Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Battle Report- The Battle of Fornost (Dec '24)

Last year, we decided to end the year with a big blowout battle with multiple players, when we did the Siege of Edoras. Annoyingly, with the coming release of War of the Rohirrim, that could have been a great theme for this year. Instead, we discussed and decided that it would be a lot of fun an dramatic to search for the largest battle in 'Rise of Angmar', settling on the Battle of Fornost.

We then decided that to make it larger and better, we should scale it up. So we added extra points to both sides to keep it even, including some additional heroes, that could have been there, and eventually had our participants looking like this.


Minas Tirith Captain





Knights of Minas Tirith x9

Warriors of Minas Tirith x43 (1 Banner, 14 Shield, 14 Spear/Shield, 14 Bow)

High Elf Warriors x43 (1 Banner, 14 Spear/Shield, 14 Elf Bow)

Rangers of the North x11 (2 Spears? I have lost track of how many we used in the end)

Dunedain x3 (1 Spear)

Rangers of Arnor x12 (4 Spear)

Hobbit Archers x8

The Witch King

The Tainted

The Dwimmerlaik

The Shadow of Rhudaur





Barrow Wight

Wild Warg Chief

Angmar Orc Captain (Shield)

Angmar Orc Warriors x84 (2 Banner, 26 Shield, 28 Spear, 14 2h, 14 Bow) (Some bows proxied by Orc Trackers)

Carn Dum Warriors x12

Wild Wargs x12

Dead Marsh Spectres x6

Werewolves x2 (Proxied by Mounted Azog and White Warg)

Hill Trolls x2

Over 260 models in play!

We split the forces amongst our 6 players; Minas Tirith (Josh), Rivendell (Will), the Rangers (James), the Orcs (Tom/Vince) and the Men of Carn Dum/Wargs (Myself).

The one and only objective in this game is to completely destroy your foes! Please note that tactics and efficiency was taking a backseat to the rule of cool and creating a spectacle, so there may be some questionable tactical choices made.

The Battle

Turn 1- Evil Priority

The Rangers and their Halfling allies under Aranarth

The High Elves led by Glorfindel and Cirdan

Earnur with his Gondorian army

The Host of the Witch King garrisoning the Fortress

The layout of the battlefield

The horns are blown signalling the evil army to attack. The Orcs pour forward en masse towards the elves, while the men of Carn Dum, with the Dwimmerlaik and Orc bows, hurry towards the Rangers, under a Heroic March from Fraecht.

In the shoot phase, both sides fire their bows. The elves are unaffected but kill 4 orcs in return, while on the other flank, a Ranger of the North loses his fate as a man of Carn Dum is struck and killed.

Aranarth gives the order to fire

Turn 2- Evil Priority

Evil rushes forward as an elf is fell lighted into their malicious jaws. Erestor, not happy to leave a fellow elf to die, leaps in to fight beside them. The first wargs manage to get at the rangers and reduce the bowfire on their allies marginally.

The evil hordes swarm towards the elves

The smaller force rushes towards the remnants of Arnor

In the shoot phase, evil hits back. Tom, who is renowned for having 'a bit of a thing against elves' cackles maniacally as he shoots dead an elf! Although he is less pleased when a hill troll takes a wound from a Gondorian bow. Meanwhile, the Hobbit archers, who I have vowed to exterminate, show their valour and roll triple 6, killing three wargs!

James proudly shows off his three 6s *Cough* Markofthedevil! #Arewethebaddies?

In the combats, the wargs are easily slain by the superior Rangers. While Tom manages to kill his first elf in combat, and while dizzy with the excitement, beat Erestor too! Although he failed to wound him.

Tom's dream of violence against elves is granted.

Turn 3- Evil Priority

Winning yet another priority, evil puts as much force as they can into an all out attack. The Shade throws up Swirling Mists to protect against Gondorian bowfire. Tom sends his orcs screaming into the elves as Vince starts to get into a position to help. The Tainted casts Black Dart at Earnur and lands a wound that he tanks.

Meanwhile, the Carn Dum men finally get to fight on their terms! They rush into the Rangers screaming bloody murder. In the thick of it, Aldrac gets ahold of Aranarth!

