Wednesday, 25 January 2023

"More will come" Legions: The Burning of the Westfold

The Burning of the Westfold


Goblin-Man, 10pts



Mv5 Fv 2/5+ S3 D3 A1 W1 C2 M/W/F 0/0/0

Equipment: Dagger, Elven Cloak.

“The enemy has many spies in his service”

If two competing Heroic Actions are declared which require a roll-off, so long as at least one Goblin-Man is within 3” of both Heroes declaring the Heroic Actions, the controlling player will win the roll-off on a 1-4 or 3-6 in the same manner as an Elven Blade roll-off.


The Oathmaker

Dunlending chieftain


Uruk Scout Captain

Feral Uruk

Uruk Scouts

Uruk Drummer

Orc Captain

Orc Warriors



Additional Rules:
-Must include the Oathmaker, who must always be the Leader.

-Warriors may only be lead by Heroes with the same race Keyword.

-All Heroes increase their warband size by 3, except the Oathmaker who increases his warband size by 6.


Special Rules:


After Deployment is complete, you may redeploy 2D6 models, except in Maelstrom scenarios. Priority on the first turn goes automatically to the Force chosen by the controlling player. Heroic Moves cannot be called in response by the opposing player.

Models may charge a target without having Line of Sight so long as a friendly model within 6” does have Line of Sight to the target.


All models may be equipped with a Flaming Brand or Flaming Arrows. During the End Phase, models with Flaming Brands who are in base contact with a terrain piece may attempt to Set it Ablaze on a 6+ D6. Terrain pieces may be targeted for shooting attacks with Flaming Arrows, successful hits will roll to Set Ablaze on a 6+. A model making a Flaming Arrow shooting attack may not move that turn. A model may elect to use their Flaming Brand as a Special Strike against a single model in combat and will Set Ablaze on a 6+. Hero models will be successful in any of these attempts on a 5+ instead (Might may be used).

A Flaming Brand and any Ablaze terrain piece illuminates the area within 6” of them as if in daylight. Any model that is in an Ablaze terrain, or within 1” of it, at the end of the Move phase must roll a D6. On a 4+, that model is immediately Set Ablaze. 

“We have only to remove those who oppose us”

If all of the terrain pieces in the opponent's board half (or all terrain pieces for Maelstrom) are Set Ablaze, the enemy Force automatically counts as Broken.

Demonstration army and awesome burning objective markers kindly provided by Harry Peel using terrain from Kieran Street's The Strider Cup event.

1 comment:

  1. I like the flavor in this legion! Depending on the board breaking an enemy army could be way too easy, but otherwise this looks awesome.


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