Thursday, 29 October 2020

Fantasy Fellowships Part II: The Long Dark of Moria

We continue with the Fantasy Fellowships as they leave Rivendell to begin their quest. They will face a warg attack in the night, before venturing through Moria to Lothlorien.


Scenario 4- Wargs in the Night

Participants- Bilbo, Dori, Alfrid, Grima, Saruman, Bard, Legolas, Dwalin, Tauriel and Bill the Pony.

Evil- Wild warg chieftain and 18 wild wargs.

As the wargs rush towards the Fellowship, Legolas opens fire, wounding the Warg chieftain twice and killing a warg. As they get close, Saruman blasts another warg into the chief causing a third wound, which is saved by fate. The chief manages to pounce on Dori, but Dwalin calls a heroic combat and pulls it off and slaying it.

Grima is quickly pulled to the floor and mauled, but the rest fight on, slowly being spread out and wounds are being taken. Dori, despite being tired, manages to leap in and save Bard from four wargs. The Fellowship is getting exhausted and Tauriel finds herself isolated and also dragged down and savaged. Eventually, the bloodshed ends as the wargs have had enough and flee back into the night after 20 turns. Bard, working with Alfrid and Bill has gone through a total of 11 might with 1 still in the chamber…


Bilbo- 5                 Bard- 20

Dori- 16                Legolas- 9

Alfrid- 0                Dwalin- 14

Grima- 0                Tauriel- 15

Saruman- 16          Bill- 1

Bravest companion- Saruman    Fool- Legolas


Carried stats

Bilbo, Grima and Dwalin are fully replenished.

Dori- 1m, Alfrid- 2 will, Saruman- 5 will, 2f, 1 wound, Bard- 2m, Legolas- 1w and Tauriel- 1m.

Scenario 5- Balin's Tomb

Participants- Bilbo, Dori, Alfrid, Grima, Saruman, Bard, Legolas, Dwalin and Tauriel.

Evil- 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

The goblins burst into the tomb and the Fellowship decides that the best form of defence is attack. They rush forward and Dwalin takes a wound as does Bard. Saruman blasts a bow that’s climbed up onto the platform into another, killing both. Tauriel loses her second combat and is overwhelmed by goblins and Grima is brought down by a captain.

Saruman sees that this approach is not working as he hoped and he calls them all to retreat to the rear of the tomb. Bard launches a furious attack on the captain standing over Grima’s downed form, and with three vicious blows, hacks it to pieces. Saruman casts terrifying aura and makes himself ‘spooky’.

With a great crash, the troll thunders in through the door, but contributes nothing to the fight as Saruman manages to compel it away from the surviving fellowship on most of his attempts. Dwalin is hit by a goblin arrow but fate spares him. The fellowship is now against the rear wall and Alfrid is downed by a goblin. Bilbo is almost caught but thankfully, the goblins’ strikes all miss him.

In the two last combats, Legolas and Saruman both lose, and the wizard is laid low. But Legolas doesn’t take any wounds. With four of them injured, its a very narrow victory.


Bilbo- 1                   Bard- 9

Dori- 7                     Legolas- 3

Alfrid- 1                  Dwalin- 11

Grima- 0                 Tauriel- 1

Saruman- 4               

Bravest companion- Saruman


Carried stats

Bilbo and Grima fully restored.

Dori- 1m, Alfrid- 2 will, 0f, Saruman- 1m, 4 will, 2f and 2 wounds, Bard- 1m, 2 wounds, Legolas- 0m, 2f, 2 wounds, Dwalin- 1m, 1f, 2 wounds and Tauriel- 0m, 2 will, 0f, 1 wound.

Scenario 6- Escape from Dwarrowdelf

Participants- Bilbo, Dori, Alfrid, Grima, Saruman, Bard, Legolas, Dwalin and Tauriel.

Evil- 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

The Fellowship starts by rushing down the stairs, well all except Legolas, who starts firing his bow from his vantage point. A piece of rubble falls and knocks a hole into the walkway about a third of the way along, right before the running Fellowship.

Goblins climb up behind Legolas to attack but Bard stays to help him out just as Dwalin and Tauriel, at the front hit the goblin roadblock. Tauriel quickly draws her daggers and makes short work of a Captain. The Cave troll is blasted by Saruman and takes a wound from Dwalin, which wins the next fight but fails to kill him. The turn after this, Tauriel manages to finish off the troll with some further cuts and slashes. Dori adds salt into the wound as he slams the second Captain from the walkway with his flail.