The dishonourable evil Ringwraith wounds the King of Gondor

The vengeful men of Carn Dum attack the Rangers

This turn, the combat kicks off. Glorfindel kills two orcs, while Erestor spends might to kill another two. Earnur, not wanting to let his allies fight alone, calls a Heroic Combat and uses it to charge a Hill Troll alone. Using another might, he drives the tip of his lance through the beast and takes it down! The other Hill Troll, clearly enraged by the loss of his kin, picks up an elf and throws him, killing 3! Vince and Tom are squealing with delight at causing such misery for elf-kind. 

Finally, the Warg Chief hits combat and rips apart a Rangers of the North and Ranger of Arnor. While Aldrac and Aranarth both thrown down, both called Heroic Strike and reach F10. Aranarth triumphs, but fails to land a telling blow! Around them, the Rangers brace and absorb the charge, killing several men, but a Hobbit is brought down by a warg.

The Elf/Orc front becomes chaos...

...with the Witch King attempting to manage it from the back.

King Earnur brings the first big spectacle of the game, slaying a Hill Troll, single handedly!

The surviving Hill Troll makes his displeasure known with a devastating hurl

Turn 4Good Priority

Good finally claims a priority! Fraecht calls a Heroic Move for Carn Dum and casts his Endurance ability. The men slam into the Rangers again and Aranarth is assaulted by Aldrac a second time. The Dwimmerlaik transfixes the spear support behind Aranarth.

Glorfindel leads the counter attack against the orcs on the opposite side, but evil sees a chance and throws Nazthak forward. The Barrow Wight then Paralyses the elven banner bearer. Nazthak calls a Heroic Combat and slays the elf he faces, taking his shield. Then rushes forward and attacks the elven banner, which he also kills and steals! Tom is dancing with joy at this point, and not even Glorfindel also calling a Heroic Combat and slaying five orcs with it, can bring him down. Warriors fall on both sides in the fights around them and Earnur runs down two orcs, while the Troll hurls another elf to his death.

In the other fight, yet more men of Carn Dum are killed by the more experienced Rangers, but the Warg Chief (now affectionately known as 'King Dog'), kills another two Rangers. Things take a sudden turn when Aldrac lets out a bone chilling battlecry and splits Aranarth's head in two, causing two wounds with a might point, getting through one fate and Mighty Blow doing the rest.

Nazthak's greedy piggy eyes spot an opportunity...

...and he snatches it, figuratively and literally

The Gondorian cavalry hits, but is largely ineffective and several are killed

Aldrac ends the Royal line of Arnor

Turn 5Evil Priority

A Ranger of the North, Glorfindel and the Shadow of Rhudaur call Heroic Moves, and the Shadow claims it. Tom and Vince hurl their orcs forward, encouraged by Nazthak's success. The surviving Gondorian cavalry are encircled and the Tainted spitefully Black Darts Earnur's horse. The army of Minas Tirith joins the battle on evil's flank.

The Rangers, now with a burning desire for revenge, bodily slam into Carn Dum and the wargs, with the latter being surrounded by Hobbits.

In the combat phase, multiple Heroic Combats are called; by Glorfindel, Aldrac (Free due to previous kill) and the Orc Captain. Glorfindel slays his two orcs and then another two afterwards. The Captain loses to the elf and has Tom spitting feathers. Aldrac swings his mace wildly, the bloodlust from his vital kill inspiring him, but misses (rolling 3 high) and finds the Ranger spears embedded in his chest. He falls, confused over what had just happened. Beside him, the shockwaves take effect as more men fall and both Fraecht and the Dog King are wounded.

Nazthak clinging onto his prizes, shields for dear life as the elves close around him and survives the onslaught.

The Rangers launch a savage counter attack

In which, Aldrac is slain

Erestor ends up deeper behind enemy lines as the orcs push forward

The Troll and Glorfindel continue to maul one anothers lines

Turn 6Good Priority

With the fall of Aldrac, the men of Carn Dum are...well...doomed. The Rangers overwhelm their survivors and while King Dog is able to repel his attackers and rip apart another, Fraecht is cut down by their swords, along with many others.

A Heroic Move for evil on the other side allows the Shadow of Rhudaur to cast Curse upon Erestor, and rolling a 6, it becomes channelled. Erestor is left fateless, and is then transfixed by the Witch King and charged. In the combat phase, Erestor manages to repel the assault, to Tom's dismay and to compound his upset, his Orc Captain falls to the blades of the elves.

