Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Clearing the Backlog (July '22)

 Hey all

This one is a relatively quick update as I only finished three models this month, but one was a very cool one.

I'll begin with the chaff, as I banged out a couple of metal Easterling shields that had been gathering dust for the last four years. I realised just how close I am to clearing all unpainted men of Rhun from my collection, so they seemed like a good place to start.

Below is a picture comparing one of my warriors (painted 2012~) compared with 10yrs later.

Now, rewinding to early July, I had finished June with a half finished Dragon Emperor that I needed finished for 'The Road goes ever Ardacon' in late July. Since my mum and siblings had jetted off on holiday, Muggins was left to house and dogsit for them. What better time to try and clear this task?

I thought that since I had just done the walkway, why not carry on and do the hood of the palanquin? It looks simple enough right..?

It was deceptive, as there was a lot of flash to clear and many nooks and crannies to paint into, reaffirming to me that it was the right thing to paint it in pieces. After a couple of days, I had it finished but I was a broken man.

After that saga, I decided to do something pretty and encouraging next, so moved onto the banner. It didn’t take too long but I was so pleased with it once I had finished. Truly worthy of the Eastern Emperor!

With those parts finished, I couldn’t help myself and felt a need to put them together, to help me feel like I was making good headway.

With that completed, I had to move onto the part that I was dreading (simply because I expected it to take a very long time), the bearers. Surprisingly, I managed to do these without too much issue, finishing roughly one each evening. Although, painting on a coffee table while sat in a low sofa rather than my usual desk chair, had done a right number on my bag. Middle age isn’t all it’s cracked up to be kids!


In the middle of all this, I felt a need to break up the monotony a bit. So dedicated a little time to making a scenic base for him. I thought I’d go for a cobbled road look, as he is carried up towards the battlefield. I used green stuff and a green stuff world roller to create the effect, which I then painted mechanicus standard grey and washed with green.

To, once again, encourage myself I attached the first four bearers and push myself to do the last two.

Unfortunately, the two central bearers were a bugger to fit into their slots and we had a casualty. 

After some quick repair works, I tried again and with a firm pinch, managed to fit it all together.

After that, all that remained was the shields of the bearers. Getting the ‘almost there’ second wind, I blitzed these in a few short hours and happily put them all on.

Since I had finished a little ahead of schedule, I decided to add a quick bonus touch, and finding that I had one remaining easterling casualty on the kataphrakts sprue, painted it up and glued it to the base. Giving the proper look of marching through the carnage to the front!

And with that, he was finished! The most difficult, but rewarding model that I had ever tackled, was done! I really hope this encourages anyone with him sitting in their pile to tackle him. I will be spending the next month or two doing much more straightforward models!

Hopefully, I’ll have another post out at the end of the month/early sept with another update on how I’ve been painting. Cheers for the read and have a good one!

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Clearing the Backlog, Part 19 – Well, I'm back.

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