Saturday, 27 March 2021

Battle Companies Part II

 Scenario 3- Hold the Line (Vs. Men of the West (Sam P))

The company reaches a small town and takes residence for a few days. Unaware that Pippin's Crew has been rampaging in the nearby area and has earned a bounty for himself. Word being passed ear to ear, has caused a miscommunication and a band of veterans from the Black Gate, led by Merenor, is given the impression that a band of Gondorians is who the bounty is for, but their quarry is warned by a couple of young brothers, who have befriended the men of the Fiefs. Merenor leads his band to the inn and demands the immediate surrender of the company. But Tiber, a little full of ale, refuses and before long swords are drawn.

As the company rushes up the street making their way for an alley to make their escape. A throwing spear flies from the shadows, thrown by Heruthain and strikes the Ungrateful Grandchild, giving him a nasty wound. Chuck Norris is the first to return blood as he manages to injure Heruthain in return. Tiber rushes into Merenor and Traston, the two fellow Swan Knights on horseback and is nearly beaten down, but resiliently lances Merenor from his mount. 

The two groups fight viciously with Fregar taking a nasty head wound from Ruffy's blade and Gromm also taking a stab from Rhys. Arvia leads the troops on the ground and slashes Ruffy aside followed by disarming Ruith, before Baralindir joins the fray and downs Chuck Norris. Tiber demonstrates fighting spirit for his men, dismounting and putting Grimgel out the fight then fighting off two more opponents with a triple 6, but fails to wound. 

As the tide turns heavily, Baralindir and Traston flee the fight and Arvia uses his sword to force Rhys into submission. With the way free, they make their escape with their injured, leaving Merenor to tend to his wounded with his healing herbs.


The two brothers, Cimberius and Brettan join the company on their quest and tell of a deserted town nearby, that is rumoured to hold great treasures of weapons. They also mention the bounty and name some of Pippin's followers, Nearamir and Youareamir, the Ungrateful Grandchild snorts in derision at those names.

The Black Sons face Pippin's Crew, triumphing over the Hobbit, that is becoming something of a legend.

Uthan's Marauders engage the beasts of the wild, leaving many injured.

Scenario 4- Recovery (Vs. Denizens of Mirkwood (CJ))

The company arrives at the abandoned town and spread out to begin the search. Little do they know that this abandoned town has new residents. A pack of wild animals (Bats, Spiders and Wargs) resides inside and are prowling for food. Spider broodlings under a suspicious rug search a crevice and find nothing. Tiber then searches a barrel and also turns up empty handed. But as Arvia, pokes his head inside a ruin, he calls out as he finds a crate full of masterfully crafted weapons. His call is answered with a howl though.

The men see the beasts all emerge from a ruin and charge at them. Cimberius takes the other side of the crate with Arvia and they carry, closely followed by the rest of the foot troops. The beasts slam into them and Arvia calls a heroic combat. The Ungrateful Grandchild (UGG) lunges and spears the suspicious rug. Arvia makes to charge into Tiny the Giant spider, but freezes in terror. Luckily, Cimberius faces it alone and wounds the beast, as Brettan slays a few of the bats in the swarm. Mr Farley lets out a cry as Gromit savages him.

Tiber prepares to charge, when suddenly a web hits and ensnares him. Wincy towers over him ready to make the killing bite. Luckily, UGG and Chuck Norris leap in and save him, wounding the beast. While Terrens and the brothers manage to wound a trapped Gromit. 

Arvia cries out as the company sees Tiny and the bats carrying the crate of weapons, apparently believing it to contain food, away. As he does so, another web is hurled by Wincy and UGG is also bound. In the ensuing fights, Wincy bites Chuck Norris and takes him out of the fight. Cimberius is engulfed by bats and falls to the floor wailing. Arvia is wrestled to the ground by a spider and taken out. UGG screams as Tiny rushes over and chews on his leg. However, despite these losses, Brettan swings his broadsword and leaves a deep gash across Gromit's snout (old battle wound). The company cheers as Tiber breaks free and manages to subdue Wincy!

With the majority of the beasts out the fight, the remaining bats and Tiny flee. Now all the company has to do is escape with the weapons. Before long Tiber collapses with exhaustion with the weight of the spider he carries and insists Brettan and Terrens go on. As they near the escape, howls sound again and Brettan breaks rank and flees. Terrens struggles on but as is almost out he sees a pack of wargs prowling the streets and has to abandon their prize.