The writing is on the wall for the men of Carn Dum and their canine allies

Erestor shrugs off the magical bombardment and fights off the enemy General

Turn 7Evil Priority

Things heat up in the middle as Vince and Josh's lines truly clash. With Earnur off to one side, holding his own on foot. The Witch King again engages Erestor, who is now out of Might, Will and Fate. Nazthak is still behind enemy lines desperately holding his own with the elven banner and shield. While the few survivors of Carn Dum throw themselves back at the Rangers.

As the fighting breaks out, several are slain on either side, including almost all the remaining Gondorian cavalry. King Dog is finally overrun and speared to death by the Rangers. But the Witch King makes up for this as he finally runs down Erestor, much to Tom's delight.

Earnur's army locks horns with the central orcs

The King refuses to back down

King Dog, the last hope for evil's right flank, falls

The bloodshed between Will and Tom shows no signs of abating

When Tom lands a telling blow, slaying Erestor

Glorfindel and the Troll have almost cleared out their area of troops

Turn 8Good Priority

The Witch King and Tainted both call Heroic Moves to push the advantage. The Tainted rushes at Glorfindel to try and score a wound via Miasmatic Presence. The troll rushes some of the few remaining elves and the Witch King barrels into elves. The Shadow of Rhudaur Curses Glorfindel removing a fate. A werewolf charges the Captain of Minas Tirith and the surviving Rangers and Hobbits start to spill past the remaining evil to assist their allies.

A slew of chaos ensues as the Witch King slays two elves, the Minas Tirith Captain is dragged down and killed by a werewolf, the Troll barges into Glorfindel as Vince gets grand ideas of heroism and instead is one shotted by him, and the turn ends with Nazthak finally being cut to ribbons by the elves. Tom is dismayed.

The Rangers declare victory and move on

The Witch King, high on his victory leads the charge and slays two more elves

The brave Captain of Minas Tirith is brutally killed by the werewolf

The Troll makes an ill advised attempt of Glorfindel's life

The battlefield in Turn 8

Turn 9Evil Priority

Claiming yet another priority, evil goes all out. The Tainted goes for another attempt at Miasmatic Presence on Glorfindel, casting a Black Dart at Asfaloth as he went in, and sacrificing the Shade to cast it. He then rolls a 2 to wound and fluffs it, he then poofs away as the combat ends, having run his will dry. The Barrow Wight uses his remaining will to try paralysing Glorfindel, but is thwarted by the Fortify Spirit. The Witch King continues his furious charge running over another two elves.

By the Rangers, I use the Dwimmerlaik for pure spite, casting a Black Dart and killing a Hobbit with it. He then manages to withstand the attacks of the Rangers and surviving Gondorian cavalryman.

Glorfindel endures a blitz of Ringwraith attacks by magic and combat

The Rangers, appalled at such a petty attack on a halfling, vow to bring down the Dwimmerlaik

As the rest continue their push to their allies. A werewolf arriving and chomping another Hobbit

Turn 10Evil Priority

Desperate to bring down the elf Lord, Tom and Vince redouble their attack upon him, launching the Shadow of Rhudaur into him. Tom throws a Black Dart at Asfaloth but fails to cast it with the Witch King. He then starts working his way towards him.

In combat, Earnur leads his men by slaying a werewolf, the one that killed his Captain. The second is slain by Rangers and Hobbits. Glorfindel lands a wound upon the Shadow and the Dwimmerlaik is finally pushed too far, runs out of will and poofs.

The elves, having held firm against the almost entire orc army, are showing cracks

Earnur leads as a true King, bringing down a monstrous beast

Turn 11Evil Priority

The Witch King is now hellbent on taking down Glorfindel, he throws another Black Dart as Asfaloth, scoring a 6. But the elf then gets a 6 with Fortify Spirit, as Tom bites his shirt in fury! As the combats begin, Tom opts to start with two elves v two orcs and says 'Let's let this set the tone!' He promptly lost and his front orc was skewered. The Witch King disregarded that tone and killed another two elves. However, Glorfindel brought it back as he cut down the Barrow Wight.

'Let's let this set the tone...'

The Witch King spots his target

Turn 12Evil Priority

The Witch King throws another final attempt at a Black Dart on Asfaloth, going down to his last will and Tom is screaming when Fortify Spirit foils him again! Having had enough, he charges the elven Lord wailing like a banshee and calling a Heroic Strike. Earnur calls a Heroic Combat nearby and charges some more orcs afterwards, killing 3+. 