Just as things are looking up, another piece of rubble smashes a hole in the walkway near to the escape. Bilbo, Tauriel and Saruman clear the gap and escape. But Grima slips and grabs Alfrid in panic, both fall over the side. Luckily, caught by Bard and Legolas before being lost, those two and Dori also escape towards the Bridge of Khazad-Dum.


Bilbo- 2                  Bard- 6

Dori- 1                     Legolas- 9

Alfrid- 0                  Dwalin- 1

Grima- 0                 Tauriel- 2

Saruman- 6              

Bravest companion- Legolas    Fool- Grima


Carried stats

Bilbo, Dori, Grima and Bard fully recover.

Alfrid- 0 will, 0f, Saruman- 4 will, 2f, Legolas- 1m, 2f, Dwalin- 1m, 1 wound and Tauriel- 0m, 0f.

Scenario 7- The Bridge of Khazad-Dum

Participants- Bilbo, Dori, Alfrid, Grima, Saruman, Bard, Legolas, Dwalin and Tauriel.

Evil- The Balrog, 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

Hearing the booming footsteps of their pursuer, the Fellowship runs for the Bridge. Legolas opens fire. But the Balrog arrives quickly and starts closing the gap as the heroes hit a wall of goblins. Alfrid is quickly brought down by them. They start to hack their way through goblins quickly and desperately, making their way onto the bridge. As they start to cross, an arrow strikes Grima in the thigh and he is dragged away by his friends.

Tauriel slays a Captain and clears the bridge along with Legolas and Bilbo. But the Balrog is very close now. Dwalin manages to cut down the second captain but is isolated on the wrong side of the bridge. He is caught by it and beaten in combat, being flung across the chasm and hobbling away, but the Balrog had heroic combatted off of him and grabbed Bard. The leader of Laketown is hurled into Dori on the bridge.

Dori is then grabbed and also hurled aside onto the far side of the chasm as Bard gets up and runs to safety. Saruman gets priority and with a great cry of magical words shatters the bridge beneath him and the Balrog, but not before it had fought him and caused 2 wounds.

The Fellowship has no time to grieve for their wizard as the goblin archers fire at then ceaselessly. Dori is their target, on 1w and 1f. But amazingly manages to run all the way down the chasm’s edge, taking arrow after arrow but avoiding a killing blow. He escapes with Bilbo, Bard, Legolas and Tauriel.            


Bilbo- 0                   Bard- 1

Dori- 3                     Legolas- 2

Alfrid- 0                  Dwalin- 5

Grima- 0                 Tauriel- 4

Saruman- 1  

Bravest companion- Saruman    Fool- Bard


Carried stats

All fully restored at Lothlorien and receive Galadriel’s gifts.


Scenario 4- Wargs in the Night

Participants- Frodo, Sam, Damrod, Aldor, Galadriel, Aragorn, Haldir, Gwaihir, Theodred

Evil- Wild warg chieftain and 18 wild wargs

The fellowship begin by banding tightly together as the wargs begin to circle. Using his ability to fly and cover long distances quickly, Gwaihir heads off to meet the wargs on the right flank head on as the heroes with bows knock their arrows. Aldor takes down a warg and, not wanting to be outdone, Haldir removed 2 from the table. Damrod fails to follow suit. 

The next turn, the wargs crash into the fellowship ranks, the Chieftain targeted the unfortunate Damrod. Gwaihir lines up a perfect hurl and kills 4 wargs in the combat phase as the rest of the fellowship sees Damrod knocked out of the fight by the warg chieftain. In return, Aragorn and Theodred start to build their tally. As the turns progress, Aragorn charges the warg chieftain and beheads him whilst Theodred uses Sam's free Heroic Combat to slingshot around the warg pack. 

With Evil Might removed, Aragorn's Mighty Hero allows the fellowship to dictate the pace as Gwaihir intercepts wargs added to the battle before they can surround the rest of the group. Disaster strikes as the remaining wargs surround and take out both Aldor and Theodred. Galadriel is spending most turns using her spells to restore the fate of her companions as Haldir continues to protect the Lady of Lothlorien. Gwaihir returns to the fray and the fellowship huddle together for 17 turns before the wargs relent. Battered, bruised but not broken, the group make their way into Moria.


