Sunday, 20 September 2020

WiR Scenario 1- The Burning of the Westfold

 Hey, I was offered by Kieran to post write ups for the campaigns that I am doing for the books. I have quite a large amount already done so it shouldn't take too much to post them on here. At the time of writing, I have one scenario left for Rohan, 3 more for Gondor at War and about half of Scouring of the Shire. 

Quite a few of these are also played on Tabletop Simulator, due to recent difficulties in meeting with players over the last 6 months and also, occasionally, not having the required models to do so.

I won't set a regular release for them as I can't guarantee when I'll be free to do so. But anyway, enjoy as we begin with..

The Burning of the Westfold

Played with: CM

As the Sun rises over the Westfold, a village comes under attack by the wildmen of Dunland led by the Oathmaker. On the hills in the distance, the villagers see a contingent of the Dunnish army approaching. The master of the village, Jeorn and his son Gaerwine prepare to defend with any man willing to fight the invaders.

The villagers prepare to defend (closest board edge is South). On the Southern edge Gaerwine stands in the middle of the road and to the North, Jeorn lines up his warriors.

The Wildmen sweep in and immediately set the SW house ablaze!

To the North, most of the Dunlendings arrive led by Gorulf. Jeorn (white cloak) attacks two warriors and fails to slay either.

Two warriors beside the SE house throw spears, killing a huscarl and warrior beside Frida.

The Oathmaker and Gaerwine call heroic combats and both kill their opponents, the Oathmaker uses it to run around the house. Gaerwine does the same round the opposite side to give chase.

Gorulf calls a heroic move the next turn and pounces upon Jeorn! The master escapes the attack.

Gaerwine catches the Oathmaker and his wildmen on the corner of the SW building. He manages to wound the Oathmaker.

Frida leads her unit towards the SE house.

Jeorn is set upon again by Gorulf and a warrior. This time Gorulf mights up his duel roll and with an almighty swing of his axe, fells the master! The NE house is set ablaze!

His son Gaerwine however, fights like a demon, managing to win another fight while surrounded and take the Oathmaker’s fate.

Frida and her unit descend upon the group of Rohirrim protecting the SE house. The warrior woman leads her unit in a vicious assault.

Gaerwine, starting to tire, shields the blows of the wildmen before slamming it back into the Oathmaker, taking the final wound and knocking him unconscious. Leaving him sprawled across the rocks beside him.

A Wildman sets the SE house alight, but a Rohan warrior quickly extinguishes it. The last of the Northern Rohan fighters are slain!

Gaerwine sees the hordes of Dunlendings streaming from the North and knowing that the battle is surely lost and seeing the Northern house erupt in flames, decides that he needs to get a message to the King! He starts to make a run, fighting the Wildman behind him!

The SE house fight continues, an axeman unexpectedly wounds Frida! But the Rohirrim’s numbers are thinning…

The Northern Dunlendings run rampant and unchecked!

Frida’s unit succeeds as the house is engulfed in flames and the attempts of a warrior to put it out fail miserably! Four houses now burn!

As Gaerwine, continues his desperate attempt to break free of the wildmen stopping his escape, the Western house is set on fire and the villages centre statue is brought down! Frida advances towards the young captain.

Gaerwine is almost within touching distance of his escape, he slays a Dunnish archer as the Eastern house is set alight after multiple failures from the Dunlendings. The whole Westfold village burns!

In the penultimate turn, Gaerwine slays another Wildman as the others pen him in to prevent him getting the message out quickly. Frida is now very close by.

The last turn comes in and giving up on the message, Gaerwine attacks the Dunlending woman! After a quick combat, he deflects her blows and leaves a deep wound on her. She survives through fate. He flees his burning home, getting a horse from the stables and escapes!



 Campaign effects

In 'the First Battle of the Fords of Isen', the good player gets -1 on rolls to see when Elfhelm arrives.

Jeorn is slain. 


Jeorn- 0

Gaerwine- 6


Gorulf- 2

Frida- 1

Oathmaker- 1

I'll try to make time soon to sort out the next: The First Battle of the Fords of Isen.

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