The Shadow of Rhudaur slays an elf, and being encouraged by this, the Witch King defeats Glorfindel. Tom takes a deep breathe and...fails to wound. The Witch King fades from the world screaming obscenities at Glorfindel as his will is spent.

Tom's last attack falls flat

Turn 13Good Priority

Evils hope is all but extinguished, Glorfindel rushes the Shadow of Rhudaur and without much effort, brings down Evils last big hero. Earnur fights and slays two more orcs.

The Shadow of Rhudaur falls to the might of the West

Turn 14Evil Priority

With the game pretty much decided and time almost up, we called the final turn. And in it, Evil almost left with a final slap across the face of Good as Glorfindel finally lost a fight and Tom almost collapsed to the floor in misery as he again failed to wound Asfaloth.

With that the game ends, it’s a resounding victory for Good as they claim the Fortress of Fornost. Evil had got them three away from breaking by the games end.

Cheers to the guys for a great game to end the year and edition on. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and I hope we can do another big game next year. Onto 2025 and the next edition!

Monday, 16 December 2024

Tournament Report- Throne of Skulls 2024 (30th Nov-1st Dec)

The Tournament

 This tournament I have covered before. The key points being that it's 1000pts and very heavily focused on theme, scoring the rankings half on gaming score and half on theme/sportsmanship. 

Because of this, it is a very popular event, even for Warhammer World, and so James and I found ourselves missing the initial wave of tickets. So we began the waiting game, with me eventually getting a ticket 8 days prior and James still trying. I suggested that he come along and try to get a dropout's ticket on the day. Worst case scenario, my army is suitable to split in two and play as a doubles, so we could do that. Luckily for us, there was a dropout that morning and James was in with his army of Moria monsters. My army was also low numbers, but in a different way.

My Army

This was an idea that had struck me earlier in the year, I gave it a go with an army in a similar vein, as a TO for a local event. And it was well received. 

The idea was like a council of leaders at the beginning of the fourth age. And with them all being expensive, I could fit the army of them together nicely, without being too many points down. 

The first obvious choice was Elessar, being essentially the biggest leader in Middle Earth at that point. Second, was his loyal ally and friend, Eomer, who rode by his side in many campaigns against the men of the East.

Then, I decided it would be thematic to add in Arwen, as Aragorn’s then wife, but she was only a minor hero. So I decided that the most sensible addition would be Elrond, as the leader of the Western elves.

Leaders of a New Age 

King Elessar w/ armoured horse (LEADER)

(King) Eomer, Marshall of the Riddermark w/ armoured horse, throwing spear and shield

(Queen) Arwen Undomiel w/ Asfaloth

Elrond, Master of Rivendell 

*Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm w/ elk, heavy armour and additional elven blade 

(King) Bard II

(King) Thorin III Stonehelm

Might: 19

Numbers: 7

*I vowed that I would not voluntarily dismount Thranduil all weekend to make him more fun to play against.

Game 1- Destroy the Supplies (Vs. Craig (Minas Tirith/Dead of Dunharrow))

Looking at this force and scenario, I knew that this would be tough. If the avenger bolt throwers roll well, that would be a lot of high strength shots to kill my horses or wound my heroes early. The army of the dead would also hinder my heroic combats that I would want to knock down their numbers. 

I quickly decided to abandon the objectives and try to destroy theirs. I advanced up the centre, using a large building for cover from all the oppositions bows, and spread out a bit, intending to do a two pronged attack, and go for two objectives, while trying to clear a spare early.

Eomer, Thorin and Bard go to the left and Elessar, Elrond, Thranduil and Arwen to the right. 

I intended to send Arwen on her faster mount, to destroy the right hand objective as the others engaged the frontlines. However, the Gondorians bolt throwers found their mark and killed Asfaloth, so I had to send Elrond instead.

Aragorn and Thranduil both rushed the flanks of the opponents and did some damage. But Aragorn quickly found himself against his double. Thranduil called a Heroic Combat in an effort to kill off some of the guys surrounding Elessar. In the fight between the Kings of Gondor, both called Heroic Strike and reached F10, both rolled their 6, but I lost the roll off and was dismounted and burned all my fate. Behind him, Arwen repelled an attack by several troops.

The following turn, I lose priority and the four heroes are surrounded. Thranduil and Elrond fight off their foes and kill a handful. Elessar fluffs his Heroic Strike and, surrounded for a second time, is cut down. Arwen beside him, fails to roll another 6 to save herself and also falls to the blades of Minas Tirith.

