Saturday, 27 March 2021

Battle Companies Part II

 Scenario 3- Hold the Line (Vs. Men of the West (Sam P))

The company reaches a small town and takes residence for a few days. Unaware that Pippin's Crew has been rampaging in the nearby area and has earned a bounty for himself. Word being passed ear to ear, has caused a miscommunication and a band of veterans from the Black Gate, led by Merenor, is given the impression that a band of Gondorians is who the bounty is for, but their quarry is warned by a couple of young brothers, who have befriended the men of the Fiefs. Merenor leads his band to the inn and demands the immediate surrender of the company. But Tiber, a little full of ale, refuses and before long swords are drawn.

As the company rushes up the street making their way for an alley to make their escape. A throwing spear flies from the shadows, thrown by Heruthain and strikes the Ungrateful Grandchild, giving him a nasty wound. Chuck Norris is the first to return blood as he manages to injure Heruthain in return. Tiber rushes into Merenor and Traston, the two fellow Swan Knights on horseback and is nearly beaten down, but resiliently lances Merenor from his mount. 

The two groups fight viciously with Fregar taking a nasty head wound from Ruffy's blade and Gromm also taking a stab from Rhys. Arvia leads the troops on the ground and slashes Ruffy aside followed by disarming Ruith, before Baralindir joins the fray and downs Chuck Norris. Tiber demonstrates fighting spirit for his men, dismounting and putting Grimgel out the fight then fighting off two more opponents with a triple 6, but fails to wound. 

As the tide turns heavily, Baralindir and Traston flee the fight and Arvia uses his sword to force Rhys into submission. With the way free, they make their escape with their injured, leaving Merenor to tend to his wounded with his healing herbs.


The two brothers, Cimberius and Brettan join the company on their quest and tell of a deserted town nearby, that is rumoured to hold great treasures of weapons. They also mention the bounty and name some of Pippin's followers, Nearamir and Youareamir, the Ungrateful Grandchild snorts in derision at those names.

The Black Sons face Pippin's Crew, triumphing over the Hobbit, that is becoming something of a legend.

Uthan's Marauders engage the beasts of the wild, leaving many injured.

Scenario 4- Recovery (Vs. Denizens of Mirkwood (CJ))

The company arrives at the abandoned town and spread out to begin the search. Little do they know that this abandoned town has new residents. A pack of wild animals (Bats, Spiders and Wargs) resides inside and are prowling for food. Spider broodlings under a suspicious rug search a crevice and find nothing. Tiber then searches a barrel and also turns up empty handed. But as Arvia, pokes his head inside a ruin, he calls out as he finds a crate full of masterfully crafted weapons. His call is answered with a howl though.

The men see the beasts all emerge from a ruin and charge at them. Cimberius takes the other side of the crate with Arvia and they carry, closely followed by the rest of the foot troops. The beasts slam into them and Arvia calls a heroic combat. The Ungrateful Grandchild (UGG) lunges and spears the suspicious rug. Arvia makes to charge into Tiny the Giant spider, but freezes in terror. Luckily, Cimberius faces it alone and wounds the beast, as Brettan slays a few of the bats in the swarm. Mr Farley lets out a cry as Gromit savages him.

Tiber prepares to charge, when suddenly a web hits and ensnares him. Wincy towers over him ready to make the killing bite. Luckily, UGG and Chuck Norris leap in and save him, wounding the beast. While Terrens and the brothers manage to wound a trapped Gromit. 

Arvia cries out as the company sees Tiny and the bats carrying the crate of weapons, apparently believing it to contain food, away. As he does so, another web is hurled by Wincy and UGG is also bound. In the ensuing fights, Wincy bites Chuck Norris and takes him out of the fight. Cimberius is engulfed by bats and falls to the floor wailing. Arvia is wrestled to the ground by a spider and taken out. UGG screams as Tiny rushes over and chews on his leg. However, despite these losses, Brettan swings his broadsword and leaves a deep gash across Gromit's snout (old battle wound). The company cheers as Tiber breaks free and manages to subdue Wincy!

With the majority of the beasts out the fight, the remaining bats and Tiny flee. Now all the company has to do is escape with the weapons. Before long Tiber collapses with exhaustion with the weight of the spider he carries and insists Brettan and Terrens go on. As they near the escape, howls sound again and Brettan breaks rank and flees. Terrens struggles on but as is almost out he sees a pack of wargs prowling the streets and has to abandon their prize.


