Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Clearing the Backlog (Sept-Oct '23)

 After a fairly low model count of just 8 painted in August, I decided to pick up again by getting the recently grabbed pack of Mordor Orcs sorted. I did them in my usual style of yellow cloth, rusted armour and a mix of skin colours to give them the rabble look.

After this, I had received that model that I intended to achieve the 48hr challenge on for Hobby Bingo, Elrond. I made a bit more effort than usual, doing more highlights and wet blending various colours into the clothes along with a pale gold armour of Balthasar gold dry brushed with Golden Griffon.

After he was done, I then really wanted to get the gorgeous banner done too.

In prep for the single day Warhammer World tournament at the end of September, having done Gil Galad to a great standard that I was happy with, I decided to quickly redo him on foot, since I also needed to give him a shield. I blue stuff moulded an elf spearman's shield and did it in exactly the same way as the mounted model. I didn't want to put it on his back, but it just didn't look right on his arm where it would be.

Entering October, I decided to start pushing ahead with my Throne of Skulls force for late November, Army of Dunland. I already have 700pts~ of them but needed an excuse to bulk out the warriors. Due to some trades earlier this year, I had acquired another warband of warriors from Phil Deamer.

I decided that I wanted 4 banners for TOS, because I'm just that greedy. I already had two done, one a standard Crebain sigil, another a plundered and vandalised Rohan banner. I decided that I would do one to be Thrydan's personal banner, with a wolf upon it and the other could be a typical Isengard banner. I also didn't want a third banner that leaned over way too far. So I swapped the banner with a 2h axe head. For the other, I created a banner support to go in the hand of the spare chieftain, using paper to make the banner itself.



I then sorted out the warriors in batches of four, starting with the 2hs.


Then the shields.

And finally the bowmen.

During this month, Battle Streams in Middle Earth hosted their end-of-binder special, focusing on The Battle of the Five Armies, for which I chose to finally get my armoured Azog done. I went for the wet blend approach for his skin, starting with Rakarth Flesh and blending it with Kislev Flesh.


And that was as far as I had got in October, I have one last paintblog post for November/December this year and rounding off how I did in total and how my grey mountain now stands compared to January 1st, along with my achievements on the Hobby Bingo table. Cya then!

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