Elessar takes on his imposter, as Thranduil tries to break through and Arwen pulls some away. Elrond destroys the right objective and then comes in to assist.

On the other flank, Eomer led the charge, getting combat stirred up to cover his man and dwarf allies from the bolt thrower, although it managed to get a wound on Bard. They hit combat like a tonne of bricks, cutting down men and the dead in swathes. Until Bard rolled a triple 2 and was cut to pieces.

Thorin and Eomer continued to put up a fight, despite Eomer being dismounted and they got to the objective, but couldn't clear it to destroy it. Thorin eventually fell to the sheer numbers, leaving Eomer to fight over that objective until the game's end.

Over the central objective, Thranduil fought his hardest, hampered by my promise not to dismount. He steadily killed one a turn until his dice failed, and he was brought down.

Elrond, meanwhile, was livid, having seen the enemy Aragorn kill his son in law and then their troops bring down his daughter. So when the enemy Aragorn attacked, the Master of Rivendell let out his wrath. He slew Aragorn's horse, who then hastily retreated and let the troops fight him. Elrond fought hard for several turns, killing several troops. Until eventually, there was simply too many and he fell.

During all of this, Craig had run his knights behind me and destroyed my objectives. So when the game ended with just Eomer still standing, I had destroyed an objective, while Craig had done three, killed my leader and broken me to win 10-2.

Game 2- To the Death (Vs. Chris (The White Council))

What wins in a fight between magic and swords? Let’s find out. 

Chris had a gorgeously painted army that was later selected as the judges’ choice for best army. I was a little concerned about the amount of magic I’d be facing, but since he hadn’t chosen the Vanquishers LL, it could have been tougher. 

I didn’t take a particularly subtle approach, running at them as quickly as I could. Chris put up terrifying auras where he could and after a few turns, I hit in combat.

I got Elessar and Thranduil both onto Glorfindel and saw a chance for some fun pairings, needing Bard to fight Elrond so that Arwen could fight Galadriel unopposed. Instead, Bard rolled snake eyes for his courage and refused. So I had to hold off as Radagast and Elrond peeled off Thranduil. Gandalf then sorcerous blasted through the combat and dismounted Thranduil.

In combat, Thranduil fought off his attackers and stood up, while Glorfindel was reduced to 1w, 1f by Elessar.

In the next turn, Thranduil rushed the wounded Glorfindel and Gandalf as Eomer charged Radagast, Elessar into Elrond and Arwen into Galadriel. Bard was supposed to charge Saruman for me, but rolled his SECOND consecutive snake eyes and was hereby dubbed ‘the Coward’ by me. His cowardice also prevented Elrond from getting past to do it for him.

Only one death happened in the combats, as Arwen fluffed her dice and was heftily slapped from horseback to the ground by an enraged Galadriel.

The next turn, I got another move off go my way and hit hard, as I repeated most of the combats again, except Bard finally charged Galadriel alongside Thorin and Elrond joined against Radagast. If I remember correctly, called a Heroic Combat with Elrond and Heroic Strike with Eomer. They killed Radagast and Elrond trapped Galadriel, while Eomer rushed Saruman. The latter brought down the white wizard while Galadriel won her duel. Thranduil slew Glorfindel and wounded Gandalf.

Over the last few turns, I continued to win the move offs bar one, and with the numbers on my side, along with Elessar’s inexhaustible might, I was able to kill all but Galadriel. Chris had lost all but one move off (severely hampering his magic casting), and kept the smile on his face throughout, which was commendable sportsmanship.

I had slain Chris’ leader, broken him and 25%ed him to win 10-0. It had been a great game and got one of my favourite game votes. A credit to all the other opponents is that I honestly can’t remember who else got one, as they had all been great.

Game 3- Command the Battlefield (Vs. Cameron (Rohan/Druadan))

Opponent’s Heroes: King Theoden, Eomer, Dernhelm, Elfhelm, Grimbold and Ghan Buri Ghan

Opponent’s Warriors: Rohan Royal Guard, Warriors of Rohan, Rohan Outriders and Woses Warriors 

All dismounted.

I went first and had Elrond, Bard and Arwen arrive on the Eastern board edge, with Thorin on the Western one.

Cameron had most of his army arrive in the South-Eastern corner (Theoden, Eomer, Dernhelm, Elfhelm and Ghan Buri Ghan). While Grimbold arrived on the Western edge near Thorin and Dernhelm on the Northern board edge. 

