Groblog LEADER

Moria Goblin x12 w/ 6x Shield and 6x Shield

Moria Goblin Shaman

Cave Troll w/ Hand and a half Hammer

Moria Goblin x3 w/ 2x Shield and 1x Spear

Models: 18

Opponents Heroes: King of the Dead

Opponents Warriors: Warriors of the Dead

George is an opponent that I have played several times prior, including the infamous game that lasted for thirteen turns of rolling to end. He may be out for vengeance.

I arrived first and ended up getting both warbands together in the South-West corner, while the dead arrived in the North-West.

A footrace then ensued for who could get to the centre first, which the dead won. On the way, the shaman threw up a Fury knowing that the goblins will need it.

Having very few numbers on either side, every kill could lead to a big swing. So I tried to prioritise the banner so that I could have the edge with the numbers. The banner managed to survive the initial combat while I lost 3/4 goblins. The troll had failed his courage and refused to join the combats for the first 2/3.

This meant the normally subtle Groblog was having to throw himself in. He managed to kill a couple of the dead before facing the King (red cloak). In the combat, the trapped King ended up being forced to use two fate.

The now mightless Groblog, was pulled into another fight with the King and slain. The goblins had the edge on the centre and now were desperately hoping that the game would end as they broke. The troll got involved and started thumping some of the ghosts.

The game continued for 3 turns, in which time the dead managed to kill enough of the goblins off to claim the centre by a slight majority.

They had the centre, had killed my leader and we were both broken, leaving me defeated 6-1.

Game 2- Reconnoitre (Vs. Minas Tirith/Fellowship (Ryan))


Durburz LEADER

Moria Goblin x15 w/ 7x Shield and 8x Spear


Moria Goblin x12 w/ 6x Shield and 6x Shield

Moria Goblin Shaman

Cave Troll w/ Hand and a half Hammer

Moria Goblin x4 w/ 2x Shield and 2x Spear

Models: 35

Opponents Heroes: Denethor, Aragorn/Strider and Siege Veteran

Opponents Warriors: Warriors of Minas Tirith, Guard of the Fountain Court, Rangers of Gondor and Avenger Bolt Thrower

I had a brand new opponent, Ryan and I have met at many tournaments, but never clashed before.

We ended up on the desert board with three crossing points over the river. I ended up arriving with Durburz being in in turn four, to the left of the dead mumak in my half, in front of the ford. While the rest of the army was in front of the wooden bridge, to the right of the mumak. 

Ryan had arrived with his army as a block. The bolt thrower moved around the camp and fired upon the goblin lines, killing three/four in the first volley. I held back to make sure that the goblins wouldn't arrive in waves and be slain by the well armoured men.

I moved up using the bridge for cover from the siege engine. And was engaged by the Gondorians as I got onto the bridge. Durburz's goblins engaged a small number in the ford and slew all but one. Durburz then ganged up on the surviving man and heroic combatted to push across the river and into the rangers, who also fell.

The troll alongside used a barge to move up too, rolling a 6 and suddenly being to the rear of the bridge. 

Aragorn had used a priority just prior to this to launch himself into the goblins on the bridge and kill a few. Groblog charged him and trapped him for +1 FV, then got his crown up for another +1. They both called Heroic Strikes and the goblins came out on top. Strider was dismounted and jabbed at mercilessly, until he was on 1w,0f!

As Durburz led an exodus towards the rear of the board, the troll charged a crew member of the bolt thrower. The other two of the crew surrounded him and they fought. The troll won and proceeded to slay all three of them. Meanwhile, Aragorn fought the now mightless Groblog and slew him.

The troll charged onto the bridge and attacked some warriors. Denethor led the push to kill the goblins on it and Aragorn charged into the troll, calling a Heroic Strike. He went higher and then lost the fight, despite having his allies! The troll finished Aragorn and then killed a warrior too.

Ryan then sent his knight to go and escape the board. Durburz, who's army was now broken, passed courage tests, one after the other until reaching the edge and sweeping his troops off, before escaping himself. Denethor managed to slay the Shaman and remaining goblins on the bridge. But the troll then came in, it lost the first combat and took two wounds. But it won the second time, and Denethor was slain. This put the men below 25% and ended the game.

I had got 6-8 goblins off the board to Ryan's 1, slain Denethor and we had broken one another. Giving me a 10-1 victory.

Game 3- Seize the Prize (Vs. Kingdom of Moria (Rob))


Durburz LEADER

Moria Goblin x15 w/ 7x Shield and 8x Spear


Moria Goblin x12 w/ 6x Shield and 6x Shield

Moria Goblin Shaman

Cave Troll w/ Hand and a half Hammer

Moria Goblin x4 w/ 2x Shield and 2x Spear

Cave Drake

Moria Blackshields x6 w/ 2x Spear

Models: 42

Opponents Heroes: Balin, Lord of Moria, Dwarf King and King's Champion

Opponents Warriors: Khazad Guard, Iron Guard, Dwarf warriors and Dwarf rangers

Rob is my second new opponent of the tournament, that I have met several times and never played. And he appeared to have the most themey matchup that I could have hoped for.

I was going to have an issue in this game, in that I didn't have a Captain for marching, while Rob had access to it. I could put the Drake in the centre, but was worried that this could just lead to big heroes being able to isolate and slay it.