Tiber and the other heroes pin down the captured Wincy and milk his venom. They then release him and coat their weapons with the poison. UGG is assisted in his escape due to his leg injury. As they flee, they buy a horse from a farmer, who's ranch they pass through and cover it with spare pieces of armour, before putting UGG upon it.

They are being stalked by the pack of wargs from the town though...

The Men of the Fiefs struggle with the beasts in the ruins.

The Saga of Erick Blunt-Axe clashes with Uthan's Marauders, the Harad manage to slip by.

Aedin's Reavers fight to a tightly contested draw with the Black Sons.

The Survivors of the Black Gate fight to a very narrow victory over Prince Bangizwe's host, but Ruith and Ruffy the Ruffian are both slain in the struggle.

Narrative 3- Ambush in the Hills

After hours of fleeing from the tracking wargs, night falls and the company realises that they must simply face their pursuers. They light a large fire and keep their backs to it as they see the flames light reflected in dozens of eyes creeping forward. 

Arvia draws his bow and as soon as he makes out a shape, fires. A loud yelp announces a hit and several wargs charge. Tiber spots the largest wolf pouncing upon Brettan and calls to the Ungrateful Grandchild (UGG). Both perform heroic combats and slam into the warg chieftain, but the beast is fast and leaps aside, pouncing up and dismounting Tiber before preparing to maul him. UGG pounds the base of his spear into the beast, which gnashes at him, allowing Tiber to escape injury. Meanwhile, Arvia is scratched by a warg. But the rest of the company kills several wargs as Brettan, Cimberius, Chuck Norris, Terrens and Mr Farley thin out the pack. 

In the second wave, UGG charges the chief again, while the company closes ranks around him. Fregar is caught and savaged as he gets trapped but not slain. UGG loses his fight with the chief and is similarly attacked by the monstrous warg. Terrens attempts to rally the remaining troops as Arvia is pulled down by a pair of wargs and struggles for dear life. In this moment, Gromm, Mr Farley and the brothers face the warg chief and Gromm manages to land a deep gash down it's flank. Chuck Norris, is trapped but wins and kills another warg. 

The Warg Chief is enraged and throws itself onto the warriors, shoving Brettan aside, knocking him unconscious on a rock and mauling Gromm. Terrens loses his nerve and flees. Mr Farley is outnumbered and brought down as Chuck Norris slays a third warg, looking up to see Cimberius underneath the chief, unmoving and with dire wounds. Chuck grabs a flaming brand from the fire and waves it at the beast. This combined with Gromm's wound, causes the pack to finally back off, allowing the company to make their narrow escape. 


The next morning, the company burns Cimberius' body and continues their journey. Brettan doesn't say much, but has clearly developed a burning anger. Tiber gains a fate point due to his miraculous escape and Chuck Norris is knighted as a Swan Knight of Dol Amroth for his valour.

With their two best warriors defeated, the rest of the Fiefs men fought the Wild Warg Chief.

Incy's beasts rush around the dead marshes terrorising the poor spectres. Gromit earns a Manbane rolling pin.

Pippin's crew is cornered by the wargs. The Warg chief rips the flank apart until the Halfman himself leads from the front and strikes down the terrible foe, while on foot, earning an extra might and fight value increase for his deeds.

The Saga of Eric Blunt Axe faces the warg pack and scores early damage on the chief with throwing axes and bows. But luck is against them as these are the bravest wargs in the world with the majority braving the flames and charging. Eric fumbles a golden opportunity to slay the chief and the company breaks. They fend off the wargs but only get a draw for doing so.

Companies Post-narrative 3


The 2nd Battalion of the Fancy part of the Fiefdoms of the South of Gondor, of course

Rating: 269

Cair Andros Garrison

Rating: 229

The Saga of Eric Blunt Axe

Rating: 206

Pippin's Crew

Rating: 352

Survivors of the Black Gate

Rating: 195


Uthan's Marauders

Rating: 277

Prince Bangizwe's Host

Rating: 275

The Black Sons

Rating: 310

Fangs for the Memories

Rating: 272

Aedin's Reavers

Rating: 230

Monday, 15 March 2021

CJ's "More will come" Legions: The Throwing Down of Dol Guldur

The Throwing Down of Dol Guldur 

If Easterlings are an indicator of the War in the North being explored, one of the last unprinted snows of potential SBG sourcebook material, then perhaps we'll get to see one of the last battles in the documented history of Middle-Earth: The destruction of Dol Guldur.