I decided that this was going to be a difficult scenario to win, so let’s just make it a bloodbath! I turned Elrond, Arwen and Bard at the pile of Rohirrim and barrelled full tilt towards them. Thranduil and Eomer arrived in the South-Eastern, to the left of the Rohirrim. Elessar for a second turn, didn’t show his face. 

In the following turn, Thranduil and Eomer launched themselves into the Rohirrim, both calling Heroic Combats and killing many of the men, including Ghan Buri Ghan, who was run down by the elk.

As I closed in, the archers found their mark and killed Elrond’s horse. Arwen carried on her charge nonetheless. 

In the next turn, she took dozens of arrows and other projectiles (throwing spears and blowpipe darts). And incredibly survived it all…only for Cam to reach for his final dice. Elfhelm levelled his spear and skewered her! Elessar still nowhere to be seen…

On the other flank, Thorin attacked the Woses and was surrounded, but dealt a wound to Grimbold.

In the fourth turn, Elrond, once again incensed by the death of his daughter, stomped forward and cast Wrath of Bruinen…and wrath was the word…

7 Rohirrim and Woses fell to the S2 hits from it and he rushed forward to engage some survivors. Bard was catching up and Elessar had moved nearby. 

Eomer and Thranduil were charged by the Rohirrim and the elven lord managed to drain the enemy Eomer’s might and land a couple of wounds, as my Eomer slew a few men.

Thorin on the opposite flank fluffed his dice to wound this turn, but in the next killed Grimbold. He spent the rest of the game whittling down the Woses until they were all dead around him. 

Elessar joined the fray at last, quickly using Heroic combat to slay several Woses. Alongside him, Bard fluffed his dice and took a mild pummelling, but lived. (Coward!) And Elrond, continued his violent revenge upon the men, slaying a couple more.

Theoden stepped in against, the now mightless, Thranduil and surrounded him with a Heroic Strike, felling the elven King.

Eomer stood his ground for another few turns, killing Dernhelm, until Elessar came in and saved him, cutting down Theoden and Elfhelm in the process. (Might have the wrong heroes slain as it’s been a couple of weeks, but that sounds right.) 

As his army is quartered and the game ends, Eowyn and Merry have claimed a couple of corners, the latter had some help from Royal Guard, a spare warrior had also worked his way into Thorin’s corner, with an outrider from the other side, to claim a third. The last corner, I had reduced him to one more body than I had myself. I had also slain his leader and broken him, leaving me with a 7-4 loss. Elessar had somehow gone the entire game without losing a combat, wound or fate, achieving my secret objective of having him end the game with full wounds.

Game 4- Breakthrough (Vs. Jake (Numenor/Rivendell))

This game, like the one against the Army of the Dead, would be tough. With the abundance of F5/6 in Jake’s army, I would lose a lot of my advantages in this game and would have to be careful. 

I skirted around the central building with Elessar, Thranduil, Elrond and Arwen. The others rushed down the middle. Jake pulled his entire army to my right, hugging the rock behind him.

The next turn, I saw Elendil close to 2 big heroes and called Heroic Move with Elessar. Jake saw the danger and called one in response, winning it and pulling him out the closing jaws. I instead used it to launch Elessar and Elrond into the elven warriors. Arwen and Thranduil used their combats to hide away from potential bow fire. Eomer also threw himself in as Thorin and Bard both rushed up close. In the combats that followed, my heroes killed several elves in exchange for a couple of might points, but I was ok with that, figuring that getting their numbers down early would suit me best.

In the following turns, I got Eomer onto my left flank, as the battleline was wedged between the rock and a building. Elessar rushed into the middle to give his banner effect to everyone and all my heroes were in a nice line. 

Arwen had rushed in to cast a Wrath of Bruinen, as Elrond had committed to a fight with Gil Galad and Erestor and taken two wounds, then was recharged again. Luckily, he won the second fight, reducing Erestor to 1w, 0f, after an Heroic Combat called by Bard, got him to take two elves and Thorin (who had called Heroic Strike) to attack Gil Galad and wound him.

After this, I kept up the pressure and Elrond slew Erestor, Thorin was pushed back by Gil Galad. Arwen was comfortably winning her fights and killing an elf or two each turn, Bard kept the elves up and took a few down. But Thranduil, went for blood and Heroic Combatted into Cirdan, as I hoped, Elendil took the bait and attacked. Thranduil won the fight and fluffed his wounding dice.