Frodo- 1             Aragorn- 26

Sam- 3                Haldir- 9

Damrod- 0          Gwaihir- 24 

Aldor- 9              Theodred- 17

Galadriel- 2        

Bravest companion- Gwaihir    Fool- Damrod


Carried stats

Sam, Damrod and Aldor fully recover.

Frodo- 1m, 2 will and 2 fate, Galadriel- 2m, 3 will, 1 fate, Aragorn- 2m, Haldir- 1m, 0f, Gwaihir- 2m, 2 wounds and Theodred- 1m, 1 will, 0f.

Scenario 5- Balin's Tomb

Participants- Frodo, Sam, Damrod, Aldor, Galadriel, Aragorn, Haldir, Gwaihir and Theodred

Evil- 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

As the goblins push through the door, Theodred, Aragorn and Gwaihir rush forward to face the enemy, leaving their companions to move towards a trap door the group noticed. Damrod and Aldor find the mark with their arrows as Haldir is distracted by the mass of bodies sprinting towards him. One more round of shooting allows the ranged threats in the group to pick up maximum kills each as Haldir finds his range. 

As the lines meet, Gwaihir Heroic Combats in order to remove 5 goblins from the battle whilst Aragorn takes advantage of the gaps made to beat and kill a goblin captain. Haldir proceeds to kill one goblin for successful combat but the two goblins he moves into beat him back and cause 2 wounds, removing him from the fight! As the cave troll arrives, he finds the group has retreated back towards the centre-right of the tomb. As Aldor and Damrod fall, the group only have a few more turns to survive. 

After already cutting through swathes of goblins, including the other captain, Gwaihir decides to pick on someone almost his own size as he charges and cuts down the surprised cave troll. With their force leaderless and troll-less, the goblins struggle to achieve much as Galadriel spends a few turns restoring Fate points before the evil force retreats.


Frodo- 0               Aragorn- 11 

Sam- 1                  Haldir- 3

Damrod- 2            Gwaihir- 18 

Aldor- 3                Theodred- 14

Galadriel- 0 

Bravest companion- Theodred    Fool- Haldir


Carried stats

Sam and Aldor fully recover.

Frodo- 2 will, 2f, Damrod- 0f, Galadriel- 2m, 4 will, 2f, Aragorn- 2m, 2 wounds, Haldir- 0m, 0f, 1 wound, Gwaihir- 2m, 2f, 2 wounds and Theodred- 1m, 1 will, 1f.

Scenario 6- Escape from Dwarrowdelf

Participants- Frodo, Sam, Damrod, Aldor, Galadriel, Aragorn, Haldir, Gwaihir and Theodred

Evil- 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

Sprinting across the narrow pathway, the fellowship are pushed forward swiftly by Aragorn's regular marches as Gwaihir rushes forward to push through the goblin massing at the exit. With the group half way to the exit, apart from Gwaihir, who charges into the goblin horde. Disaster strikes as Theodred has to spend his only Might point to avoid falling into a chasm only to fail his next jump and find himself tumbling into darkness (luckily Gwaihir can fly after him!). Expecting to smash through the goblins, Gwaihir is surprised to be pushed back and takes a wound. As the fellowship line up behind their giant eagle friend, he charges again but loses once again, this time brought low by lowly goblins. Gwaihir retreats in order to save Theodred. With the monstrous friend absent, the duo of Haldir and Aragorn are the group's final hope. Luckily, the duo call a couple of Combats which are successful and a gap to the exit is made. Galadriel, Aldor, Damrod, Sam and the ringbearer squeeze through as Haldir and Aragorn distract the goblins. This sacrifice costs Haldir dearly but the fellowship succeed, just.


Frodo- 0               Aragorn- 6

Sam- 0                  Haldir- 8

Damrod- 2             Gwaihir- 4 

Aldor- 0                Theodred- 0

Galadriel- 0

Bravest companion-  Haldir   Fool- Gwaihir


Carried stats

Sam and Aldor fully recover.

Frodo- 2 will, 1f and 1 wound, Damrod- 0m, 0f, Galadriel- 2m, Aragorn- 0m, 1f, 2 wounds, Haldir- 1 wound, Gwaihir- 1m, 0f, 1 wound and Theodred- 0m.