During the time of the War of the Ring, Dol Guldur launches several attacks on Lothlorien. Three times the power of the elves and the Ring of Adamant manage to repel the invaders. After the defeat of Sauron, the remnants of his orc forces retreat north to the old stronghold of Dol Guldor. The Mirkwood King Thranduil and the Lothlorien forces lead by Galadriel and Celeborn meet and lay siege to the fortress. Galadriel tears down the walls, laying bare the pits. Celeborn and Thranduil meet, and rename Mirkwood as Eryn Lasgalen. The land south of The Narrows is kept by Celeborn, known as East Lothorien. The lands north of the Mirkwood Mountains is kept by Thranduil, and the middle is given to the Beornings and Woodsmen.

This would be a first Legendary Legion for the Elves, who have three individually powerful Armies to choose from, and due to their longevity and general good terms with the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth, have a very generous array of available Allies in the Alliance Matrix. This Legion focusses on the entirely Wood Elf alliance that participates in this iconic battle, with a spotlight on the Lady herself, Galadriel. In place of a Dark Lord, you shall have a Queen!


Galadriel Celeborn with Hand-and-a-half Elven Blade, Heavy Armour, and Shield Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realms; All his upgrade options Mirkwood Captain Galadrim Captain; Options Galadrim Stormcaller Galadrim Warriors; Options Galadrim Knights; Options Mirkwood Cavalry; Options Mirkwood Elves; Options 

Additional Rules

Galadriel must be included, and is always the Army Leader. 

Mirkwood Elf Captains, Mirkwood Elves, and Mirkwood Cavalry gain +1 to Wound when making Strikes within 3” of Thranduil. 

Special Rules

“Resolve of the Woodland Realms” Models in this Army may use their Courage value instead of their Fight Value. Additionally, models in this Army may use one free Will point per turn either for Casting or Resisting Magical Powers.

“Wrath of the Noldor”/ “Beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night!” At the start of her movement, Galadriel may opt to be swapped out for the Lady of Light profile. Having given the Light of Earendil to Frodo, the Lady of Light does not benefit from this rule. During each End Phase, Lady of Light uses two Will points to maintain this Form. The first time that this cost cannot be maintained, replace the Lady of Light with the Galadriel model and profile again. Exhaustion Magical Powers cast in either Form remain in effect after one or both transformations so long as Galadriel has Will remaining.

“If you try to stop me...I will destroy you!” Lady of Light may cast Banishment on Troll, Spider, Bat, Orc, Uruk-Hai, and Goblin models as if they were Spirits.

"The time of the Elves is over"

With the destruction of the One Ring, the power of Nenya has ended. But Galadriel will do everything in her power to return to Valinor. Galadriel may not benefit from the re-rolls on her Fate points. However, when casting Blessing of the Valar, this is always treated as a Channeled cast, without needing to declare the Heroic Action, or spend any Might.

Designer's Commentary: 

With a lot of powerful Heroes and rules, restricting profile choices seemed necessary for balancing this Legion. So with the assumption that Guards of the Galadrim Court and Palace Guards were left to Guard their specific locations, the only other decision was whether to include Wood Elves/Rangers/Sentinels. Whilst Sentinels being very meta-strong was certainly a concern, the decision mainly came down to these two factions leading fully armed and armoured forces to win a decisive victory over the armies in Dol Guldur. For a similar reason, Haldir (already dead at Helm’s Deep in movie-land), Rumil and Orophin aren’t included- they’re border guards. So if you want March, Captains are available (one can be mounted, the other gets Thranduil’s wounding bonus). You can also have a small warband with a Stormcaller (boosted by the free Will), Celeborn as a dual caster and chopper, and Thranduil with his full range of customization to enable you to fill any points value.

Using Courage as Fight Value may seem entirely pointless at first, but it accomplishes a few things in a subtle way. First, Galadriel and Celeborn get a boost to F7. Then, any Galadrim Warriors in their Warbands that are given the upgrade to Galadrim Guards not only get the C6, but also F6. Also Galadrim Warriors have the option for a War Horn, which is also very seldom taken again as Elves have a high enough courage, but in this scenario you’re able to effectively boost the entire Army’s Fv with it (including the Thranduil’s Halls models)! The ability to reach a superlative F7 with basic troops (non-monster!) would require a huge points investment (mostly wasted on Good v Evil matchups), but it does allow a player to represent Elves following the example of Galadriel and tapping into a primordial 1st Age wrath as they expend themselves in their final war before diminishing. Finally it’s a middle finger to the Bat Swarms they’re likely to fight in Dol Guldur- you can halve my Fv, but I can use my Courage instead!