In the last turn, I saw a chance to gain some VPs, I charged Eomer into an elf with Thorin and Elrond. Elessar charged Gil Galad, and Thranduil pinned Cirdan. Elendil attacked him again as Bard and Arwen attacked spare troops.

I called Heroic Combat with both Eomer and Elessar, I also called Heroic Strike with Thorin. Eomer went first and Thorin hit F10, they easily killed the elf they fought and Eomer rushed over to the rear objective in Jake’s half to claim it. Elrond charged the elf banner and Thorin joined Elessar against Gil Galad. 

Elessar then easily won the fight against Gil Galad with Thorin’s F10 and the dwarf slew the elven King. Elessar then charged around and into Elendil! In the combats that followed, Arwen killed another elf, Thranduil fluffed and failed to slay Cirdan, Bard killed another elf (maybe we can stop calling him ‘Coward’ now),  Elrond brought down the banner and finally Elessar triumphed over Elendil and caused two wounds. 

As the game ended, I had claimed the objective in Jake’s half, and he had claimed the other 3. I had also wounded his leader and broken him, leaving me with a close 8-6 loss. 

Game 5- Fog of War (Vs. Jack (Mordor))

The last game was a lot of people’s favourite, and an excellent last tournament scenario of the year and edition.

For anyone who can’t read it below, I targetted Zagdush, chose to defend Thorin and wanted to capture the highlighted ruins.

I went for an early rush, having learned nothing over the last four games, throwing Elessar and Elrond at the left flank and Thranduil and Eomer, the right. Arwen hung back and Bard/Thorin were hurrying to assist the left.

Predictably, as Elrond and Elessar hit the frontline, they were enveloped, as were Thranduil and Eomer. Disasterously, Thranduil fluffed his Heroic Strike and Goroth with his orcs ripped him to pieces…whoops.

Elessar and Eomer had called Heroic Combat and I believe Elrond too, despite them fighting three and four orcs each respectively, they both killed all their foes and Elrond charged the warg riders before the Shadow Lord at the back (I didn’t want to be pummelled with magic) as Elessar attacked the batswarm). Elrond killed a warg rider and Elessar got the bats to its last wound. Eomer killed his orcs and rushed through the doorway to kill a couple of Mordor Uruks.

Arwen lives a horror film.

Having made a large dent in the left, I lost the move off and Elrond resisted the transfix of the wraith, but not of Muzgur. Elessar wins his fight but can’t strike as he was dismounted by Shelob hurling Bard through him. Eomer wins his fight against Goroth and his allies, Goroth threw two orcs in the way to save his own skin. Elrond won his fight but was immobilised. Thorin has great chance and lands a wound on Zagdush, however fails to finish him.

The heroes put up a brutal fight for several turns as Elessar cuts down orc after orc, Bard also pushes his way towards him through the crowds. Eomer fights bravely against the orcs until he is overwhelmed and slain. Thorin suffers a similar fate.

Arwen flees from the pursuing spiders, killing one, until I bumble and forget to call a Heroic Move, and she is surrounded and slain (Jack offered me the chance to call it retroactively, but I let it go). Shelob had mysteriously stopped chasing and run off towards a corner of the board…

After several turns of being immobilised on the trot, Elrond finally succumbs to the overwhelming might of the evil forces, but had drained a lot of will off the Shadow Lord. It came down to Elessar and Bard fighting back to back surrounded from all sides until Elessar finally fluffed his dice and was slain.

As we unveiled objectives, Jack revealed that he was defending the Shadow Lord, targeting Bard and wanted to capture the far right ruin on my side. So he had slain his target, defended his hero and broken me, while I had wounded my target, giving me a 9-1 loss.


By the end of the tournament, I was on 1 win, 4 losses, 2 favourite game votes and 1 favourite army vote. This put me into ~70th out of the 80ish players, but I didn't mind as all my opponents had praised the army and we had all enjoyed each game. Plus, I had taken my chance to use a soon to become illegal force. Overall, it had been a great way to end the edition with a very fond farewell...

...one more game..? Hmm...oh go on then! (Coming soon!)

Aragorn, You Need More Men (Backlog Clearing: Jan-Feb ‘25)

Hey all, we begin another year of SBG, in a new edition! While we wait for the much desired 'Armies of Middle Earth' and Legacy PDF,...