Scenario 7- The Bridge of Khazad-Dum

Participants- Frodo, Sam, Damrod, Aldor, Galadriel, Aragorn, Haldir, Gwaihir and Theodred

Evil- The Balrog, 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins.

With an ancient demonic monster breathing down their neck and only a handful of resources available, the tactics for the fellowship was clear. Run! With a March every turn from Aragorn, and Heroic Moves where required, the companions push for the Bridge of Khazad-Dum. Gwaihir swoops to one side to slow down a group of approaching goblins but a sense of deja-vu occurs as 4 goblins beat back the charging eagle and cause 2 Wounds, sending him flying to the excite and leaving the fellowship behind. Luckily for the group, they reach the bridge before the goblins and Haldir, Sam, Aldor, Damrod and Frodo rush across. Theodred and Aragorn form 2 road blocks on the structure as Galadriel aims to destroy the bridge. Only as the group reaches the bridge does the Balrog arrive. On her first attempt, Galadriel successfully casts Blast but fails to destroy the bridge as she watches Theodred lose his final wound against a horde of goblins whilst Aragorn Heroic Combats through as number of goblins. Continuing to hold off the horde, Aragorn is the last defender before the goblins can reach Galadriel as the 5 remaining members head for the stairs. This time round, Galadriel successfully destroys the bridge, sending not her only but a number of goblins and Aragorn into the abyss. Luckily for Aragorn, Gwaihir managed to swoop in and save him before it was too late. Unfortunately, Galadriel couldn't be saved but I have a funny feeling we will be seeing her again soon enough!!


Frodo- 0              Aragorn- 6

Sam- 0                 Haldir- 2

Damrod- 0           Gwaihir- 0

Aldor- 0               Theodred- 2

Galadriel- 0

Bravest companion- Aragorn   Fool- Gwaihir (although it should have been the Balrog for how late he was!)


Carried stats

All fully restored at Lothlorien and receive Galadriel’s gifts.


Scenario 4- Wargs in the Night

Participants- Smeagol, Lotho, Aldor, Grima, Saruman, Theodred, Haldir, Dain, Aragorn and Bill the Pony.

Evil- Wild warg chieftain and 18 wild wargs

Aragorn calls a march and leads the Fellowship to a large rock, so they can defend only three angles rather than four. Aldor and Haldir fire their bows but all miss. Next turn, the wargs charge and Saruman blasts the warg chief into another but causes no wounds. Aldor is grabbed by two wargs being bitten and scratched until unconscious. Dain calls a heroic combat and joins Saruman against the warg chief, causing a single wound. The next turn the warg chief causes 2 wounds on Saruman.

Smeagol and Lotho both climb onto the rock to get out of reach of the wargs, just as Aragorn manages to slay the warg chief. Suddenly, wargs are throwing themselves up the rock and one tears Lotho’s jacket (fate). Haldir calls a string of heroic combats over several turns, relieving the pressure building upon Saruman, Grima and Bill. But, in turn ten, Grima is finally caught and pulled into the pack wailing. The mix of Aragorn’s flaming torch, Saruman’s magic and the back to back fighting of the Fellowship forces the wargs to retreat (turn 11). CJ rolled a 2 for priority, Sam saw this and knew this is what his whole life had been building up to and all those terrible rolls have been destined for! I rolled a 2 and ended the game on the first try!


Smeagol- 4          Theodred- 9

Lotho- 1               Haldir- 6

Aldor- 0               Dain- 9

Grima- 1              Aragorn- 11

Saruman- 3          Bill- 1

Bravest companion- Haldir


Carried stats

Smeagol, Grima, Aldor, Theodred, Haldir and Aragorn are all fully restored.

Lotho- 3 will, Saruman- 0m, 4 will, 2f, 2 wounds and Dain 1m.

Scenario 5- Balin's Tomb

Participants- Smeagol, Lotho, Aldor, Grima, Saruman, Theodred, Haldir, Dain and Aragorn.

Evil- 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

As the door erupts with goblins. Aragorn and Dain rush forward to hold their advance, while Haldir and Theodred stand back to either flank and Saruman stands with Smeagol, Lotho, Aldor and Grima. The wizard blasts two goblin archers on a ledge by the door and Haldir snipes a spear behind Aragorn. But Aldor is shot at by archers and is forced to use his fate.