Meanwhile Thranduil's forces maintain their Army Bonus of a bubble of improved to Wound rolls. So from one side, killy elves, and the other, up to F7 elves! And when you're that high Fv, it'd be rude to not Feint nearly all the time... which side will win the kill-off? Nothing to stop you mixing them to devastating effect either...  

By keeping the usual Lothlorien Army Bonus of granting Resistant to Magic to all models, not only do your Thranduil’s Halls models have some in-built Magic Resistance, but in conjunction with Lady of Light’s Fortify Spirit Magical Power your models can get up to 3 free dice to resist magic with. Very thematic for the battle this Legion is based on! 

But by also expanding it to include the option to use this free Will in order to cast Magic, it gives the rule some consistency against armies with no Magical Powers. Celeborn and Stormcallers especially become far more useful Casters by having access to the extra Will, whilst Galadriel in her resolution to rout this Evil once and for all will be better able to cast and resist Magic at the same time.

And finally Galadriel herself. The ability to transform mid-game is a frequent fan request, but it would be hard to balance as Galadriel is a powerful Spellcaster and Lady of Light a strong combat fighter. Being able to switch at will to suit what was needed in any given turn would be incredibly strong. So to reflect both “transformations” in the films, Galadriel begins in her base profile, then when the situation demands, she can rouse herself to her War Aspect, wreak a lot of havoc (get the kills for Contest of Champions!), and then return to her usual form when exhausted (hence the “cost” of 2 Will in each End phase, limiting her to 6 turns max in spooky witch Form). The synergy between her War Aspect rule, Instill Fear, and Thranduil’s Crown could be very strong indeed! The absence of her inbuilt Blinding Light owing to not having the Light of Earendil can be offset by casting Channeled Blinding Light before transforming. Strategic players will be able to spend Will carefully to retain 1 Will in her store before transforming back, allowing any Fortify Spirits or Channeled Blinding Lights to linger right until the end of the game.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Battle Companies: Intro and first scenarios

 Hey all

The latest idea that we had for long term campaigns is a big Battle companies campaign. We have gathered five good and evil players each, who will play through the Narrative campaigns from the latest Battle companies rulebook and 'the Search for the Stone' from White Dwarf respectively. We will start with the first narrative scenario, which every company will have a 'free pass' for (no rolling for injuries or death). After that, they will be at the mercy of the dice. Between each narrative, each company will play two scenarios against other companies. I will write up a narrative for my own company's journey.

Let's meet the companies (some have added backgrounds for theirs).

Note: We are using Battle Companies Manager for this and find it an incredibly useful tool.


The 2nd Battalion of the Fancy part of the Fiefdoms of the South of Gondor, of course

Player: Sam H

Faction: Fiefdoms

Leader- Ser Tiber (Knight of Dol Amroth)

Sergeant- Beady-Eyed Arvia (Blackroot Vale archer)

Sergeant- The Ungrateful Grandchild (Man-at-arms of Dol Amroth)

Other members- Dolfe (Blackroot Vale archer), Gromm (Man-at-arms of Dol Amroth) and Terrens (Man-at-arms of Dol Amroth)


In the years following the destruction of Sauron, relative peace had settled over Middle-Earth. But it was not entirely untroubled. Rumours were spread about groups of orcs in the North forming and packs of beasts gathering. 

Under the instructions of the Steward, Prince Imrahil gave orders to one of his most senior Knights, Ser Tiber, to gather small party and head up to Bree. There they would make contact with a witness and make decisions on where their path should take them.

Ser Tiber chose two men to accompany him. Beady-Eyed Arvia, a renowned marksman from the Blackroot Vale who brought along his friend, Dolfe, who was showing similar prowess.

And a trusted man, who sadly had a bit of a reputation for his overdeveloped sense of entitlement, known as 'the Ungrateful Grandchild' after a loud rant in a tavern about the lack of inheritance he received compared to his brothers. Regardless of this shortcoming, he has been shown to be a brave fighter. He brought along two of his comrades, Gromm and Terrens, a gruff pair often found prowling for Hobbit Pipeweed, which had become evermore prevalent since a Halfling had taken residence in the Citadel.

With the warband created, they departed on their adventure.

