Sunday, 18 October 2020

Fantasy Fellowships: Part I: The Journey to Rivendell

We begin the Fantasy Fellowships campaign! Due to the latest social restrictions, Tom and Vince are unable to do their scenarios for now, and so will catch up at a later date.

I decided that the best way to lay out these write ups was group up scenarios into blocks as opposed to drips and drabs. I'll run through each Fellowships journey one by one giving a quick rundown of how each scenario played out. Starting with...


Scenario 1- The Buckleberry Ferry

Participants- Bilbo, Dori, Alfrid and Grima

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

The friends initally attempt a stealthy approach, but as they near the Ferry, something alerts their hunters and two come close. Dori manages to successfully fail his sneaking, as he bashes one then the other to death. During this Khamul, not hearing any alarm wanders off into the wilds. As Bilbo, Dori and Grima go off on the Ferry, Alfrid attempts to swim and is dragged out half drowned on the other side. They all make their escape. 


Dori- 2

Bravest companion- Dori        Fool- Alfrid


Scenario 2- Fog on the Barrow Downs

Participants- Bilbo, Dori, Alfrid, Grima, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Evil- 4x Barrow Wights

The friends are quickly lost on the Barrow Downs in the thick fog. Bilbo wanders off as he gets lost, while Dori and Grima are gripped by paralysis. The fog clears unveiling the Barrow Wights that harass them. They continue to be barraged with magic until only Bilbo remains free, while Tom Bombadil makes his way over. 

Dori is put upon the Barrow ready for sacrifice, but is saved at the last second by a refreshing song from Tom. Grima is almost sacrificed too but the Wight misses it's stab. Tom manages to banish a Wight, as Dori slays two of them. Tom then replenishes several of them while Dori slays the last.


Dori- 3

Bravest companion- Alfrid        Fool- Grima


Scenario 3- Weathertop

Participants- Bilbo, Dori, Alfrid, Grima and Bard (kinda)

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

The friend's, having met with Bard travel on their final stretch towards Rivendell. But, one night, as they rest in Amon Sul, they hear the shriek that they fear...

While Alfrid and Grima charge the wraiths before them, Dori freezes in terror! Something he has never done before. A second wraith jumps on Alfrid and beats him down, while Grima is put aside by a black dart.

Dori leaps in to redeem himself, trying to hold the wraiths back as there is no sign of Bard. But he goes down to 1w, 0f and 0m. The next turn he manages to defeat a wraith before being knocked down himself. Bilbo is then stabbed by a wraith as the Witch King engages him. Bilbo rolls a 2 on his survival, narrowly escaping death, like his nephew did. We can only assume Bard arrived here and saved the friends, but not soon enough to avoid getting the title of 'Fool of a Took'.



Dori- 1

Bravest companion- Dori        Fool- Bard


CJ's survival rolls. Green- Bilbo, Red- Dori, Blue- Alfrid and Black- Grima.


Scenario 1- The Buckleberry Ferry

Participants- Bilbo, Hamfast Gamgee, Fili and Kili

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

The group attempts to sneak to the Ferry but a Wraith is blocking their path. An impetuous Kili draws his bow and fires before anyone can stop him. He hits but fails to wound and raises the alarm. Hamfast sees Bilbo being threatened and leaps in to save the Ringbearer, bringing down the wraith, while Fili defeats another. The last pops as its will runs out.


Hamfast- 1

Fili- 1

Bravest companion- Hamfast


Scenario 2- Fog on the Barrow Downs

Participants- Bilbo, Hamfast, Fili, Kili, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Evil- 4x Barrow Wights

Fili and Kili get quickly lost in the fog and wander dangerously close to a Barrow. They are peppered with paralyses before Tom arrives, Kili is found in a Barrow almost sacrificed, but with a defeated Wight beside him. Hamfast has basically wandered over to a Barrow and laid himself on the stone slab before coming to his senses and rushing back over to his allies. Fili manages to slay a Wight with a throwing axe before Tom casually banishes the last two.


Fili- 1

Kili- 1

Bravest companion- Fili        Fool- Kili


Scenario 3- Weathertop

Participants- Bilbo, Hamfast, Fili, Kili and Aragorn

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

The Ringwraiths encircle the hobbits and dwarves, Bilbo is attacked by the Witch King. Not only does Bilbo win the fight, but he also defeats the Witch King! Kili downs another wraith nearby but Hamfast is downed and Fili takes a black dart, followed by a wound in combat to remove him. Aragorn then arrives and quickly defeats two, one having the flaming brand thrown in his face, before charging and defeating the last as well. 


Bilbo- 1

Kili- 1

Aragorn- 3

Bravest companion- Fili



Scenario 1- The Buckleberry Ferry

Participants- Frodo, Sam, Damrod and Aldor

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

The hobbits and archers manage to successfully sneak past the sentries as Frodo calls a crucial heroic move to get by.

