Sunday, 28 February 2021

Hobbying around the Community

With the news that hobbyists might hopefully be able to get back together and play some games again in the near future, we thought it would be fun to showcase some of the hobbying members of the East Anglia Hobbit Community have been up to over the past year. And there has been some impressive work done!

First up, we have Richard Smith's beautifully painted Dol Guldur force, consisting of The Nazgul of Dol Guldur, The Keeper of the Dungeons and of course The Necromancer himself. 

Richard has done a great job with these models, particularly with the cool blue highlights and bases tying the whole force together nicely. 

James Richardson is a prolific painter in the EAHC - he's been busy working on his Rohan and Dunland forces - here we have the Heroes of Dunland set:

Rohan however is not defenceless - James has also been working on Eomer, Eowyn and Deorwine:

In addition to models, James has also painted up some terrain - these two Rohan Houses have been combined from multiple kits, and he's built the Palisade kit too

Dunland has been quite popular of late in the Community - Dimitris Voulgarelis painted up these gorgeous looking Dunlendings, led by Gorulf Ironskin:

And Dan Reah has painted up Thrydan Wolfsbane, the leader of the Dunlendings himself:

Tom Hawker has also been working on his Lurtz' Scouts Legendary Legion - whilst he's not been able to get much paint on the models (it's a bit difficult finding hobbying time when you've got six month old twins!), they're well on their way to looking great - Tom says that his next step will be to get Lurtz repainted as a reward for fighting alongside his fellow Uruk-Hai.


We've not all been painting evil armies however - Sam Palmer has been hard at work, painting arguably the most definitively good army in the game - The Fellowship of the Ring:

Fans of the old Battle Games in Middle Earth magazine series might recognise the Balin's Tomb display base - a lovely piece that helps show off the Fellowship from some of the best scenes in the movie. Sam hasn't just been working on the Fellowship though - check out his stunning Fiefdom's of Gondor warbands, each led by their respective heroes: 

And Kieran Hatton, the original creator of the EAHC blog, has been hard at work on his dwarf army - Kieran has a unique take on his dwarves, as he's used mostly Contrast paints for a great looking effect:

Speaking of Contrast paints, our resident Legendary Legion expert CJ Millar has been working on something quite... unique. Inspired by a popular Disney film, he chose to paint his Mumakil in a rather striking paint scheme - if the Mumakil didn't stand out enough on the tabletop already, then this one certainly will!

And speaking of monsters, our other regular contributor Sam Huddy has also been at work on his Balrog, which he deceided to paint as a first ever attempt at Object Source Lighting - he spent plenty of time working on this model since there were no tournaments keeping his paint queue full, and it's very rare you'll paint more than one Balrog. Durin's Bane indeed - the glowing effect on the back of the Balrog looks great. 

Lastly, a couple of photos from me - I've been busy working on my own Fellowship of the Ring, as well as some Hobbit Heroes for my growing Shire force!

We hope you've enjoyed our hobbying showcase - hopefully we'll be able to bring you some more hobby content in the future!

Until next time, stay safe and happy hobbying!


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