The Cair Andros Garrison

Player: Josh

Faction: Minas Tirith

Leader- Turgon (WoMT w/ Shield)

Sergeant- Belecthor (WoMT w/ Bow)

Sergeant- Beregond (WoMT w/ Bow)

Other members- Egalmoth (WoMT w/ Spear and Shield), Eradan (WoMT w/ Spear and Shield), Beren (WoMT w/ Shield), 

The Saga of Erik Blunt-Axe

Player: Jason

Faction: Moria Expedition

Leader- Erik Blunt-Axe (Dwarf warrior w/ Shield)

Sergeant- Gimolas (Dwarf ranger w/ Longbow)

Sergeant- Rolof the Bear (Dwarf warrior w/ 2h)

Other members- Jark Many-Axes (Dwarf ranger w/ T. Axes), Skald the Stern (Dwarf warrior w/ Dwarf bow) and Hardlore the Wise (Dwarf ranger w/ 2h)

Pippin's Crew

Player: Will

Faction: Wanderers in the Wild

Leader- Pippin (Hobbit Militia)

Sergeant- Nearamir (Ranger of Gondor)

Sergeant- Youareamir (Ranger of Gondor)

Other members- Elfindel (Wood Elf), Halone (Wood Elf w/ Bow), Ibun (Dwarf Ranger w/ 2h) and Khim (Dwarf Ranger w/ T.Axes)


It was two years to the day that Pippin’s quest had ended, and for two years Pippin dwindled in his Hobbit home built on the peak of Minas Tirith. His legs tapped restlessly as his eye’s gazed upon the bodyless corpse of Shagrat, displayed upon the mantlepiece of his lounge. Life in the Citadel grew dull. It was time for another adventure, and he knew of two Captains of Gondor to join him.

Nearamir, son of Cinatit, was the middle son of three brothers. It was he, who of the three brothers had defended the Walls of Minas Tirith during the great siege, but at great cost. His sword hand was left scarred, never again would he wield such skill. He now sought a new path.

When the White Wizard rescued him from his own elder brother, it had inspired him. He would follow Gandalf’s footsteps and become a wizard! Stealing Gandalf’s staff before the Battle of the Black Gate, Nearamir vowed only to use it, when he deemed himself worthy.

The second Captain and youngest of the three brothers was Youareamir. Unlike his brother, he did not fight at the great siege. His orders placed him in reserve, even as the lower walls had fallen. Youareamir had cast doubt upon himself, maybe he was not the warrior that he thought himself to be.

Desperate to prove himself a worthy Captain of Gondor, he joined Pippin’s new adventure. The three heroes of Gondor travelled to the new realm of Great Mirkwood, where man, elf and dwarf were united under the rule of King Legolas. Rumour had it that the King had work for adventures to rid the world of evil men and a new breed of cunning spider, which threatened his realm.

Black Gate Survivors

Player: Sam P

Faction: Men of the West

Leader- Merenor (Knight of Dol Amroth)

Sergeant- Caedor (Warrior of Minas Tirith w/ Shield)

Sergeant- Baralindir (Warrior of Minas Tirith w/ Spear and Shield)

Other members- Traston (Knight of Dol Amroth), Grimgel (Warrior of Rohan w/ Shield) and Heruthain (Warrior of Rohan w/ Throwing Spears and Shield)


Fangs for the Memories

Player: CJ 

Faction: Denizens of Mirkwood

Leader- Incy (Mirkwood Spider)

Sergeant- Wincy (Mirkwood Spider)

Sergeant- Gromit (Fell Warg)

Other members- Spot (Fell Warg) and Muttley (Fell Warg)


Once upon a time, a little pack of beasties containing Incy, Wincy, Gromit, Spot and Muttley, did decide to fuck shit up in a quest for shiny trinkets that they couldn't use.