Tiber and the other heroes pin down the captured Wincy and milk his venom. They then release him and coat their weapons with the poison. UGG is assisted in his escape due to his leg injury. As they flee, they buy a horse from a farmer, who's ranch they pass through and cover it with spare pieces of armour, before putting UGG upon it.

They are being stalked by the pack of wargs from the town though...

The Men of the Fiefs struggle with the beasts in the ruins.

The Saga of Erick Blunt-Axe clashes with Uthan's Marauders, the Harad manage to slip by.

Aedin's Reavers fight to a tightly contested draw with the Black Sons.

The Survivors of the Black Gate fight to a very narrow victory over Prince Bangizwe's host, but Ruith and Ruffy the Ruffian are both slain in the struggle.

Narrative 3- Ambush in the Hills

After hours of fleeing from the tracking wargs, night falls and the company realises that they must simply face their pursuers. They light a large fire and keep their backs to it as they see the flames light reflected in dozens of eyes creeping forward. 

Arvia draws his bow and as soon as he makes out a shape, fires. A loud yelp announces a hit and several wargs charge. Tiber spots the largest wolf pouncing upon Brettan and calls to the Ungrateful Grandchild (UGG). Both perform heroic combats and slam into the warg chieftain, but the beast is fast and leaps aside, pouncing up and dismounting Tiber before preparing to maul him. UGG pounds the base of his spear into the beast, which gnashes at him, allowing Tiber to escape injury. Meanwhile, Arvia is scratched by a warg. But the rest of the company kills several wargs as Brettan, Cimberius, Chuck Norris, Terrens and Mr Farley thin out the pack. 

In the second wave, UGG charges the chief again, while the company closes ranks around him. Fregar is caught and savaged as he gets trapped but not slain. UGG loses his fight with the chief and is similarly attacked by the monstrous warg. Terrens attempts to rally the remaining troops as Arvia is pulled down by a pair of wargs and struggles for dear life. In this moment, Gromm, Mr Farley and the brothers face the warg chief and Gromm manages to land a deep gash down it's flank. Chuck Norris, is trapped but wins and kills another warg. 

The Warg Chief is enraged and throws itself onto the warriors, shoving Brettan aside, knocking him unconscious on a rock and mauling Gromm. Terrens loses his nerve and flees. Mr Farley is outnumbered and brought down as Chuck Norris slays a third warg, looking up to see Cimberius underneath the chief, unmoving and with dire wounds. Chuck grabs a flaming brand from the fire and waves it at the beast. This combined with Gromm's wound, causes the pack to finally back off, allowing the company to make their narrow escape. 


The next morning, the company burns Cimberius' body and continues their journey. Brettan doesn't say much, but has clearly developed a burning anger. Tiber gains a fate point due to his miraculous escape and Chuck Norris is knighted as a Swan Knight of Dol Amroth for his valour.

With their two best warriors defeated, the rest of the Fiefs men fought the Wild Warg Chief.

Incy's beasts rush around the dead marshes terrorising the poor spectres. Gromit earns a Manbane rolling pin.

Pippin's crew is cornered by the wargs. The Warg chief rips the flank apart until the Halfman himself leads from the front and strikes down the terrible foe, while on foot, earning an extra might and fight value increase for his deeds.

The Saga of Eric Blunt Axe faces the warg pack and scores early damage on the chief with throwing axes and bows. But luck is against them as these are the bravest wargs in the world with the majority braving the flames and charging. Eric fumbles a golden opportunity to slay the chief and the company breaks. They fend off the wargs but only get a draw for doing so.

Companies Post-narrative 3


The 2nd Battalion of the Fancy part of the Fiefdoms of the South of Gondor, of course

Rating: 269

Cair Andros Garrison

Rating: 229

The Saga of Eric Blunt Axe

Rating: 206

Pippin's Crew

Rating: 352

Survivors of the Black Gate

Rating: 195


Uthan's Marauders

Rating: 277

Prince Bangizwe's Host

Rating: 275

The Black Sons

Rating: 310

Fangs for the Memories

Rating: 272

Aedin's Reavers

Rating: 230

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