Saruman is jumped by two goblins from the well and a Captain who has got past Dain, but Haldir rushes to his aid and strikes down the goblin hero. Seeing that the waves of goblins will quickly overwhelm, Aragorn, Dain, Haldir and Theodred start cutting their way backwards. Haldir takes an arrow from archers and Saruman takes a wound from warriors. Things get difficult as Aldor is sniped by an archer and removed from the fighting. Dain and Aragorn are stuck near the tomb while the rest are at the rear surrounded by goblins.

At this moment, Haldir slays the second captain but it’s a short-lived celebration as the troll arrives and takes Dain down to 1w, 0f! Haldir is then surrounded and also taken down, quickly followed by Theodred! Dain is now fuming and retaliates for his falling allies, he manages to hammer the troll in return causing a wound back. Then the next turn, charges it, terrifying all the goblins around him and slays it before them!

Smeagol, Lotho, Grima and Saruman all climb onto the walkway at the rear and desperately try to escape the pursuing goblins as Aragorn and Dain attack the archers trying to prevent lucky shots. Despite their efforts, Lotho is sniped down. Smeagol puts on the Ring and strangles a couple of goblins. In the very last turn, heartbreakingly, Dain loses his combat and is brought down by some goblins. With five of them down, it’s a defeat.


Smeagol- 2          Theodred- 4

Lotho- 0               Haldir- 5

Aldor- 3               Dain- 9

Grima- 0              Aragorn- 13

Saruman- 6

Bravest companion- Haldir     Fool- Grima


Carried stats

Smeagol, Grima and Aldor fully recover.

Lotho- 0m, Saruman- 0m, 4 will, 1f, Theodred- 1m, 0f, Haldir- 1m, Dain- 0m, 0f, 1 wound and Aragorn- 0m, 1f

Scenario 6- Escape from Dwarrowdelf

Participants- Smeagol, Lotho, Aldor, Grima, Saruman, Theodred, Haldir, Dain and Aragorn.

Evil- 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

The Fellowship rushes down the stairs and a chunk of rock quickly punches a hole in the walkway before them. Luckily, they all clear the gap with their jumps, despite several lacking might. Aragorn rushes ahead of the rest to try and start clearing a path for them. Haldir takes an arrow from an archer and Saruman blasts two spears supporting against Aragorn to death.

Haldir and Aldor stand at the top trying to fire down on the accumulating goblins when some arrive behind them. They turn and face the new threat but Aldor is quickly surrounded and downed.

Saruman continues to blast goblins into one another behind the frontline and Theodred slays a captain, when another chunk of rock falls and creates another chasm in the walkway. As they jump over, Grima slips and narrowly avoids death as he is caught and swung back to safety but out of the fighting. Haldir is overwhelmed alone up at the top and beaten down, just as another chasm is caused and things look dire.

Saruman blasts the troll that has arrived into a goblin, flattening the latter and allowing Dain to pounce on it and kill his second troll in Moria. Aragorn cuts down the second captain and the way is clear but there is one more jump to do, and Theodred nor Saruman or Dain have might…

Theodred trips and is just rescued by Dain and Saruman, who manage the jump and the five of them escape.


Smeagol- 0          Theodred- 4

Lotho- 0               Haldir- 3

Aldor- 0               Dain- 3

Grima- 0              Aragorn- 6

Saruman- 9

Bravest companion- Saruman    Fool- Haldir


Carried stats

Smeagol, Aldor and Grima fully recover.

Lotho- 0f, Saruman- 1f, Theodred- 0f, Haldir- 0m, 1 wound, Dain- 1m, 0f, 1 wound and Aragorn- 1m, 1f, 2 wounds.

Scenario 7- The Bridge of Khazad-Dum

Participants- Smeagol, Lotho, Aldor, Grima, Saruman, Theodred, Haldir, Dain and Aragorn.

Evil- The Balrog, 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

Seeing the bridge up ahead, Aragorn calls a heroic march and spurs the Fellowship on. Saruman blasts some archers ahead to reduce the shots coming. As they near the bridge, the goblins win the roll off for the heroic move and block the bridge, just as a crash announces the arrival of the fiery demon. The Fellowship begins to quickly cut through the blockade but Grima is brought down.