Aedin's Reavers

Player: Mitch

Faction: Dunland

Leader- Aedin, Son of Madrach (Dunlending warrior w/ Shield)

Sergeant- Breaval of Tunum (Dunlending warrior w/ Bow)

Sergeant- Truis the Butcher (Dunlending warrior w/ 2h)

Other members- Domnar (Dunlending warrior w/ Shield), Soroth the Thief (Wildman of Dunland), Lon the Feral (Wildman of Dunland), Vron, Brother of Lon (Wildman of Dunland) and Rurik the Unclean (Wildman of Dunland)

Prince Bangizwe's Host

Player: Jonathon

Faction: Far Harad

Leader- Prince Bangizwe (Mahud warrior)

Sergeant- Mthunzi- The Shadow (Mahud warrior w/ Blowpipe)

Sergeant- Gwazi- The Protector (Mahud warrior w/ Spear)

Other members- Gazini (Mahud warrior), Ingwe (Mahud warrior w/ Blowpipe) and Elethu (Mahud warrior w/ Spear)

Uthan's Marauders

Player: Jarnan

Faction: Harad

Leader- Uthan the Stout (Harad warrior w/ Spear)

Sergeant- Yanith the Fierce (Harad warrior w/ Spear)

Sergeant- Hufor the Keen (Harad warrior w/ Bow)

Other members- Tas'on (Harad warrior w/ Spear), Dukrar (Harad warrior w/ Spear), Ju'ni (Harad warrior w/ Bow), Murab (Harad warrior w/ Bow) and Mashil (Harad warrior w/ Bow)

The Black Sons

Player: Matt

Faction: Khand

Leader- Lee (Khandish warrior)

Sergeant- Shang (Khandish warrior)

Sergeant- Hua (Khandish warrior w/ Bow)

Other members- Chien-Po (Khandish warrior), Ling (Khandish warrior), Yao (Khandish warrior) and Cricket (Khandish warrior w/ Bow)

Narrative 1- Skirmish in Bree

The Men of the Fiefdoms see the Ruffians closing in on them from all sides. Arvia draws his bow and shoots one down as the rest start to run. Tiber leads the escape, Gromm manages to stab another Ruffian as Arvia follows on and slashes another aside. With the opening made, the company flees out the gates of the town. Only noticing after that The Ungrateful Grandchild had managed to snatch a barrel of dwarven brew and was probably the cause of the aggression.

Fiefdoms victory!

Round 1- A daring rescue (v Dunlendings (Mitch))

While camping in the woods, a Dunlending scout, Truis, was caught trying to make off with the Dwarven Brew. Not taking kindly to this, he was seized and bound. Leaving it for morning to decide his fate, the company prepared to rest for the night. But they were awoken late as Dolfe, who was on watch, spotted men sneaking through the woods towards them. Truis' friends had come to rescue him.

As Arvia and Dolfe started firing at the Dunlendings, Breaval returned fire and landed an arrow in Arvia's quiver then another in Tiber's newly acquired horse. Truis manages to crawl away as his ally Domnar shields off four of the Fief men when Tiber attempts a heroic combat to catch up.

The Dunlending chief, Aedin, slaps Arvia's sword aside before bringing his axe down and landing a deep wound in his bow arm. Tiber slashes Domnar, injuring him and forcing a retreat and slams his shield into Rurik's nose, breaking it. They see Truis escaping with his brethren and hear a cry. Turning too late, they see Soroth the Thief pulling his dagger from Dolfe's back and watch their archer fall and die. The Dunlendings win and the Fiefs mourn their first loss. To further their misery, they realise that the Dunlendings had also stolen a large portion of their supplies. 

Dunlending victory!

The Fiefdoms Battalion are attacked by Aedin's Reavers on their rescue mission

Round 2- Plunder the Camp (v Moria Expedition (Jason))

After days of wandering and supplies running low, Arvia scouts ahead and discovers a dwarf camp. While they have no bad blood with the dwarves, desperation is forcing them to raid for food. They sneak their way over under the cover of the trees and then rush into the camp.

Hardlore is the first to react and he throws an axe, which embeds itself in Tiber's shield. Erik Blunt-Axe then leaps onto his horse and charges the Ungrateful Grandchild (UGG) and Gromm but the men of the Fiefs manage to knock him from his horse as the mount panics before the pikes. Gromm and Arvia rush past the dwarves and start stealing supplies as Tiber knocks Hardlore unconscious before charging into Jark and wounding him too. Stroll, Rollof and Erik try to fight the superior numbers but are beaten back and soon Erik is the only one left. Though he manages to knock Arvia down and slash Gromm across his flank. Seeing that all is lost, Erik grabs Hardlore and carries him away.

Fiefdoms victory!

As their travels continue, they come across a brawny warrior named Fregar (Clansman of Lamedon), who joins them.