No Kills

Bravest companion- Frodo


Scenario 2- Fog on the Barrow Downs

Participants- Frodo, Sam, Damrod, Aldor, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Evil- 4x Barrow Wights

In the second turn, the friends call out for Tom Bombadil. Frodo is paralysed twice, the first time his friends revive him and the next, he rouses himself. Tom arrives, and banishes two Wights over a few turns. Sam manages to chip in with a kill of his own, but Damrod fails endless courage tests.Goldberry arrives and starts refreshing the friends with songs. The last Wight runs out of will as they make their escape!


Sam- 1

Bravest companion- Sam        Fool- Damrod


Scenario 3- Weathertop

Participants- Frodo, Sam, Damrod, Aldor and Aragorn

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

Aragorn arrives on his first try. Frodo is black darted in turn 3, taking a wound. Aldor fails his courage to charge and his shots all miss for three turns. The Ringwraiths make another attempt on Frodo but fail to get any wounds or through his resistance to magic. Two more wraiths are on a single will point before being charged and sapped of it. Sam jumps in to save Frodo as Aragorn cuts down the Witch King and last wraith.


Sam- 1

Aragorn- 2

Bravest companion- Sam        Fool- Aldor



Scenario 1- The Buckleberry Ferry

Participants- Smeagol, Lotho, Aldor and Grima

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

The friends sneak the way around the searching wraiths and just about manage to make it aboard the Ferry after several near misses with discovery. As Smeagol and Grima run on the other bank, Aldor draws his bow and snipes out a Ringwraith on the opposite bank. Lotho swims across the river, a little miffed about being left behind. 


Aldor- 1

Bravest companion- Aldor


Scenario 2- Fog on the Barrow Downs

Participants- Smeagol, Lotho, Aldor, Grima, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Evil- 4x Barrow Wights

Sensing danger, Smeagol and friends pull together. When they see a Barrow Wight, Grima pounces and slays it as Smeagol kills another. Aldor misses all his shots, fails his courage test and then is paralysed. Grima manages to kill a second before Tom Bombadil arrives and banishes the last.


Smeagol- 1

Grima- 2

Bravest companion- Grima        Fool- Aldor


Scenario 3- Weathertop

Participants- Smeagol, Lotho, Aldor, Grima and Theodred

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

The friends all rush at the Witch King as Aldor moves half and prepares to fire. He doesn't get the chance as he receives three black darts and is quickly removed as a threat. Grima loses his fight and is also removed, while Smeagol manages to survive the Morgul blade attack with fate after Lotho threw gold at the Witch King to avoid it himself. Smeagol panics and climbs up onto the ruins, leaving Lotho to hold off three wraiths, he pays a fourth to not attack. Then manages to win the fight with his might. 

Theodred arrivesand pushes back two wraiths who attack him. He pushes on into the Witch King and another, defeating both. Lotho holds another back as it pops from will exhaustion and Smeagol defeats another that chased him up the ruins. Theodred throws his brand at the last setting it ablaze and saving them by the skin of their teeth.


Smeagol- 1

Theodred- 3

Bravest companion- Lotho



Scenario 1- The Buckleberry Ferry

Participants- Frodo, Pippin, Damrod and Denethor

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

The Gondorian band and Frodo take a careful and sneaky approach, but just as they start to rush for the Ferry, the Nazgul sense their presence and pull back. Denethor throws caution to the wind, draws his sword and with Damrod, a pair of the Ringwraiths are removed but the alarm is raised. The last throws a flurry of spells at Frodo, until he pops.


Damrod- 1

Denethor- 1

Bravest companion- Frodo


Scenario 2- Fog on the Barrow Downs

Participants- Frodo, Pippin, Damrod, Denethor, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Evil- 4x Barrow Wights

A real war of attrition as the Wights paralyse tirelessly but each time their prey wakes up instantly. Frodo scores an early wound on one. Once Tom Bombadil arrives, closely followed by Goldberry, there isn't much hope for the Wight's anymore as the pair restore the Gondorians back to full fitness. Bombadil banishes two Wights and Damrod eventually kills the other two.


Damrod- 2

Bravest companion- Damrod


Scenario 3- Weathertop

Participants- Frodo, Pippin, Damrod, Denethor and Boromir

Evil- 3x Ringwraiths

A dire start is had as both Denethor and Damrod freeze in terror as the Nazgul surround them. Pippin moves and exposes Frodo, who saves the Morgul blade stab with fate. Damrod is quickly injured and removed from the fight by two wraiths, while Denethor loses his fight and takes a wound. The remaining Gondorians pull back into a narrow gap, Denethor is downed by a black dart and the other Nazgul surround Pippin and Frodo. The former is also downed, leaving Frodo alone and on 1w, 0f and 0m. But then Boromir arrives. He slowly drains three wraiths of their will and downs a fourth, but the Witch King keeps up with Frodo as he retreats around the rim of the ruin and stabs him.


Boromir- 1

Bravest companion- Boromir        Fool- Pippin (Who else?)


That's the opening of five of the Fantasy Fellowships' quests, hopefully it won't be too long before the next part, 'The Long Dark of Moria'.

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