Monday, 27 February 2023

Clearing the Backlog (Jan-Feb '23)

 Hey all

To get straight into it, new year, new armies! I decided that this year, I'll be placing my focus on two main forces. Neither of which, have much of an army in my collection (painted/built anyway). 

So, for the first few months of the year, I'll be building up a large Moria force. In the grey mountain, I have; two boxes of Moria Goblins (plastic), a box of MTO metal Goblins, two boxes of Moria Goblin Prowlers, a second Batswarm, a box of spiders, a Goblin Command box, a Cave Drake, Groblog, Ashrak and Druzhag. In short, plenty to work through.

Later in the year, the good force that I have selected (Lothlorien), will be getting some work done. Amongst the crowd to be done for that is; two (almost) full boxes of Galadhrim, Rumil, Orophin and Galadriel. So a lot less, but most quality over quantity in this case.

Itching to get underway with the 70~ Moria models, I cracked open the first box of Moria Goblins, metal models and command box. The first thing that I noticed was that the Captain didn't come with a shield. So I took one of the plastic ones and made a blue stuff mould, creating one for him with green stuff using it.

I decided to focus on particular wargear, so I began with the spearmen. This included one plastic one that had been sat in my collection, unpainted, for ~20yrs with a broken spear shaft. I fixed this by cutting the excess away and drilling a small hole into the hand, then another into the base of the spearhead. Then replacing the shaft with a small length of paperclip.

I then sorted out the rest,including the metal one (2nd from left at the front).

After those Goblins, I quickly polished off three excess Morannons for the Grand Prix in early Feb. These had been built years previously, and sat awaiting their painting. I had done weapon swaps on them all to give the poses variety.

I also needed an Orc Drummer for that event, so quickly did him too. He was another victim of the grey mountain, built and trapped, but now free.

With that event's army sorted, I got back to the Moria, and banged out the built shields, beginning with the metal models).

In preparation for my first GBHL 90pt event, I decided to finish the crew for my Mordor Catapult (which had been painted itself, years prior). I began by painting up the Troll.

After which, the orcs didn't take very long to polish off, and finally complete the set. Naturally, I then had a complete change of heart and took Thranduil's Halls with Grimbeorn instead. It was a masterful tactical decision, that achieved me the wooden spoon.

With that done, I prepared to continue the Moria effort, when I saw the BSiME theme for that Friday was Banners and Warhorns. I had a Rohan Hornblower sat in the built pile, who fit that bill, and so he ended up jumping the queue.

Feeling bad about prioritising so many other things, rather than what I said I would. I decided to push on with some heroes, choosing to do the Moria Command. I would usually make more effort on heroes to make them tidier and cleaner. However, I feel that Goblins would have leaders who are just as filthy as the troops themselves.

As I finished them, it was another BSiME night. And this time the man of the hour (so to speak) was Gothmog. I had already painted him up, but in the effort to set a new record, I blue stuff moulded a shield to attach to his models.

I used the original shield on his mounted model. And the green stuff press moulded one, came out with a few imperfections. I got around this, by using them on the foot model and painting it to look like damage to the shield. Because, I figured that once on foot and knocked from his mount, it would have suffered some damage and chips caused by deflecting the blows of his foes.

Most importantly, the efforts were successful (in a completely honest way) and a new record was set, for painters working on the same character in a stream.

The final batch for this post, was when I managed to smash out the 12 Goblin Prowlers, making one final push in the dying days of February. 

So in the first two months of 2023, I managed to paint a total of 47 models, worth 557pts. I most likely, won't have polished off the remaining Moria, but who knows. We'll see come the end of April.

One final note is that I have made this progress on the Hobby Bingo so far.

Thursday, 16 February 2023

CJ's "More will come" Legions: Army of Gundabad

Army of Gundabad


Bolg (Warg, Bow)

Gundabad Orc Captain (Shield)

Goblin Mercenary Captain

Fell Warg Chieftain (Wild Warg Chieftain plus Fell Sight 80pts)

Gundabad Berzerkers (THW)

Gundabad Orc Warriors (Spear, Shield, Banner, Warhorn)

Goblin Mercenaries

War Bats

Fell Wargs

As Azog engages the Free Peoples outside the gates of Dale and Erebor, he dispatches Bolg north to bring down a legion of gundabad orcs to reinforce him. This Legion represents that while also paying homage to the book version with the addition of wargs and bodyguards. The gundabad orcs also use a war horn to sound their advance and their arrival so it's there as an option. This list's got a lot of tricks and doesn't want for mobility!

Special Rules

Bolg’s Bodyguard

Gundabad orcs taken as part of Bolg’s Warband are upgraded to Bolg’s Guard. Bolg’s Guard models gain the Bodyguard (Bolg) special rule.

In the book Bolg's bodyguard repel the attempts to break through to the leader until the Good side presses the nuke button unleashing Beorn upon him. Whilst courage for charging can be fairly amply covered by the Berzerkers in the Legion, having a unit of D6 bodyguarded orcs means that the opponent will either have to kill them all, or kill bolg, because they won't flee otherwise! Sprinkle on objectives to taste.

General of Gundabad

Bolg gains Master of Battle and counts as a Hero of Legend as part of this Legion.

Bolg retains his popular Master of Battle bonus from the Army list allowing him to put a lot of pressure on enemy Heroes as the battle lines clash. In recognition of his status in the books as being the leader of the great warg/goblin alliance he is also raised to a Hero of Legend. This slightly bulks his warband, and although it does restrict his ability to call Heroic Challenges, in return he gains a free automatic Stand Fast! pass.

“They are swarming”

 Warbands comprised entirely of War Bats do not need a Hero to lead them if they number two or more models. If two or more War Bats charge the same Enemy model, and no other friendly models are involved in the same combat, apply the Blinding Swarm rule from Bat Swarm profile.

The option to slap down two highly re-deployable models first and react to your opponent's deployment is always a useful tactical option. It also emulates the film where the bats are the first to arrive and Bolg's army moves to take the enemy by surprise. Whilst 40mm bases are difficult to gang up on models with, having the threat of a pair of charging bats shredding unprotected Heroes without Strike/Might will force your opponent to be careful with positioning especially in the late game!

“No more than 100”

Goblin Mercenary Captains' warband size is increased to 18.

Bolg, Bats, and Berzerkers are points heavy so here's an option to bulk out! Whilst having a larger warband might make placing on terrain more difficult, it can mean that you can use a large feature (like a Weathertop, or a large Osgiliath/Dol Guldur ruin) to drop a threatening number of goblins. But if there's no suitable terrain piece, you can just walk on from any board edge which is still a strong piece of maneouverability! You can always have a second warband of Mercs which is deliberately smaller for nicking terrain pieces.

Clearing the Backlog, Part 19 – Well, I'm back.

First and foremost, I need to apologise for barely posting any blogs last year. To cut a long story short, I found myself struggling to find...