The Black Sons push their way through the Dwarf ranger blockade

Narrative 2- Ruins of Annuminas

With their supplies now restocked, the company makes their way north and eventually comes to some old ruins by the shore. They make camp and celebrate the recovery of Arvia's bow arm and their victory, as well as the fact that they did it without having to kill any of the dwarves, by drinking the dwarven brew from Bree. As they enjoy their rewards, they notice a chill in the air and the shrieks of orcs...they are not alone.

The company arms themselves and starts to patrol the ruins. Before long the UGG, Gromm and Terrens find some orcs. As Terrens and Gromm slay one in a doorway, UGG impales another through a window and climbs in. In the centre, Tiber runs down and lances two orcs. Arvia is failing to kill with his bow as he must be out of practice.

Tiber leads the way further in and clears another ruin as Fregar joins the others and cleaves an orc spear. Things start to take a turn as Tiber charges into a group of orcs but his horse stumbles and he is beaten and clubbed into submission. Gromm and Fregar are caught off guard as the group redirects into the rest of the company. The UGG takes the lead and slays another orc, breaking them and causing many to flee, while those who stay are slain by the remaining company.

The orcs are all gone but a haunting voice goads them deeper into the ruins, as they enter the last ruin a Barrow-Wight unveils itself. The UGG, Arvia and Terrens, spurred on by the dwarven brew, rush and attack their foe. As Terrens and Arvia distract the ethereal being, the UGG takes an almighty swing of his sword and destroys it. A small shard of pure black stone clatters to the floor at Arvia's feet....could it be a piece of a palantir? Arvia takes a liking to it and stows it in his pocket.

Fiefdoms victory!

In the ruins, they find two prisoners of the orcs, who had been captured while hunting. These men are called Mr Farley the Dentist and Chuck Norris. They agree to join the company and are equipped with armour and swords from the dead orcs as well as pikes found in an almost empty armoury.

Pippin's Crew faces the orcs of Annuminas

Companies post-narrative 2


The 2nd Battalion of the Fancy part of the Fiefdoms of the South of Gondor, of course

Rating: 194

The Cair Andros Garrison

Rating: 132

The Saga of Erik Blunt-Axe

Rating: 172

Pippin's Crew

Rating: 284

Black Gate Survivors

Rating: 159*

*A couple of mistakes noticed after taking screenshots


Fangs for the Memories

Rating: 196

Aedin's Reavers

Rating: 167

Prince Bangizwe's Host

Rating: 174

Uthan's Marauders

Rating: 172

The Black Sons

Rating: 203

I'll update after the next narrative scenarios have been played in roughly a month.

Monday, 1 March 2021

CJ's "More will come" Profiles: Goblin Town


Goblins have been my favourite faction since I rejoined playing in tournaments a few years ago and settled into a mixed grill of Moria, Gundabad, and Goblin Town goblins before Jay and his meddling Alliance Matrix came into effect! Nowadays I look at both factions and it's always an easy choice for me as to which to take: Moria by far and away has the most model choices, available tactics, and intra-faction synergy. Though despite that, Goblin Town has had far greater success in tournaments around the world simply due to the number of bodies it can put down, and then call even more. But for me, it's just a very 1-Dimensional and boring faction to play (King+Gollum, otherwise numbers, Mercs/Scribe to grab objectives). So I had a look back at the film, and even picked up the book for the first time in years, to see if there was any untapped profile potential. Turns out, there's a reasonable number of things you could add to a Goblin Town list if they were to be revisited in a future Sourcebook!


However, being very aware that GT are already a strong faction, these profiles are written with an intention of giving more options and fun synergies rather than powercreeping the faction, which is a difficult line to tread! But largely GT struggles where an opponent can camp between terrain in order to force waves of goblins to die against a shieldwall. Some of these options have the intention of providing just a little (or in one case, a lot) of hesitance to blindly trust in the security of the impasse... But at the same time, every single one of these options would make a list writer think "oh, but that's X many goblins, is it worth it?", in an Army where having an astronomically high Break Point is key to success. Maybe these would only be seen at 700pt+ where scaling up becomes less and less helpful, but hopefully there'd be some interesting choices at the list building stage. See what you think?

Goblin town profiles


Goblin Town Band 100pts

Counts as 5 models and can be included in any warband as normal. The Band is made up of Goblin warriors carting with them roughly hewn, improvised, or scavenged instruments. When played together, the racket can have a profound impact on the organisation of their enemies…

Warhorn: 1 Goblin warrior with Warhorn.

Alphorn: 2 Goblin warriors carrying the Bullhorn (Golden King style). Goblin models who have charged that turn are treated as being in range of a banner (1 per combat). Heavy Object D6 2 Wounds.