After a couple of turns of combat, in which Haldir slays a captain, Smeagol, Aragorn, Haldir and Theodred are on the bridge. As more follow, Lotho takes an arrow and is dragged to safety, while Aldor fates away another arrow. Dain is fighting still and gets onto the bridge, where he fights the second captain, with the Balrog attempting to whip Saruman off the bridge as he casts a sorcerous blast, trying to destroy it. The first whip, slays a goblin, the second misses and the third…

…never happens. Dain leaps and just clings on the edge of the chasm as the blast shatters the bridge dropping Saruman into the dark with the goblin captain. Aragorn leads Smeagol, Haldir, Aldor and Theodred through a hailstorm of arrows to the stairs and escape the mines.


Smeagol- 3          Theodred- 3

Lotho- 0               Haldir- 1

Aldor- 1               Dain- 3

Grima- 0              Aragorn- 3

Saruman- 3

Bravest companion- Aragorn


Carried stats

All fully restored at Lothlorien and receive Galadriel’s gifts.


Scenario 4- Wargs in the Night

Participants- Frodo, Pippin, Damrod, Denethor, Gandalf, Boromir, Faramir, Irolas, Hurin and Bill the Pony.

Evil- Wild warg chieftain and 18 wild wargs

Damrod scores first blood as he shoots a warg. The Fellowship abandons their camp to cover a flank with a rock, so that they only have to protect three sides. Gandalf compels the warg chief and Boromir attacks, scoring a wound.

Frodo puts the ring on and promptly rolls a two, so runs out of the camp into the thick of the wargs! Pippin tries to defend him and gets bitten repeatedly, disappearing in a cloud of fur and teeth. Boromir, jumps in and clears the path for Frodo to pull back. He takes the Ring off again. Denethor is wounded by two wargs, as is Frodo and Gandalf. Faramir takes a beating and is brought down to 1w, 0f.

Damrod manages to snipe his 8th kill but by the end of turn 16, the noose is tightening and the Fellowship is getting crammed into a small space. Gandalf takes another wound and Damrod is dragged down screaming. Faramir leaps in and saves Frodo from a warg attack. But Denethor beside him, is also swallowed by the furry masses. Gandalf is left on 1w, 1f as Boromir and Hurin also suffer wounds.

Faramir is finally defeated and dragged down after a long and defiant defence. But this is followed by yet more wounds as Boromir is on 1w, Gandalf 1w, 0f and Bill is bitten before finally being killed! A huge hole is now left in the defences of the Fellowship as Frodo is left horribly exposed. But Gandalf is dragged down and chewed by the wargs, who now finally having had enough, flee.

It’s a sore defeat after 37 turns! The odds of it going that long calculated by CJ to be 7 in 100,000, but luckily somehow, not one member of the Fellowship is killed besides Bill.


Frodo- 1               Boromir- 23

Pippin- 0              Faramir- 14

Damrod- 9           Irolas- 14

Denethor- 14       Hurin- 28

Gandalf- 17         Bill- 1

Bravest companion- Damrod 


Carried stats

Frodo and Damrod got full recovery.

Pippin- 0m, 1 will, 0f, Denethor- 1 wound, Gandalf- 1m, 1 will, 0f, 2 wounds, Boromir- 3m, 1 wound, Faramir- 2m, 0f, Irolas- 1m, 1 wound and Hurin- 1m.

Scenario 5- Balin's Tomb

Participants- Frodo, Pippin, Damrod, Denethor, Gandalf, Boromir, Faramir, Irolas and Hurin.

Evil- 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

The goblins break through the doors as Gandalf lights up the room with a channelled blinding light. The goblin archers fire, despite not being able to see well and an arrow strikes Damrod, taking him out the fight quickly. The mass of goblins piles onto the Gondorians and all but Gandalf end up in fights. The Fellowship pushes back hard although Denethor is quickly brought down due to his exhaustion after the warg attack. Hurin takes a wound from a Captain.

The Fellowship decides to push out and Irolas and Pippin are defeated by Captains. Boromir, Faramir and Hurin are left fighting back to back, while Gandalf sits on the platform attempting to assist with magic and Frodo hides wearing the Ring. Despite such a rough start, these hardened warriors refuse to crack and Hurin slays a Captain forcing the Goblins to admit defeat and withdraw.