So I made a wall of goblins ready to engage the dwarves in a desperate fight for the prize. I'd have to hope Rob failed the first attempt or two to dig it up as my Drake worked her way around the back to try and pincer the centre or the flank with Balin (depending on which seems closer to crumbling).

Rob found the prize on his first attempt and then pulled its bearer behind his lines. I engaged with a furious charge and, to my horror, my casualties went from the three or four from shooting, up to about thirteen in combat. Only killing a single dwarf in retaliation, even the Drake was pushed back by a lone dwarf shield.

The goblins pushed again, hoping for a better result, using a few traps to try and pincer some enemies. The Drake rushed forth and bulldozed a few dwarves. As Rob started pulling the prize around the ruin to my left. The goblins had another unfortunate turn, with several more losses but did return a few this time. Durburz attempted a Heroic Combat to join the troll, who had pinned the Dwarf King but failed to wound and the latter lost the fight, taking a wound.

As I won a move off, I did something Rob didn't expect. I used the move to pull the majority of my line back and threaten the prize bearer (dwarf with blue band), who was edging towards the escape. The dwarf rangers, who had pushed around, were pinned against the wall and one slain. The dwarves gave chase, with Balin slaying the troll. 

The Cave Drake called a Heroic Combat, intending to get around the fighting to my right and chase down the prize. She won the fight and with four dice, need a four to kill the Khazad guard she faced. She rolled a three highest... This not only lost the move from the heroic, but also meant that, when I lost priority the following turn, she was able to be pinned again, losing 16" of movement and safely keeping her away from the prize.

The goblins desperately tried to fight off the dwarven onslaught but first Groblog and the Shaman were slain. Before the remaining warriors also fell. This just left Durburz facing a multitude of the dwarves, including Balin, the Champion, the King etc. He unsurprisingly fell to their axe with the Drake right beside him, a single turn from potentially saving him.

As the prize was carried off the board, the Drake had a single warrior thrown at it, just to limit it to 6" of movement maximum from a barge, allowing the dwarves to escape it. That dwarf was slain and broke them but saved Balin from potentially fighting it.

In the end, Rob had taken the prize off my board edge and we had broken one another for a 8-1 defeat to me.

Game 4- To the Death (Vs. Mordor (James))


Durburz LEADER

Moria Goblin x15 w/ 7x Shield and 8x Spear


Moria Goblin x12 w/ 6x Shield and 6x Shield

Moria Goblin Shaman

Cave Troll w/ Hand and a half Hammer

Moria Goblin x4 w/ 2x Shield and 2x Spear

Cave Drake

Moria Blackshields x6 w/ 2x Spear

Moria Goblin Captain w/ Shield


Moria Goblin Drum

Moria Goblin Prowlers x2

Moria Goblins x7 w/ 2x Shield and 5x Spear

Models: 55

Opponents Heroes: The Witch King, Shagrat and Troll Chieftain

Opponents Warriors: Morgul Knights, Morannon Orcs and a Warg Rider

My final opponent was also a new(ish) one, I had played James in doubles once before, but never in singles.

I sent my first wave, led by the Captain to engage the orcs, while the Drake slammed into his right flank. I lost a wound on the Drake to a black dart from the WK. While Shagrat countered the charge by throwing himself on the beast. He called a Strike and won the fight, spending a might to win the fight, and they scored a single wound.

I kept my cave troll to the right to protect the flank against the small crowd of orcs and Morgul knight coming through towards the Drum. He took two wounds on the charge but the next turn, the goblins around him got stuck in and helped. The knight fell and a hurl killed two orcs. 

James then went for the big guns, he threw a transfix at the Drake, who resisted with resistance to magic and charged the WK in to call the Heroic Strike. I was very worried for the Drake and decided to save my fate for the WKs blows as he declared to be using the Morgul Blade. I was very fortunate, when he rolled a four highest and had to spend the WKs remaining might to beat my six. I braced as the wounding dice were rolled and did none! The Drake had survived the Morgul Blade and the next turn, charged into the Ringwraith and destroyed him! 

Durburz engaged Shagrat and they both called Heroic Strikes, leaving the Uruk without any might, and he lost two fate as the Goblin King pushed him back. As time was called, several more were killed, including three by the Drake but we fell two short of breaking James's forces. The batswarm had made a last ditch attempt at swooping in to kill the banner but failed.

By the end, James had the only banner and I had slain his leader for a narrow 3-2 victory.

This left me on 2 wins and 2 losses with a VPD of -2. Once the additional points were added in for 'Most Sporting' and 'Fool Points' from the bonuses, I ended up in 7th/10. But I had had four fun games, with a new army and mostly new opponents.

Tournaments that I'll attend

23rd April- Desolation of Stowmarket (GBHL)

29th April- The Fog of More!? (EAHC)

3rd June- At Dawn, Look to the East (No affiliation to us or any other league, to my understanding)

10th June- Republic of the Shire (GBHL)

12/13th August- The Wolf's Lair (GBHL)

Clearing the Backlog, Part 19 – Well, I'm back.

First and foremost, I need to apologise for barely posting any blogs last year. To cut a long story short, I found myself struggling to find...