Drums: 1 Goblin warrior with Drums. Goblin King can call a Heroic March each turn without expending Might. D6 3Wounds.

Gong: 1 Goblin warrior with Gong. The Stand Fast! Of Goblin Heroes is extended by 3”. Heavy Object D6 2 Wounds.

Cacophonous din: Whilst the Goblin King remains on the table, and the Instruments are within 3” of each other, for every Instrument playing after the first, reduce the range of enemy Heroic Actions and Stand Fasts! by 1 inch.

Musicians: Instruments may only be played in a turn in which the models assigned to play them perform no other action that turn (with the exception of the Warhorn player who can move as normal). If a Gong or Drum player is slain, their drumsticks may be passed to a friendly Goblin within 1”. If a Warhorn or Alphorn player is slain, they may pass their instrument (or end of it!) to a friendly Goblin within 1”.


King’s Lackeys 6pts

Mv5 F2/5+ S3 D4 A1 W1 C2

Spear and Shield

Cave Dweller

Yes, your Malevolence: King’s Lackeys may only be included in the Goblin King's Warband. King's Lackeys increase their Fight Value and Courage by 1 each whilst within 6” of the Goblin King.



The Bone Breaker 50pts  

The Bone Breaker is moved in the same manner as a Siege Tower as outlined in War in Rohan, requiring a minimum of 4 rather than 6. The Bone Breaker has a Defence of 7, 3 Wounds, and, on turns that it has not been moved, counts as a Battlefield target.


Instead of making strikes, Goblin models may attempt to carry a man-sized or smaller model to a Rack within 2” of that victim. All goblins involved in the fight, including those supporting, can roll a D6 to drag the enemy model away, which is successful on the roll of a 6.

When on The Bone Breaker, the enemy model counts as Paralysed. During the end phase, if two goblin models are in base contact with The Bone Breaker and have taken no further action that turn, The Bone Breaker inflicts 2 S6 hits on the Paralysed model. This is rolled against the model’s Strength rather than Defence, exactly as if subjected to the Rend BPA. The Strength of The Bone Breaker can be increased to a maximum of 10 by increasing the number of goblins operating The Bone Breaker, with each additional Goblin adding an additional point of Strength to The Bone Breaker. 


Victims on The Bone Breaker may not otherwise be targeted for Shooting or have Strikes made against them- the Goblins prefer to watch them suffer! They may, however, be released from The Bone Breaker by one Goblin model ending its movement in base contact with The Bone Breaker, if it would be to the Goblin player’s tactical advantage…


Victims may roll additional dice for their End Phase paralyse rolls by having friendly models in base contact in the usual manner for the Paralyse rule. Alternatively, The Bone Breaker can be disabled by a model spending an entire turn of inaction in base contact with it. Heroes may use Heroic Strength or Heroic Resolve whilst on The Bone Breaker in order to negate the hits from The Bone Breaker for that turn, in an exception to the normal rules for being able to call Heroics whilst Paralysed.

The Mangler 50pts

The Mangler functions the same as The Bone Breaker with one exception:

The Mangler inflicts 1 hit per turn, but successful To Wound rolls cause D3 Wounds.


Goblin Town Rudimentary Explosives 

25pts each, up to 3.

These are placed before the game begins anywhere on the board, at least 12” apart, and count as immovable objects (they could be moved in theory, but nobody is willing to take the risk!). A goblin in base contact with one of these during the move phase may light the fuse of the explosive on a roll of a 6 (Might may be used). 

The next turn, at the end of the movement phase, the Explosive will detonate. Models within 6” are showered with shrapnel and suffer D3 S5 hits. Models within 1” will be Set Ablaze on the roll of a 6.

For every Explosive included in your army, up to two Goblins may be equipped with Flaming Torches. These models will automatically light a fuse, no need to roll for it.


Goblin Warriors
Wargear: Orc bow 1pt

Scarce resource: Goblin Town Armies have a bow limit of 1/6 rather than 1/3.


Rigged Terrain 

25pts (Once)

This may not be a safe place to sleep after all!

Before the game, make a note of one terrain piece on the board. At the start of any priority phase, you may reveal to your opponent which terrain piece was selected. Remove the terrain piece from the board and any models within it are knocked prone. This may even inadvertently be used to remove a terrain piece your opponent had selected for an objective in Fog of War, denying them VPs! 


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