Frodo- 1              Boromir- 7

Pippin- 1             Faramir- 6

Damrod- 0          Irolas- 2

Denethor- 1         Hurin- 4

Gandalf- 2

Bravest companion- Hurin


Carried stats

Frodo, Damrod and Denethor are fully restored.

Pippin- 0f, Boromir- 2m, 1 wound, Faramir- 2m, 0f, Irolas- 2m, 0f, Hurin- 2m and Gandalf- 1m, 1 will, 0f, 2 wounds.

Scenario 6- Escape from Dwarrowdelf

Participants- Frodo, Pippin, Damrod, Denethor, Gandalf, Boromir, Faramir, Irolas and Hurin.

Evil- 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

The Fellowship breaks into a run down the stairs of Dwarrowdelf and Gandalf conjures up a channelled blinding light. They spot some goblins arriving lower down and Damrod starts firing, quickly killing two. Boromir and Hurin rush down and engage them as Damrod snipes a third. Gandalf wounds a captain with a sorcerous blast. But as he does so, the last of the goblins arrive behind them and attack Irolas, who protects Damrod and Faramir.

Boromir loses a fight to two spears and is forced to use fate as Damrod nails a fourth goblin. When the second captain, behind him, leaps over the corner of the walkway, past Irolas and attacks Damrod, who is taken so much by surprise that he is downed before he can draw his sword. Irolas is momentarily stunned and takes a wound.

Hurin brings things back on track as he cuts the 2nd captain in half with a great swing of his sword. And Boromir causes two wounds on the cave troll. Faramir saves Damrod from his assailant as he runs him through with his sword and kicks him from the walkway. A dying roar is heard as Hurin kills the troll and as the ceiling begins to crack, the Fellowship escapes.


Frodo- 1              Boromir- 5

Pippin- 0             Faramir- 3

Damrod- 4          Irolas- 4

Denethor- 0        Hurin- 9

Gandalf- 1

Bravest companion- Hurin


Carried stats

Frodo, Denethor and Hurin are fully restored.

Pippin- 1f, Damrod- 0m, Gandalf- 2m, 1 will, 0f, 2 wounds, Boromir- 3m, 2f, 2 wounds, Faramir- 0f and Irolas- 0f, 1 wound.

Scenario 7- The Bridge of Khazad-Dum

Participants- Frodo, Pippin, Damrod, Denethor, Gandalf, Boromir, Faramir, Irolas and Hurin.

Evil- The Balrog, 2x Moria Goblin Captains, 24x Moria Goblins and they have a Cave Troll

With their escape in sight, Irolas leads the exhausted Gondorians, who have experienced hell since Rivendell, in a couple of heroic marches up to the bridge. But the goblin blockade is already in place. It is hit with a brutal, desperate ferocity as several heroic combats are called by Boromir, Faramir and Hurin. They all succeed but Faramir has to exhaust his might to kill a goblin.

Boromir charges both captains on the bridge and feels it shake as Gandalf recklessly tries to weaken it but fails. Boromir regains his footing and slays one. Pushing on, the Gondorians rush onto the bridge and Pippin takes an arrow, forcing Faramir to sling him over his shoulder. Damrod and Denethor are outnumbered before the bridge but manage to kill 3 between them as Boromir cuts down the second captain just in time for the Balrog to arrive.

As the Fellowship crosses the bridge, Gandalf uses a might to throw up a blinding light and protect them from more arrows. Irolas hangs back to protect Gandalf as he blasts the bridge again Gandalf conjures the blast to throw Irolas to safety as the bridge collapses beneath him.

The remaining Fellowship run as the goblin archers pepper them with arrows. Boromir takes one going down to 1w, 2f. He is followed by Hurin, who goes down to 1w, 1f, but no more find their mark and they, along with Faramir, Denethor, Frodo and Damrod, escape to safety and have their multiple wounds treated after a truly trying journey.


Frodo- 0              Boromir- 5

Pippin- 0             Faramir- 2

Damrod- 1          Irolas- 3

Denethor- 2        Hurin- 4

Gandalf- 0

Bravest companion- Boromir    Fool- Gandalf


Carried stats

All fully restored at Lothlorien and receive Galadriel’s gifts.

Our Fellowships have now made it through Moria, albeit at the 'loss' of their wizards. Under the guidance of their champions, they reach Lothlorien, where they recover. Before setting off down the Anduin, where an ambush is coming to greet them...

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